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Green Town Application Granted

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Is it just another recommendation? The council tend to ignore these on past experience.

We have no chance if puppet Rayner & his chums are on the committee for this.

We should have seen this coming really as the requirements for TVG status are extremely flimsy, the rules are being abused and totally misrepresented.

And if everything fails, Lansdown still owns the land, wo just put up the ugliest looking fence going.


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Regarding the request for anecdotal evidence making reference to the continued use of the tip after 1990, can I suggest that someone with the time checks the newspaper archives at the Central Library from 1990 onwards to find possible references to the closure or continued use of the site. I'm sure this will provide more concrete evidence than anecdotes. On another note, surely there must be some documentation somewhere relating to it's closure? Would such documentation be held by the Council themselves?

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We have no chance if puppet Rayner & his chums are on the committee for this.


I'm not convinced its quite as clear cut as that. I appreciate they really don't want the superstore, but I don't think there is a real opposition for the stadium within the council. They did approve it after all.

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I am bloody angry about this.

Why is some collar and tie from London deciding this? if an inspector is involved then he should be local.

and as for those selfish tossers oppossing the stadium, the vindictive side of me wants to make life miserable for those small minded idiots. can anyone get their hands on a tractor and muck spreader? if they want country village life then give it to them. other than that how aboutt a convoy of cars constantly driving through their roads. 20mph will be within the law and thatll be enogh to annoy them

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With regards to the report, i believe it only states that the site meets the 'legal requirement' to be classed as a village green. That still leaves it a long way from actually being a village green. I work for a Council up north and actually these things only tend to happen if it a) serves the councils purpose, i.e. get rid of squatters, or b) they couldn't give a monkeys about the land, i.e. it has no development value. This land doesn't seem to fit either criteria, though obviously with the shower that run Bristol Council its not out of the question

With regards its use as a tip, the local authority will hold records of the waste managment permit for this site- if they don't, they are in serious trouble with DEFRA and facing a hefty fine. HOWEVER, because of the constant shifting between Somerset, Avon and Bristol as the local governing authority its probably missing. The Environment Agency may have records post 1990 (technically the old pollution control agency or whtever it was called), but because the permit will have been granted at local authority level they will have responsibility for it. May i suggest that someone makes a request (not Freedom of Info, it should be a public register which anyone can view) to see the public register for sites such as this, usually called the landfill register or similar. There should also be a planning record regrding the original granting of the permit to the operator and there should also be a date of surrender on record which will give you a definitive date on which the landfil ceased to accept waste

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What the ****...

They have to have been using the land with owners permission don't they? How can that be the case?

This link is for a different council but summarises the key criteria for vilage green status succinctly. I thought the same as you but actually the criteria is WITHOUT the landowner's permission. The main defra section on village greens is here.

My conclusion is that if someone can successfully claim to have walked their dog on the patch of land without the permission of the landlord it's a village green. I'm sure it's more complex than that but that's the nub. If it's a village green then it's game over until a law is changed to stop it being a village green. It's a law that cannot currently weigh up the greater good of dog walkers having to walk an extra 200 yards with their dogs against the loss of a £250M redevelopment in South Bristol at the time of the darkest post-war economic period with its long term ramifications for leisure (sport and music) and commerce (World Cup, possible Premier League football exposure etc) in Bristol for decades to come. It seems not much has changed 170 years after Dickens said that the law's an ass.

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Just how difficult does everyone want to make this project! It's such a crock of shite especially when you consider you have Ashton Court just over the road, 850 acres of land yet some suit believes this boggy dump is of value to the locals. Lies lies and more lies....

I can't wait for the day the first JCB rolls in to start work and stick it right up these muppets making things difficult.

Lets hope for a change in luuck and hope for once BCC grow a pair and do the right thing and get this project approved to start.

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This link is for a different council but summarises the key criteria for vilage green status succinctly. I thought the same as you but actually the criteria is WITHOUT the landowner's permission. The main defra section on village greens is here.

My conclusion is that if someone can successfully claim to have walked their dog on the patch of land without the permission of the landlord it's a village green. I'm sure it's more complex than that but that's the nub. If it's a village green then it's game over until a law is changed to stop it being a village green. It's a law that cannot currently weigh up the greater good of dog walkers having to walk an extra 200 yards with their dogs against the loss of a £250M redevelopment in South Bristol at the time of the darkest post-war economic period with its long term ramifications for leisure (sport and music) and commerce (World Cup, possible Premier League football exposure etc) in Bristol for decades to come. It seems not much has changed 170 years after Dickens said that the law's an ass.

Yeah I got that page from google too. How unbelievably idiotic.

So they have to have been using land belonging to somebody else without permission for a long time, and having done so that allows them to effectively steal it.

I like the way the legislation is so specific as well. "A significant number of local residents". So, 5,000 or 5?

Write to your councillors folks, put the pressure on. This cannot be allowed to be happen.

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Some more background reading:


This is a "how to" guide to get Village Green status

It basically tells the NIMBYS what to do, how to do it and importantly What to say to the Inspector and even gives a pro rata letter formfor residents "suggesting" activities that the "community" have taken part in on the site.

Interesting that they would have had to show that the WHOLE COMMUNITY have used the site and not just a few tresspasers walking their dogs.

Apparantly then the whole of Ashton "Village" have - for over 20 years - taken to the fields for mass cricket,football, picnics, horse riding, blackberrying etc

Must have been the best kept secret in Bristol


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First reply


Thank you for your message - it is the first of many that I am expecting to get in the coming weeks!

I am a member of the Public Rights of Way and Greens Committee that will be taking the decision on the Town Green application for the Ashton Vale site.  As such, I am legally bound to enter the meeting with an open mind and I will therefore not be taking a position or making any public statements about the merits of the application in advance of the meeting.

I trust that you will understand the need to play this entirely by the book considering the highly emotive nature of the topic.



Neil Harrison

Lib Dem Councillor for Cotham Ward

& Assistant Exec Member for Sustainability

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With all the pressure the current Government is putting on public sector cuts, you'd think it'd be their interests for a £250million development to go ahead, especially with the possibility of the World Cup bringing even more money to the whole of the Country.

Surely with a decision of this magnitude, a high ranking minister should see the development for what it's worth and not a cheap stunt by the residents to stop the new stadium. Lets be honest here, the locals don't want a village green, they just don't want a Stadium (which they've admitted in the Evening Post - btw, can that be classes as evidence???)

From a different angle, maybe the land owners could put some hidden CCTV's up to monitor how much the fields really are in use?!

...and from a totally different angle, I remember seeing a photo (taken from the air) a few weeks ago of the Hot Air balloons flying over Ashton Vale, and there wasn't a single person standing in that field!

I know when balloons fly over my way, loads of people rush out to watch them flying over and yet, at Ashton Vale you cannot see a single person - I'm guessin they're all watching from their back gardens or from Ashton Court!!

I wonder if somebody could gather photographs of Ashton Vale (with nobody in them) over the last 20 years to prove that the fields haven't been used, or alternatively, can the local residents actually provide photographic proof that they've used the fields (normally on a picnic, an adventure, bird watching or nature ramble you may take the camera out)

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Its to late to see who uses the fields NOW. Its whats gone on in the last 20 years that is the issue. We all know its bollox but thats the current situation.

As i have said before, there was a town green aplication in Bridgwater (where i live) about 10 years ago.

It was a FAR better area and was 100% used for 20 years, it passed every requirement. But Sedgmoor District council turned it down much to the dismay of many.

I find it staggering that the Ashton Vale one has got this far. I actually laughed when i heard about it today. Its hilarious that an independant inspector can come to that conclusion on a former tip.

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Dear Mr Lansdown,

I wouldn't blame you if you threw in the towel and gave up trying to get anything passed by the idiots who run this City.

P.S. Why don't you hand over the Ashton Vale site for use as a Travellers camp?

That would make good use of the "Village Green"

:grr: :grr: < - - - - Steve Lansdown and Colin Sexton today

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as a kid, one of my mates lived in Ashton vale (i lived and still live in Ashton)

we were always told by his parents to stay away from that area that they are claiming is town green as it was dangerous because it was a tip

these "inspectors" are quick enough to allow people to build houses / flats on a postage stamp of a garden in the area but will try and stifle the chance of a major and i mean MAJOR

economic investment in an area when the country is completely in the sh1t financially

its about time these brown nosing turd burglars were brought down a peg or two

i am so ffffffffffffing angry about this ****s report

:ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

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as a kid, one of my mates lived in Ashton vale (i lived and still live in Ashton)

we were always told by his parents to stay away from that area that they are claiming is town green as it was dangerous because it was a tip

these "inspectors" are quick enough to allow people to build houses / flats on a postage stamp of a garden in the area but will try and stifle the chance of a major and i mean MAJOR

economic investment in an area when the country is completely in the sh1t financially

its about time these brown nosing turd burglars were brought down a peg or two

i am so ffffffffffffing angry about this ****s report

:ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

Stuff like this needs to be forwarded to the club as evidence, see here http://www.bcfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10327~2155764,00.html

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