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Who on earth thinks Noriwch will be an easy game?

Noted a couple of people yersterday saying apoint at Pompey & then spank Norwich.....not going to happen.

We haven't got the creativity/confidence to 'spank' anyone at the moment.....more likely to happen in the dressing rooms.

I will be quite happy with another point at Pompey & a 1 goal win against Norwich.


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If you read all of my posts on this thread you will understand better my conclusions...

Haynes...check his records out, and if he's so good, why did Ipswich let him go for Peanuts?

Hartley...yes great player...but as I stated, at the end of his career.

Adomah...Unproven lower league player...one for the future?

Stead...A Journeyman Pro...who's had more Clubs than hot dinners, with a Goal ratio of 0.2 goals per game...

James...At the end of his career...but fantastic for us non the less.

This post isn't about being negative...it's about reality. Seriously...are we a better squad of players, with a better manager, playing better football than we were when we first got Promoted? Imo...No. We have gone backwards each season. There is no progress. We are on a downward spiral.

Apart from Maynard...what is the point of all the players we have brought in?

Go through the squad...With a few exceptions, How many of them are going to make a big impact this season? Yes...we have a few players that might improve in the future. But the majority are not going to get any better, just worse.

We are a poor quality squad at this moment in time. It is what it is...

Our squad consists of below average Championship players, journeyman, unproven at this level youngsters, and some at the end of their careers.

I'm not being negative...just seeing it for what it is.

With all due respect look at the squad we came up with. Lower league players like Jevons, showunmi, Brian Wilson, Darren Byfield etc etc. The real reason you say we havnt improved is really only down to the fact we MASSIVELY over achieved that season giving everyone a false representation of where we should be.

What has happened since the dizzy heights of the first season is the team spirit and togetherness has gone and ever since then we have never managed to get it back.

But really if you think we are a team of poor championship players and journeyman WTF did you think the 07/08 squad was full of?

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Haynes...check his records out, and if he's so good, why did Ipswich let him go for Peanuts?

Hartley...yes great player...but as I stated, at the end of his career.

Adomah...Unproven lower league player...one for the future?

Stead...A Journeyman Pro...who's had more Clubs than hot dinners, with a Goal ratio of 0.2 goals per game...

James...At the end of his career...but fantastic for us non the less.

Haynes is clearly a decent player, and just because he was sold for 'peanuts' (not that I'd call 500k peanuts) it doesn't mean he's a bad player, Ipswich may have thought him surplus to requirements or he might not have fitted into their style of play. There are several different possibilities. As I've said before, when Haynes plays it creates more space due to his non-stop running, he often creates a lot of space for Maynard, which is where he can be deadly, and that is why he is a good strike partner for Maynard.

Adomah has already proven he can compete at this level, and has been our best player this season, so I'm not sure why he's considered as one for the future, when he's arguably our best player at the moment!

I do agree with you that our squad is weaker than last season, and failing to replace Hartley with another creative midfielder or even Orr with a decent RB has exploited our weaknesses. Likewise we've been unlucky with injuries, and the 3 best players towards the end of last season under Millen, Maynard, Haynes and Hartley, have either been moved on or injured.

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Theres no denying that we look like relegation candidates at the moment.... But I dont think our squad is "poor" at all, as some people are saying. Lets have a look at some of the players we have:

Maynard - Future Premier League player for sure... The fact that he is out is unfortunate, and if he wasnt im sure we'd have a few more points.

Ribeiro - A superb looking young player, already got a few international caps under his belt.

Stead - Has played at the highest level in the past, and is a proven goal scorer in the Championship.

James - His reputation speaks for itself. Came up with some wonderful saves to keep us in it at Burnley and S****horpe.

Fontaine, Skuse, Carey - Have been key figures in a team that has had three top ten Championship finishes, so there is no reason to suggest why they arent good enough to keep us there.

Haynes - Plenty of Championship experience with Ipswich, and one of GJ's better signings - Scored 8 goals last season.

JCR - Ditto. A decent enough winger at this level.

Adomah - Has looked quick, bright and intelligent since he's been playing.

Rose - We're lucky to have this guy. But PLAY HIM IN HIS CORRECT POSITION MILLEN!!!

The reason we're in this mess IMHO is because Coppell messed us up badly. His signings of Stewart, Hunt and Cisse are awful, he clearly hadnt worked hard with his squad in training, and there was no motivation, fitness, or organisation in the squad.... We still look like we've just come back from holiday whilst the likes of Millwall, Watford and Coventry are organised, playing as a team and as a result are running rings around us.

I feel very sorry for Millen because he's a decent guy wanting to prove himself as a manager but he's been thrown into the deep end with an extremely difficult job. He's inherited part of a squad brought in by Coppell to play one style of football, mixed in with most of Johnsons players, and now a couple of his own to play another style.

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This post isn't about being negative...it's about reality.

Nah, you're being negative, mate, and you don't have a better grasp on reality than everyone else.

Seriously...are we a better squad of players, with a better manager, playing better football than we were when we first got Promoted?

Better squad easily, better than last season with our lack of wingers too. Hartley wouldn't have made a lot of difference but I think Skuse and LJ learnt a lot from him. Better manager - who knows? Better football? Not at all.

3 main things have happened IMHO:

1. Tail-end of the GJ era followed by Copout & injuries.

2. Teams have learned to counter us.

3. Championship teams have spent like crazy and often come from the Premier League.

Lastly, we're largely a confidence team and haven't had any for nearly a whole season.We relied on Maynard to give us a boost or keep us in the game.

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God isn't that right...Our supporters barracking Gerry Sweeney and The Cheese (before he became god) was an embarrassment.

David Rogers, Geoff Merrick Jimmy Mann and Micky Brolly used to get the same treatment...The only one who was exempt was Gerry Gow as he could have taken the East End easily on his own :worship2:

The greatest player to ever put on the # 4 shirt Gerry Gow

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"hartley would'nt have made a lot of difference"

You are joking i presume.

Nope, he was mediocre defensively and very moody. It's possible that he might have bucked the loser mentality we adopted but unlikely. Then again, he did seem to like playing under Millen so who knows.

I also only remember him being played in a 4-3-3 or 5-3-2.

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