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Booing, Etc


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I'll just come out and say it... I don't know whether the boo boys are right or not.

I'm usually of the opinion you shoud never boo your own players at home because if you think about it it's all about the old cut off your nose to spite your face argument. It's the same with people who leave early...why bother when you've paid to watch?

BUT...today I felt so guilty and uncomfortable because I found myself agreeing with these people. It's very rarely, I think, that I am genuinely angry with how things go at Ashton Gate. The last time was a certain evening earlier this year when we kost 6-0 against Cardiff.

But today it was the same. I just knew that we'd concede that 3rd goal even before it went in.

We can say all we want, with a tiny amount of justification (seen them given, but rarely), that the 2nd goal was never a pen. And we were unlucky to concede the others. But ultimately yet again, Norwich were a pretty poor team that beat us simply through shrewd tactics and good organistion.

The worse thing is we are better than this. Some of the callers to Radio Bristol said this is the best squad we've had for a long time. They're right. Our players, all over the pitch, are better than the play off final team, no question. But there was no coherent team strategy there today. The boys from Spurs are without doubt very good players, but they were looking around for someone to lead the team, being very young actually, but It was almost as if they thought, 'OK, we'll just get on with it ourselves'. Who can blame them? Now don't get me wrong, i think Louis is the best centre back, converted from right back, in the world ever, (cemented by a random meeting in Sainsbury's a couple of years ago) but today he showed that he's a nice guy who has no grip on the team at all. For example, who was deciding who took the corners? It kept changing so it seemed to be whoever fancied it and we mostly failed to beat the man on the front post. We had far more corner kicks than Norwich, but what was the point? It was actually embarrassing. Also, what is the point of Marvin Elliot these days? Still resting on his laurels of 3 years ago.

At least in these diffiicult times we can admire the players who just run and run for the team. Namely Adomah (still can't work out if he is actually good enough but at the moment he is probably our best player!), and Steadd. Which brings me on to another reason for my anger. I cannot believe people booed him when he went off. In fact I can't belive he was taken off at all but I was actually ashamed to be associated with people who were booing and shouting out abuse to a player who is actually working so hard for the team. As I said, it exacerbated my negative thoughts today. I don't know how we can improve as actually I do think we have the players to succeed.

So in the end I thought about booing. I didn't but only because I can't understand why someone would. But I do understand why.


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Listen fella, your last sentence pretty much sums up everything thats happening at the Gate right now. You can understand its happening, you just can`t understand why. Dark times indeed, but we`ve been there before and those that have supported the club constantly over the years will continue to do so. It may be with a little less energy now and again, but they will continue to support. Some people will point to the `hard earned` that they are wasting and other gripes and groans, but we`ve heard it all before. At the end of the day, there are those with BCFC in their blood, some may consider it a curse and there are those for which the club only holds any interest if there is kudos to be gained in following them.

Just stick in there and do what you feel is right, after all there`s nothing wrong with a bit of passion off the pitch, especially if it`s so sorely lacking on it.


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He may have been injured but you cant blame the fans for not knowing that at the time, I will never boo my own team - ever. Dont care if others do though, I feel everyone should support the team anyway they like.

Umm, so do you think booing should be classed as support ?

I hate booing, brings out the worst herd mentality.

Jamie McAllister was getting booed when he was on the ball, how can that help ?

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Some of the callers to Radio Bristol said this is the best squad we've had for a long time. They're right. Our players, all over the pitch, are better than the play off final team, no question

That's the myth. We have a number of quite good players, we have an awful lot of players (we have a lot of awful players?), but we don't have a balanced squad, and we are woeful in central midfield. We seem to be playing a free-flowing game going forward, but Adomah, JCR and Rose are lightweight and easily brushed off the ball, Stead never seems to know where support is (Because he plays a lone role with two inexperienced wingers), and we seem to lack any sort of shape defending. Macca going off got a cheer, but Lambert looked pretty happy as he directed his players to knock the ball to where the full backs should have been. second half, we had heaps of possession, but hitting us on the break was too easy, and Norwich created some very good chances. The Play-Off team was exactly that, a "team", with good shape, well organised, and hard work covering the glaring deficiencies.

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we have the PLAYERS, but not the TEAM.

Then you have to look at the man who's job it is to get them working as a team. Before yesterday I thought he deserved a fair crack of the whip but now I think he has run out of ideas (already). This is just like GJ's final months.

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Then you have to look at the man who's job it is to get them working as a team. Before yesterday I thought he deserved a fair crack of the whip but now I think he has run out of ideas (already). This is just like GJ's final months.

Your not far off there my friend! somthing needs to change, starting from the manager.

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I'll just come out and say it... I don't know whether the boo boys are right or not.

I'm usually of the opinion you shoud never boo your own players at home because if you think about it it's all about the old cut off your nose to spite your face argument. It's the same with people who leave early...why bother when you've paid to watch?

BUT...today I felt so guilty and uncomfortable because I found myself agreeing with these people. It's very rarely, I think, that I am genuinely angry with how things go at Ashton Gate. The last time was a certain evening earlier this year when we kost 6-0 against Cardiff.

But today it was the same. I just knew that we'd concede that 3rd goal even before it went in.

We can say all we want, with a tiny amount of justification (seen them given, but rarely), that the 2nd goal was never a pen. And we were unlucky to concede the others. But ultimately yet again, Norwich were a pretty poor team that beat us simply through shrewd tactics and good organistion.

The worse thing is we are better than this. Some of the callers to Radio Bristol said this is the best squad we've had for a long time. They're right. Our players, all over the pitch, are better than the play off final team, no question. But there was no coherent team strategy there today. The boys from Spurs are without doubt very good players, but they were looking around for someone to lead the team, being very young actually, but It was almost as if they thought, 'OK, we'll just get on with it ourselves'. Who can blame them? Now don't get me wrong, i think Louis is the best centre back, converted from right back, in the world ever, (cemented by a random meeting in Sainsbury's a couple of years ago) but today he showed that he's a nice guy who has no grip on the team at all. For example, who was deciding who took the corners? It kept changing so it seemed to be whoever fancied it and we mostly failed to beat the man on the front post. We had far more corner kicks than Norwich, but what was the point? It was actually embarrassing. Also, what is the point of Marvin Elliot these days? Still resting on his laurels of 3 years ago.

At least in these diffiicult times we can admire the players who just run and run for the team. Namely Adomah (still can't work out if he is actually good enough but at the moment he is probably our best player!), and Steadd. Which brings me on to another reason for my anger. I cannot believe people booed him when he went off. In fact I can't belive he was taken off at all but I was actually ashamed to be associated with people who were booing and shouting out abuse to a player who is actually working so hard for the team. As I said, it exacerbated my negative thoughts today. I don't know how we can improve as actually I do think we have the players to succeed.

So in the end I thought about booing. I didn't but only because I can't understand why someone would. But I do understand why.


Stead was not booed off,millen was booed for taking him off.

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Umm, so do you think booing should be classed as support ?

I hate booing, brings out the worst herd mentality.

Jamie McAllister was getting booed when he was on the ball, how can that help ?

I agree with this completely.

What I could understand but not condone at all is the cheering of JM when he was taken off.

Okay, he's made a few mistakes recently, but - and I'm waiting to be slated for this now - since Michael McIndoe left, we haven't had a left midfielder or similar (Danny Rose, Elliott and Skuse all playing central or right sided on Saturday in the first half) to help him out.

I sit directly in line with the left back/right winger (depending on direction we're attacking) in the lower Dolman, and he has been left doing two jobs for so long, he's bound to be caught out.

But firstly, that's not his fault. He's getting older, having to do the job of two people - admittedly he ends up doing neither - and is losing his pace. Because we've not signed a left back, he is being played and doing his best. He can't help that we haven't brought in somebody to take his place. He's a good player, and is going through a rough patch as are the majority of the players.

He's been a good player for us, but he's getting a bit too old now, but again not his fault and not deserving of cheers when he goes off and boos when he's on the ball.

'Fans' boo, shout abuse, leave early and talk about sacking a manager who had so much support at the end of last season but now Steve Bottle has left us in the shit, he's done no worse than the situation we were in pre-season and pre-Millen.

But that's the nature of the fickle Bristol City fans I suppose, jump on the bandwagon. It was LJ last year, who is now seemingly a fan favourite, it's JM now, it'll be somebody else once JM loses his spot and someone else makes a few mistakes. We're not going to get any better a club when the fans these players play for don't support them and pull together as a club.

People say players are only in it for the money, but if thats the case, they don't wanna get relegated and lose money surely? People just don't think things through clearly in my opinion.

It's a joke if you ask me, but nobody ever does laugh.gif

Queue slating...

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Regardless of the rights and wrongs of booing its important to understand why some fans boo.

Its an expression of discontent and frustration and to many the only way that their feelings can be expressed. Personally I don't boo (unless its at the referee) but I was tempted to join it with the 'what a load of rubbish' chant.

I'm sure Millen and the players having some understanding of why they got booed. You never know but it may galvanise the players not to be subjected to it again.

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Only W*ankers boo

There must be thousands of them down the Gate then.

What do you suggest? how else you let the players know it simply ain't good enough! They were shambolic on Saturday and in my opinion derserved what they got from the crowd, in fact they got off lightly.

'What a load of rubbish' chant was justified and spot on. :badmood:

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I'm not one to normally boo but I think the reaction saturday was called for,

I'm finding it harder and harder to go and watch city at the moment and I'm a season ticket holder,

Just think of the people who shell out 28 quid for a match ticket and get served up with the tripe we're having to put up with it,

What suprises me is its taken this long for the fans to get on the teams back,

The players need a long hard look in the mirror or at least be fined a weeks wages for the constant rubbish being served up at the moment,

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I'll just come out and say it... I don't know whether the boo boys are right or not.

I'm usually of the opinion you shoud never boo your own players at home because if you think about it it's all about the old cut off your nose to spite your face argument. It's the same with people who leave early...why bother when you've paid to watch?

BUT...today I felt so guilty and uncomfortable because I found myself agreeing with these people. It's very rarely, I think, that I am genuinely angry with how things go at Ashton Gate. The last time was a certain evening earlier this year when we kost 6-0 against Cardiff.

But today it was the same. I just knew that we'd concede that 3rd goal even before it went in.

We can say all we want, with a tiny amount of justification (seen them given, but rarely), that the 2nd goal was never a pen. And we were unlucky to concede the others. But ultimately yet again, Norwich were a pretty poor team that beat us simply through shrewd tactics and good organistion.

The worse thing is we are better than this. Some of the callers to Radio Bristol said this is the best squad we've had for a long time. They're right. Our players, all over the pitch, are better than the play off final team, no question. But there was no coherent team strategy there today. The boys from Spurs are without doubt very good players, but they were looking around for someone to lead the team, being very young actually, but It was almost as if they thought, 'OK, we'll just get on with it ourselves'. Who can blame them? Now don't get me wrong, i think Louis is the best centre back, converted from right back, in the world ever, (cemented by a random meeting in Sainsbury's a couple of years ago) but today he showed that he's a nice guy who has no grip on the team at all. For example, who was deciding who took the corners? It kept changing so it seemed to be whoever fancied it and we mostly failed to beat the man on the front post. We had far more corner kicks than Norwich, but what was the point? It was actually embarrassing. Also, what is the point of Marvin Elliot these days? Still resting on his laurels of 3 years ago.

At least in these diffiicult times we can admire the players who just run and run for the team. Namely Adomah (still can't work out if he is actually good enough but at the moment he is probably our best player!), and Steadd. Which brings me on to another reason for my anger. I cannot believe people booed him when he went off. In fact I can't belive he was taken off at all but I was actually ashamed to be associated with people who were booing and shouting out abuse to a player who is actually working so hard for the team. As I said, it exacerbated my negative thoughts today. I don't know how we can improve as actually I do think we have the players to succeed.

So in the end I thought about booing. I didn't but only because I can't understand why someone would. But I do understand why.


I personally don't boo players(because I think it's wrong), but I can't rant at those people who do either. Why? Well it wasn't that long ago our England captain (SG) was saying that he'd boo his own team mates if he were in the stands (as a result of their tragic WC campaign). If it's good enough for the captain of our national team...

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I'll just come out and say it... I don't know whether the boo boys are right or not.

I'm usually of the opinion you shoud never boo your own players at home because if you think about it it's all about the old cut off your nose to spite your face argument. It's the same with people who leave early...why bother when you've paid to watch?

BUT...today I felt so guilty and uncomfortable because I found myself agreeing with these people. It's very rarely, I think, that I am genuinely angry with how things go at Ashton Gate. The last time was a certain evening earlier this year when we kost 6-0 against Cardiff.

But today it was the same. I just knew that we'd concede that 3rd goal even before it went in.

We can say all we want, with a tiny amount of justification (seen them given, but rarely), that the 2nd goal was never a pen. And we were unlucky to concede the others. But ultimately yet again, Norwich were a pretty poor team that beat us simply through shrewd tactics and good organistion.

The worse thing is we are better than this. Some of the callers to Radio Bristol said this is the best squad we've had for a long time. They're right. Our players, all over the pitch, are better than the play off final team, no question. But there was no coherent team strategy there today. The boys from Spurs are without doubt very good players, but they were looking around for someone to lead the team, being very young actually, but It was almost as if they thought, 'OK, we'll just get on with it ourselves'. Who can blame them? Now don't get me wrong, i think Louis is the best centre back, converted from right back, in the world ever, (cemented by a random meeting in Sainsbury's a couple of years ago) but today he showed that he's a nice guy who has no grip on the team at all. For example, who was deciding who took the corners? It kept changing so it seemed to be whoever fancied it and we mostly failed to beat the man on the front post. We had far more corner kicks than Norwich, but what was the point? It was actually embarrassing. Also, what is the point of Marvin Elliot these days? Still resting on his laurels of 3 years ago.

At least in these diffiicult times we can admire the players who just run and run for the team. Namely Adomah (still can't work out if he is actually good enough but at the moment he is probably our best player!), and Steadd. Which brings me on to another reason for my anger. I cannot believe people booed him when he went off. In fact I can't belive he was taken off at all but I was actually ashamed to be associated with people who were booing and shouting out abuse to a player who is actually working so hard for the team. As I said, it exacerbated my negative thoughts today. I don't know how we can improve as actually I do think we have the players to succeed.

So in the end I thought about booing. I didn't but only because I can't understand why someone would. But I do understand why.


I remember the season that John Ward got us promoted and the start of the season we booed the performances, around this this time of year i think.....I remember John Ward saying in an interview the TURNING POINT for the promotion season was the fans BOOING us at home, a big reality check for the players and they came together, stronger and we got promoted.

Im fed up watching David James walking around like he owns the ground and BCFC owe him a favour... Get in their faces, show thewm were not happy with the crap performances, let them have it.

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I'll just come out and say it... I don't know whether the boo boys are right or not.

I'm usually of the opinion you shoud never boo your own players at home because if you think about it it's all about the old cut off your nose to spite your face argument. It's the same with people who leave early...why bother when you've paid to watch?

BUT...today I felt so guilty and uncomfortable because I found myself agreeing with these people. It's very rarely, I think, that I am genuinely angry with how things go at Ashton Gate. The last time was a certain evening earlier this year when we kost 6-0 against Cardiff.

But today it was the same. I just knew that we'd concede that 3rd goal even before it went in.

We can say all we want, with a tiny amount of justification (seen them given, but rarely), that the 2nd goal was never a pen. And we were unlucky to concede the others. But ultimately yet again, Norwich were a pretty poor team that beat us simply through shrewd tactics and good organistion.

The worse thing is we are better than this. Some of the callers to Radio Bristol said this is the best squad we've had for a long time. They're right. Our players, all over the pitch, are better than the play off final team, no question. But there was no coherent team strategy there today. The boys from Spurs are without doubt very good players, but they were looking around for someone to lead the team, being very young actually, but It was almost as if they thought, 'OK, we'll just get on with it ourselves'. Who can blame them? Now don't get me wrong, i think Louis is the best centre back, converted from right back, in the world ever, (cemented by a random meeting in Sainsbury's a couple of years ago) but today he showed that he's a nice guy who has no grip on the team at all. For example, who was deciding who took the corners? It kept changing so it seemed to be whoever fancied it and we mostly failed to beat the man on the front post. We had far more corner kicks than Norwich, but what was the point? It was actually embarrassing. Also, what is the point of Marvin Elliot these days? Still resting on his laurels of 3 years ago.

At least in these diffiicult times we can admire the players who just run and run for the team. Namely Adomah (still can't work out if he is actually good enough but at the moment he is probably our best player!), and Steadd. Which brings me on to another reason for my anger. I cannot believe people booed him when he went off. In fact I can't belive he was taken off at all but I was actually ashamed to be associated with people who were booing and shouting out abuse to a player who is actually working so hard for the team. As I said, it exacerbated my negative thoughts today. I don't know how we can improve as actually I do think we have the players to succeed.

So in the end I thought about booing. I didn't but only because I can't understand why someone would. But I do understand why.


And lets not forget we have every right to boo....WE pay our hard earnt wages on watching the team we love, but when it produces crap like they have this season and lets not kid ourselves its been shocking, they deserve to be booed...They earn probably 20 times more a week than some people who pay to watch them and they deserve to hear about it.

If you bought some bad fruit from Tesco you'd complain, take it backj and get your money back....In football you dont get your money back and booing is a way to get it out.

They need to know, there all grown men and on paper should not be bottom of the league....They need a reality check and quick before we face the posibiolity of play Rovers next season.

As for Millen, im not sure....theres another thread for that...

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Our fans are no different to any others in this respect - for instance, Rovers fans booed their team off after the recent Tranmere match, and in fact fans of many other clubs round on their team for far less reason than we've had to endure in the last year or so.

Serve up rubbish consistently and expect to get booed - I don't do it personally, but if others want to then I've no problem with that.

As for being thousands booing, that's nonsense, the booing was quite restrained and short lived, and in fact followed on at least one occasion by "City til I die".

This is not 'fickle' as some might assume, this is sending the clear message that although what those particular players are producing is completely unacceptable, the fans will stay behind the club for ever.

Give Bristol City fans something, anything, to get behind and we have the sort of passionate support other club's envy. Produce one farcical home performance after another and that passion for the club will inevitably manifest itself in the utter despair that we witnessed on Saturday. For some the response is resigned silence, for others it's booing, so be it.

There's a thin line between love and hate and the players who wallow in the hero worship when we are doing well have to accept the less palatable side of the coin when they let us down.

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