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Shaun Taylor


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I personally think that KM should go, but the noises from SL seem to suggest that this is not about to happen.

So, if we are stuck with 'Keef', what can be done to turn things around?

I have a lot of problems with KM, most of which could easily fall under the general banner of 'cluelessness'. However, my main concern is his apparent inability to motivate.

This is why I honestly believe the appointment of Steve Wigley to be nothing short of a disaster. People on this forum have asked what exactly Wigley brings to the table. The only answer anybody gives is 'contacts'. He has involvement with the England U21's. We have a current U21 on loan in Danny Rose. In addition, we have his club team-mate Steven Caulker. We also have KM waxing lyrical about his own hard work in 'forging links with Spurs'. So, how much is down to Wigley??

I would suggest that we don't really need U21's on loan as much as somebody that can actually motivate the players that we currently have. It has become apparent that both KM and SW have an inability to do this.

Now, correct me if I am wrong (the passing years and pints do affect the memory), but when Mr. Millen was playing at the heart of the City defence, did he not have a certain Mr. Shaun Taylor alongside him?

The same Shaun Taylor that epitomised blood, guts, fight and passion.

I am not aware of Mr. Taylor's current whereabouts or activities, but I have a feeling that if SL were to drop him a line and offer him a half decent wage to help out,he would probably be at least interested. Ok, ST will never make a manager (IMO), but in any partnership you have to have a compliment of attributes. If we must stick with Mr. Millen, then let him do the thinking and let someone like Mr. Taylor (as opposed to Mr. Wigley) do the motivating.

For those that went to the Watford game (for example), can you imagine what Shaun Taylor would have done when the players came in at half-time? I can. He would have at least instilled some fire in their bellies and at most kicked seven bells of **** out of them. And before anybody mentions 'GJ' and 'Plymouth', can I just point out that Shaun Taylor is roughly twice the size of Johnson (so if any player would want to pick a fight with ST, all I can say is good luck to them!).

Anyway, sorry for the essay. In summary....



...or KM to go now.

Anyone agree?

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Good article I read in the past few days on Chairman knee jerking from one manager to the next, replacing outspoken ones with quiet thinkers then replacing with outspoken again, or managers with huge experience being replaced by young rookies then back to experience again, largely under pressure from fans who threaten or actually do walk with their feet. The chairman see revenues dipping, hear the abuse as they move through a city and then just react to try and deaden the negativity by hiring new blood - which works for a while but of course if fans think they forced the last decision then they only start behaving the same way the next time they start to struggle..

The article was written around the FA and the England manager, but it struck me that it also applies to us. I don't know the answer, but I would advise most people to be careful what they wish for.

As ever, 2 wins in a row will change the world. How many people moaning last year about "winning ugly" with non-attacking football under GJ are now also moaning about "losing pretty" given our new attacking style?

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No, we need experience at the moment.

Totally agree Randy. That's exactly why Millen has to go, but we are also lacking motivation and passion. At least Taylor could provide that.

If you are looking for a man to motivate the players, then he is already at the club...

Get Mr Murray in the dressing room.

Worth a try.

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I always thought Shaun Taylor was an aggressive and loud leader on the pitch but a comparatively mild mannered and quiet chap off it.

It doesn't always follow that the on pitch persona displayed during matches carries on into everyday life.

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care to explain why you think Murray would be useful in the changing room?? please dont say as assistant either :surrender:

It would'nt exactly do any harm would it? Scotty was a big personality in the dressing room - One of the reasons that GJ wanted to keep scott at the club - because he was a positive influence.

Not a crazy idea from CiderSomerset IMO.

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It would'nt exactly do any harm would it? Scotty was a big personality in the dressing room - One of the reasons that GJ wanted to keep scott at the club - because he was a positive influence.

Not a crazy idea from CiderSomerset IMO.

it makes me laugh how people think, just because someone was "popular in the dressing room", they will automatically be able to make a difference. Scott was loved, but im certain it wasnt because he was a leader on the pitch, more down to the fact he was a joker, a clown, and a jolly nice fellow.

What we need is a manager and coaching staff who can actually add new ideas to this extremely stale set up

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Scott was loved, but im certain it wasnt because he was a leader on the pitch, more down to the fact he was a joker, a clown, and a jolly nice fellow

So he could help with team morale? which is very important

What we need is a manager and coaching staff who can actually add new ideas to this extremely stale set up


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care to explain why you think Murray would be useful in the changing room?? please dont say as assistant either :surrender:

I didnt say as assistant...

His personality alone may be enough to give the players a lift when it was needed - and it needs lifting at the moment. Millen isnt exactly Mr Charisma is he, so somebody with a bit of life about them may help raise morale.

With regards to the management team, we need a new, experienced manager and if he wants to bring his own coaching staff with him, then so be it.

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Great ex players dont make good managers, ie Tinman.What we need is a experienced manager who can get the players playing in the right positions and the right formation, as we got a good squad of players down the gate, bar a left back and playmaker...

Who said anything about 'manager'? Read the thread again please. In my original post, I was merely stating that if we must stick with KM we also need someone to fire the players up. Taylor IMO could do this. :angry:

For what it's worth, I agree that we need an experienced manager, which is why we should not be sticking with KM at all.

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Good article I read in the past few days on Chairman knee jerking from one manager to the next, replacing outspoken ones with quiet thinkers then replacing with outspoken again, or managers with huge experience being replaced by young rookies then back to experience again, largely under pressure from fans who threaten or actually do walk with their feet. The chairman see revenues dipping, hear the abuse as they move through a city and then just react to try and deaden the negativity by hiring new blood - which works for a while but of course if fans think they forced the last decision then they only start behaving the same way the next time they start to struggle..

The article was written around the FA and the England manager, but it struck me that it also applies to us. I don't know the answer, but I would advise most people to be careful what they wish for.

As ever, 2 wins in a row will change the world. How many people moaning last year about "winning ugly" with non-attacking football under GJ are now also moaning about "losing pretty" given our new attacking style?

Yes, I spotted that. Unless there have been two such articles recently, I think you're referring to Jim White writing in the Telegraph sports pages today. I am not normally a Telegraph reader but happened to see it and very relevant it was to our situation, too, as you say. It was written in response to the suggestion that McLaren might one day return as England manager and should be required reading for everyone who can't wait to sack the current City manager. Be careful what you wish for indeed. Good shout.

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I always thought Shaun Taylor was an aggressive and loud leader on the pitch but a comparatively mild mannered and quiet chap off it.

It doesn't always follow that the on pitch persona displayed during matches carries on into everyday life.

Fair point Nogbad, but I would suggest that if he was a warrior on the pitch he would probably be the same in the dressing room, particularly if that was his given role. :innocent06:

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If you are looking for a man to motivate the players, then he is already at the club...

Get Mr Murray in the dressing room.

forget Scott for the moment...

How about giving Derren Brown a try?

Dont know if he's done the sports motivation stuff BUT it couldnt do any harm... would create a bit of a buzz (& pi$ taking too - but so what as long as we all BELIEVED -like the players would be believing if Derren was doing his thing! :) )

...look into my eyes! :laugh:..

He'd cost a few Bob but points & goals are like golddust to us at the moment.. - worth a try innit? :)

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I didnt say as assistant...

His personality alone may be enough to give the players a lift when it was needed - and it needs lifting at the moment. Millen isnt exactly Mr Charisma is he, so somebody with a bit of life about them may help raise morale.

With regards to the management team, we need a new, experienced manager and if he wants to bring his own coaching staff with him, then so be it.

Maybe we should get lenny henry or someone in to ''raise the morale'' instead?.. Seriously as much as i like Scott Murray i dont think he would help things one iota.

Totally agree with your last point, an experienced hard nosed manager is the ONLY and i repeat ONLY solotution at this stage. Gary Megson or somebody of that ilk is what we need. Hopefully then Millen can drop down a level or two and get some proper managerial experience instead of being thrusted in well above his depth.

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I agree that Shaun Taylor was a proper "Warrior" on the pitch for us but management material ? Forget it.

Do you remember that when he was interviewed on local radio he used the word "whatever" a lot, so he would say stuff like "well their number ten was good in the air, whatever, but we closed him down, whatever and in the end, whatever, we were the better team.

Committed. passionate player though and a nice bloke off the pitch - as has been said.

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Guest Parson St Station

Im almost boring myself writing this again, but I agree with most of you that a new manager must be one who takes no BS from anyone, from the chairman to the tea lady.

Gary Megson. Available. Proven and not afraid to tell this mob exactly what they are expected to do on and off the pitch.

Id have him in before Cardiff, and Id then give us a chance of actually being competetive.

Carry on with KM and we are royally screwed.

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