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Call Me Mental...

Randy Marsh

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But I've woken up today fairly positive that we can sneak a win at Cardiff. Now I have to be honest I may have had a bit to drink last night and didn't really manage four hours sleep but I got a feeling of a late Pittman winner.

Anyone else getting a strange feeling, and if so are you sober?!

You're mental!

I'm expecting minimum 4-0....and us being lucky to get the nil !!!!

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NAH... Less of this realistic bull sh*t. Let's be positive!

It's Cardiff for christ sake. When have they ever earnt the right to walk over us?!

They're F*CKING W*LSH!!!!

Spot on!! since when have we ever been scared off thoes numpties! lets pick ourself up and show the world that we are Bristol City and we ALWAYS BELIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've got a positive feeling about this game too- although i had a positive feeling before the Millwall and Norwich games and that didn't go too well. Perhaps i need to find a feeling of approaching dread and terror and then we might do alright

In all seriousness though, i think that if we can't give Cardiff a good game (even if we lose) on Saturday after Millen and Wiggles have had 2 weeks to work with the lads, then SL is gonna have some real thinking to do

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In all seriousness though, i think that if we can't give Cardiff a good game (even if we lose) on Saturday after Millen and Wiggles have had 2 weeks to work with the lads, then SL is gonna have some real thinking to do

How true if they cannot set up our team to get a draw after 2 weeks preparation they are clueless and/or unable to motivate the players.

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But I've woken up today fairly positive that we can sneak a win at Cardiff. Now I have to be honest I may have had a bit to drink last night and didn't really manage four hours sleep but I got a feeling of a late Pittman winner.

Anyone else getting a strange feeling, and if so are you sober?!

We are either going to get thumped, or a sneak a win. Make your choice City(like he says in saw)

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I am on the positive side of this one and believe we will win. Not only will we win but will win well. Stuck into them from the first whistle never say die gritty performance. If our current crop of managers,coaches and players can't deliver that type of performance with 110% effort and commitment and feel some pride and passion(if not for the shirt or the fans then for them selves as professionals) then they want sacking. I'm fed up of the "we'll work on it in training" and "let's stick together" crap. Time to man up,stand up and be counted and that is exactly what I expect us to do. I'm going for a 2-1 win.


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Cant see us even managing to get a shot in let alone score. Their midfield that they have begged borrowed and stole is a mid table prem midfield. Their strikers aint bad either. At home in front of a sell out all baying for blood they are going to destroy us. Our confidence is shot as it is. Can you imagine what they will feel like coming out the tunnel tomorrow? I hope im wrong and it gees our lot on but ive not seen any type of swagger amongst the boys yet this season which says to the oposition, is this all you got? Bring it on. The presures on as i know most of us would hate to admit it but a big hiding could see millen do a tinman and realise he really cant do anymore. I hope it doesnt come to that.

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Let's face it, we're going to get hammered...

...but if I turn out to be wrong I'll be going straight on the Cardiff forum after their unwelcome invasion of OTIB this week.


They'll probably stop new members joining like they did after the play-off defeat (still laughing) in May. They are very bad losers. Surprising really, as they've been **** for most of their history.

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Nice to see the positivity as at its usual best!! Shame these comments aren't backed up with supporters buying a ticket for Cardiff on saturday! I suppose its reassuring to know that Radio Bristol and this forum will have excellent figures as usual!! At least there is 529 fans that still support the team instead of knocking it down at every opportunity! Il be there saturday whether we win or lose, bubble or not because i support Bristol City and love my football, nothing beats watching a game on a saturday. We got a point at Burnley which was just as difficult a task. You never know the team might actually surprise some people with a decent performance!

What a club we would be if all the negative energy around the club was generated into support on a saturday, most clubs would dread coming to ashton gate, instead of our own players dreading it!

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no word of a lie but I had a dream that we won 1-0 and albert scored the winner! Call me mental but its the truth.

Weird, I dreamt that we won 3-2 and for some reason McAllister scored the winner from a header. True also.. No idea where any of that came from :laugh:. :icecream::mf_sleep::sign09::boxing::drunk2::drunk2::drunk2:

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