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This is the kind of question you can only sensibly answer in hindsight.

Remember, when we lost nine games straight under Gary Johnson, there were absolutely no signs of improvement until the last couple of games. What if it had taken a couple more to turn around? We might have played managerial merry go rounds too early and got rid of a manager who ultimately proved successful here.

If you look objectively at our performances I think you would have to admit that we have seen some signs of improvement in this terrible run under Millen, but they've been sporadic and followed by imbecilic defending that makes them very easy to forget.

If we win convincingly against Reading, and go on a decent run, the Cardiff game will be viewed as a turnaround and Millen will get a reprieve.

Scrape a win, then lose the next three, and yes it would have been better not to win and make a change earlier because we'll almost certainly be doing that anyway.

Personally, I don't think I can go to a game and not want City to win.

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I want City to take all three points and give Reading a good hammering.

Sorry, but the way I see it is that Keith Millen is a human being with feelings. It must tear him up to see his side losing like they have. It must be gut-wrenching to constantly see his players not performing to their known abilities, and it must be hurtful to read such hateful material on this website. He probably doesn't sleep well at nights and is most likely not looking forward to the verbals he will get from the crowd tomorrow if things don't start too well..

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And yet you declaim.


Don't you detect some sort of cognitive dissonance there ? A slight inconsistency ?

Whilst Millen's in charge I do have trust in him, but it's obvious something has got to change. Whether that be the manager, players, chairman (HOPE NOT!) something has to change

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think the time has come when we lose patience with millen and try and give him ahint that he may be up to the jog tonight millens gotta go millens gotta and now you gotta belive us - perhaps when are 2 0 down no confidence in anything at the gate at mo us suffering season ticket holders

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