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What still amazes me is that after the Plymouth game GJ was the one to be hounded out yet the players were allowed to stay.

This is the trouble with football, Players have to much power IMO

Fair enough if the players were tripe... but once he had gone and Millen was in charge the performances and happily, the results too, improved.

Not saying everyone was having a cuddle in the dressing room at that point, but from someone with no sources, it was obvious from that moment that Johnson did need to go... In this case, we removed one man and everything got better. To replace the entire squad takes a lot more time and is a lot more expensive, by which time, of course, we could have been back in League 1!

However, if you are saying that if Johnson could have got his scalpal out and removed 2 or 3 members of the squad and things would have got equally better then fair enough... I just can't see that being the case.

Obviously in Basso's case, there is more than meets the eye, even if he does have a reputation as a trouble maker, he was/is clearly good enough for some teams to have a gamble on him... I mean, even if he did have a spat with the manager, it's hardly Joey Barton levels of misbehaviour!

I dunno, like most humans I like a bit of gossip (whether it be true or not), but I have followed City religiously (but not in a Basso like way) for 20 years and I can say that, in may opinion, Gary Johnson is the most successful manager (and I posted years ago, that it's not just what he did for us on the pitch, but what he achieved for us off it, regarding the drinking culture) and Adriano Basso was the best keeper I have seen playing for City in the time I have followed them.

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Perhaps you should have read this forum and 606 etc back then gloryboy, Stewart scored 9 goals for them that season and made a fair few for Leon Best when he joined yeovil and helped them to the play-offs, Johnson got SLATED for it and looked very silly

No johnson NEVER looked silly regarding Stewart.

Marcus Stewart never lasted with Johnson in charge and rightly so. One of our worst signings ever made I'd say!

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No johnson NEVER looked silly regarding Stewart.

Marcus Stewart never lasted with Johnson in charge and rightly so. One of our worst signings ever made I'd say!

When Johnson arrived at City Marcus Stewart was the only player that been there and done it. Played under many managers and played in PL. At that point Johnson had never been higher than Div 1 and Stewart with all his experience was seen as competition for being the biggest fish in the pond. A clash was inevetable.

I'm not saying that Stewart was a model pro. His drinking habits were legendary and his attitude not always 100% but he still had enough quality to produce the goods for City. Johnson never gave him the chance.

One of the best things Johnson did was rid City of whinger Flapper Phillips. He was far more disruptrive than all the others put together. The Gas off loaded him eventualy for the same reasons.

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I'm not saying that Stewart was a model pro. His drinking habits were legendary and his attitude not always 100% but he still had enough quality to produce the goods for City. Johnson never gave him the chance.

yes he did. Stewart was shyte from his first game to his last. Top marks to johnson for having the balls to get rid of a striker with a big reputation.

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Perhaps you should have read this forum and 606 etc back then gloryboy, Stewart scored 9 goals for them that season and made a fair few for Leon Best when he joined yeovil and helped them to the play-offs, Johnson got SLATED for it and looked very silly.

as for Cotterill......Johnson sold to him Norwich (well as far as he was concerned he did) he only found our hours later that Lansdown got a better offer from Wigan.

A number of clubs made enquires for Basso after hearing he was on a free. But when a prem/championship club came calling the price suddenly went up, however if he wanted to join Exeter he could go for free. That is what Basso was told. He was then told buy the same agent once none of those moves happened that he should sign the deal on offer from City, by then though he'd fallen out with Johnson who questioned his professionalism.

he got rid of a player who wasnt doing it for us. Hardly matters what he did elsewhere (which was very little anyway) as he was moved on for not doing it for us and for his attitude.

You said Johnson never wanted anyone to be bigger or better than him. Norwich were 2nd in the championship at the time. So Wigan or Norwich. Either way he let a player go to a bigger better club disproving your theory.

you keep saying player with bad reputations dont get signed by other clubs. that managers only speak to Johnson and not to Millen Naylor or Lansdown. None of that adds up and suggests that every player in the pro game is as good as gold and never causes problems which is clearly not the case.

his agent promised him things that were never on the table. Basso believed him and has paid the price and is now a 35 year old out of work keeper. I feel very sad for him as he should be playing but he only has himself to blame that he isnt.

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Stats don't lie but there are other factors to consider as well. Marcus is now 38 i beleive and so playing at an age when most pros have long since hung up their boots. Strikers as they get older and loose the burst of speed tend to score less.

Whatever you think of the bloke his attitude and ability can't be that bad if he is still playing at his age as financially he probably doesn't need the money so must be doing it for the joy of playing.

I think he was/is a good player, just never worked out for us. Players come and go all the time, and to blame stewarts failure at the club due to johnson i find daft.

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When Johnson arrived at City Marcus Stewart was the only player that been there and done it. Played under many managers and played in PL. At that point Johnson had never been higher than Div 1 and Stewart with all his experience was seen as competition for being the biggest fish in the pond. A clash was inevetable.

I'm not saying that Stewart was a model pro. His drinking habits were legendary and his attitude not always 100% but he still had enough quality to produce the goods for City. Johnson never gave him the chance.

One of the best things Johnson did was rid City of whinger Flapper Phillips. He was far more disruptrive than all the others put together. The Gas off loaded him eventualy for the same reasons.

Marcus Stewart was undoubtedly used by Johnson to make point to the other players, it was a bully tactic to go in and hit the biggest hard. It certainly worked in the short term.

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When Johnson arrived at City Marcus Stewart was the only player that been there and done it. Played under many managers and played in PL. At that point Johnson had never been higher than Div 1 and Stewart with all his experience was seen as competition for being the biggest fish in the pond. A clash was inevetable.

I'm not saying that Stewart was a model pro. His drinking habits were legendary and his attitude not always 100% but he still had enough quality to produce the goods for City. Johnson never gave him the chance.

One of the best things Johnson did was rid City of whinger Flapper Phillips. He was far more disruptrive than all the others put together. The Gas off loaded him eventualy for the same reasons.

if bullshit was music you would be the king of jazz.

I seem to remember Lawrie Mccmenemey was the manager at Southampton when probably the most famous player in the world played under him a certain Kevin Keegan, as a manager Mccemenemy probably had less experience than GJ. Did that make a difference of course not because Keegan was a proper professional unlike Stewart.

You seem to forget that Wilson had allowed AG to become the most famous drinking club in the south west and Tinnion as an ex player had no chance, the signing of Stewart at that time was like signing Pete Doherty to take the players through the effects of cold turkey it was an absolute disaster. He was unfit with a crap attitude on and off the field. Be honest after some of the rumours (your favourite subject) about events happening on the players nights out players drunkenly falling off of bar stools and being injured for 6 weeks as a result, pub windows being smashed was anyone surprised that 3 players eventually got themselves arrested and banged up.

Somebody had to sort it out and he did and got us promoted once and nearly twice and when you are struggling in a shit hole like the first division the last thing you need is a boozy disruptive egotist big headed ex gas living off of past glories, he was shit for us and did'nt deserve a chance end of.

As the seeker of truth, how about this you seem to have been much happier when we were in the 1st division and you were chairman of the supporters club and perhaps that is where you would love to return. Give your address i've just seen a flux compacitor on ebay.

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No, it's just a simple case that clubs won't pick up a player who's been fairly or unfairly been given a reputation as a trouble maker.

That plus, Basso being picky about clubs for some strange reason? which I honestly don't understand. Personally I'd rather play at a lower level than no football at all, though we all have different ambitions and he likely feels he can still play at a decent level, rather than play non-league again.....wonder if there is times he was still wishing he was in Brazil....bloody women!

Yeah, don't you miss Lee Hughes not being able to find a club and Marlon King, after all they are not trouble makers are they, sorry donnie another pile of pooh buddy. **** me even Liam Rosenior found a new club eventually.

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I don't think Stewart was actually given a fair crack by Johnson. I remember Stewart coming on at Colchester away and scoring to get us back to 3-2. At that stage we were playing Bas Savage who was hopeless.

But results went well so it didn't matter so much.

He may have done some things wrong etc but overall it is hard to argue that Johnson didn't do a good job. He left us in a far better position than when he started, and achieved it with less money than someone like Danny Wilson (and in a shorter time).

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CiderHider, is that really you - if I remember rightly you were absolutely fuming about Basso not long ago!ohmy.gif

Hey, yes it is me. Sorry been a way for a while. *coughs* you are correct, I was very upset and prolly posted my usual angry rant. I guess since certain information came to light which made me change my mind about him. He allways loved the City fans, and we him, that's how I prefer to remember Basso now.

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Yeah, don't you miss Lee Hughes not being able to find a club and Marlon King, after all they are not trouble makers are they, sorry donnie another pile of pooh buddy. **** me even Liam Rosenior found a new club eventually.

Difference being that they had reputations of being able to play at the top level and have come back into the game for Hugues at a MUCH lower level and King only signed by a manager who had bossed him before.

Basso doesn't have that luxury, having only played for one club and under one manager, he's not a well know player, whereas the others were relatively speaking household names due to their ability.

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Difference being that they had reputations of being able to play at the top level and have come back into the game for Hugues at a MUCH lower level and King only signed by a manager who had bossed him before.

Basso doesn't have that luxury, having only played for one club and under one manager, he's not a well know player, whereas the others were relatively speaking household names due to their ability.

so players who have bad reputations under the first manager they play for never ever get signed by anyone ever again?

not well known? I thought you said West Ham and no end of championship clubs were interested. Now your saying he doesnt have the ability to play at that level.

this is pretty funny now. Keep it up. I'm looking forward to you explaining how Johnsons to blame for the collapse of the world banks too.

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When Johnson arrived at City Marcus Stewart was the only player that been there and done it. Played under many managers and played in PL. At that point Johnson had never been higher than Div 1 and Stewart with all his experience was seen as competition for being the biggest fish in the pond. A clash was inevetable.

Robbo, I kinda like you, despite completely disagreeing with everything you say.

However, this is the most pointless post I've seen you make in a while. you're an intelligent fella, you know football, But how can you in any way blame anyone for Stewart being absolute dog shit for us?

Johnson made a great decision getting rid of him. he was shit, from day one.

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so players who have bad reputations under the first manager they play for never ever get signed by anyone ever again?

not well known? I thought you said West Ham and no end of championship clubs were interested. Now your saying he doesnt have the ability to play at that level.

this is pretty funny now. Keep it up. I'm looking forward to you explaining how Johnsons to blame for the collapse of the world banks too.

No he's not well known, west ham looked at him, but he'd Only ever been a reserve keeper for them, never said he wasn't good enough for the level, just that he's never proven himself at that level.

Hughes and king played at the highest level and performed, basso relatately speaking has only done well in this division for 2 seasons

Perhaps you should stick to topic and the subject in hand instead of petty personal digs against long term fans glory boy

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Perhaps you should stick to topic and the subject in hand instead of petty personal digs against long term fans glory boy

ok you want me to leave you alone because your arguments fallen apart. I can understand that.

how long have you been a fan out of interest?

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Difference being that they had reputations of being able to play at the top level and have come back into the game for Hugues at a MUCH lower level and King only signed by a manager who had bossed him before.

Basso doesn't have that luxury, having only played for one club and under one manager, he's not a well know player, whereas the others were relatively speaking household names due to their ability.

FFS, your argument is thinner than my favourite pants.

Bottom line if Basso was good enough reagardless of whether he is 'not a well known player' or 'household name due to their ability' (and not forgetting their notoriety) he would be playing now and nothing GJ may or may not say would have a bearing on the matter and if as you alluded he is being picky about who he signs for, thanks for proving my case he is a complete and utter fool and a person lacking judgment and that is probably closer to the truth about why he is unemployed than your GJ bollocks which is pathetic and totally laughable.

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