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Clarky;s Goal


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I think he has performed a text book cross foot volley. Foot comes across the ball, it is absolute quality. No hint of a shin/slice. How they didn't make more of it I don't know, someone will though as 99 times those don't go in and it is something which won't be practiced very often. Class.

That's how I'd call it.

He 'cut across' the ball, and as others have said it took an age to come down, but for me it was in from the moment he hit it.

A bright moment in very dull afternoon, oh and the three points, thirty more to go :pray: .

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It was a superb connection, if it wasn't it wouldn't have gone in. Doesn't matter which part of the foot, shin, knee or hampton it hit last, the end result was the only thing that decided whether he hit it right or wrong. Well done Clarkson, superb effort just for thinking about shooting.

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I agree, he was trying to score, he aimed to score and he scored, so he must have meant it.

I was just behind him when he hit it and I thought he had over hit it big time.. to me it looked like it was Atyeo bound.. but then Weale started backtracking and I thought 'ang on, he's taking this seriously... and in it went.. absolute class..

Having just seen it on Sky this morning I reckon he meant it.. perfect strike.. he gave it enough pace and height to avoid Weale and get under the bar...

Well done Clarky.. you deserved that

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He didn't mean it, he ws trying to give it to James. Of course he meant it, it was a cracking goal. Surely we shouldn't be questioning what he was doing, his technique etc but celebrating it.

I could hear moans around me as soon as he hit it. Me personally, I was confident it was going in. Excellent technique, he hits that any other way and it goes nowhere near the goal. Great confidence booster for Clarkson and the team i'm sure.

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24 hours later.. is it available in slow motion anywhere?....

Only got that quick pathetic glimpse on bbc last night :disapointed2se:, it'd be good to see it properly .... looked like poetry in motion to me! he meant it, it went in.. great goal!! Well done Clarky..:clapping:

Just be nice to replay it a few times, even better if slo-mo available.

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Other similar goals I can remember (Beckham at Wimbledon and last season's MOTD goal of the season) were hit off the ground, and while each one was a superb shot, the player gave himself the best chance of a clean connection by hitting the ball off the deck. The Wigan player last season even had a dead ball to hit as it was from a free kick.

Clarkson flicked the ball up and then hit it on the volley - the hardest shot in football. Not only that, but he was way out on the right, so had to hit the target diagonally as well. So what if he he hit the ball high, I suspect that in the same circumstances 99 players out of 100 would have not have even hit the target, let alone beat the keeper, so perhaps we should praise Clarkson for quick thinking , self confidence and skill.

As others have commented, had Tevez scored that goal against Fulham yesterday the pundits would have replayed the goal from every angle and lauded his skill, vision and quick thinking, I doubt there would have been any question as to whether he meant it or not, or whether he sliced the shot.

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Forgive me for stating the obvious but if you want a volley to go up in the air, which you surely do for a lob, how else other than hitting the underside of the ball are you meant to make that happen?

He meant it, it wasn't a slice.

Yep - I agree: he DEFINATELY meant it.

I have it on good authority (from some bloke down the pub) that McAllister and Clarkson had a ten pence bet on either of them scoring during the game. Clearly, ten pence is A LOT of money to a scotsman - so easily explains the desperate attempt from Clarkson as the 90 minutes was up, and he would have to give his 10p back to McAllister.

Welldone Clarky: "kerchhhing!!"

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