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Dave Lloyd Blogger...


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What is football coming too...cant drink, cant smoke, cant stand up and now we cant sing without people moaning.

Its because the pc brigade has spun its evil web over ppl in the last 10 years or so, and bit by bit has brainwashed ppl with complete garbage.

Time for the masses to fight back and say enough is enough, infact thats what has been happening very recently, ppl are sick of this crap now

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1. DaveL has nothing to apologise for

2. This post is old ground and these issues have been debated in another thread where people continually claim it's no different to Welsh/Northern/Cockney jibes. However when the differences are pointed out, no-one has been able to reply.

3. A poll on here shows that 36% of people felt "Small Town in Asia" is a racist chant. Using that figure well over 5,000 peole would have been sat there on Saturday thinking it was racist. If 5,000 people at a football ground think they are hearing racist chanting (rightly or wrongly) DaveL has a duty to stand up to it. As I said before, you may get away with such songs/jokes in private but it's way too clumsy for a football stadium where you don't know the reaction of those listening to it. In private jokes and songs can be delivered accurately. In a football stadium it's about as delicate as a drunken eight year old stamping on ants.

4. The 36% figure may be even higher when you put it into the context of the other five songs including "England, England".

5. Why sing a song that offends 36% of your own fans!?! There are plenty of others to choose from and most of those will actually have something to do with backing our club.

Classic divide and conquer.

Which one of you is logging in as AJ Sylvester today then?


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It's not about offending 36% as such, it's about offending them on such a potentially sensitive issue.

But as you asked:

- Keep The Red Flag Flying High

- Come On You Reds

- I Am A Cider Drinker

- Drink Up Thy Zider

- We Always Believe

- Come on City

- We All Follow the City

- Give me a C, I T, Y

- We Are the City Boys

- West Country la la la

etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

and yes, some songs contain swear words others don't like and the odd one may offend a few people. But not on such a highly sensitive issue

Thanks for the advice, Dave..........disapointed2se.gif

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When it comes to singing l am going to adopt the following outlook, sing exactly what l like, when l like, about what l like, to who l like as loud as l like.......until such l time that l am arrested, ejected or told otherwise.....left with no other option.

You see the wording of this blog was very poor, unless a subsequent paragraph followed that clearly defined specific issues that the club considered unacceptable with Ashton Gate. It then should have proceeded to state that the club would ensure anybody acting in such a racist and offensive way would be appropriately dealt with by direct action of the stewards, police and ultimately the club.

However, the blog did not state any of the above, so we are left in a very difficult position for everybody, as certain songs will continue to be sung and specific elements of the crowd will be offended....the latter is based on what l have read on the forum over the last few days.

To those who are offended, man up and complain or report your interpretation of racism / offensive language to the authorities. However, please please please don't spend days on end venting your opinions and ramming them down the throats of other fans when you have neither the backbone or stomach to actually make a stand for your beliefs, whilst the event is actually taking place. This does you arguement no good and moreover, in my opinion makes your comments null and void.

Ignore it or do something about it!!!!!!......and that goes to Dave L as well.

It's a real shame that a man entrusted to deliver a decent read to the fans, providing a bit of inside knowledge etc has done nothing else but help divide fans and at a time when we need to be united. A real shame and the club should never have allowed his blog to have been posted on the website.

Anyway, l'm totally bored of all this crap....l've had a season ticket for years but sadly this club is heading down the drain....unless Scott Murray calls me and informs me he is going to pay for my season ticket next year I'm giving home matches a miss.....watching City at home has become sanitised, boring and utterly utterly souless.

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It amazes me how personally people are taking this. Believe it or not, david lloyd probably had no intention of personally offending any of you. I know you're all that important that it seems unlikely, but perhaps its true?! Maybe dl was just trying to cover the clubs backside for chants that, while i agree aren't racist, could quite easily be perceived as such- which all the fuss on here has probably proved it can

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Wow. Just Wow.

In 11 years of being a part of this forum I don't think it's hit a lower point than the last few weeks.

I've been a member on here for that time, 8 of those years helping along of which 7 as my role within Clik which has been to ensure the smooth running of things.

Tonight that'll be the last night. In recent months I've had abuse thrown at me via PM, Email. I've had threats. I've had threads on other forums calling me plenty of unsavoury things. I am to one an all a human being and a City fan.

People seem to forget that the vast majority of the people on here are City fans. Don't we all want the same thing? A successful club, one we can be proud of, one we'll love and support till the day we die. You see because I look around tonight on the brief occasion that my hectic work load throws at me and think.. is that really the case?

We've reduced ourselves to slagging matches, hounding's, abuse, threats. No one person can be to blame but tonight this forum has hit an all time low. I hope each and every one of us is proud with that new low. Some people who should know better. Some people who are blatantly taking the piss in front of the eyes of the people who run this board. The vast majority of them in there own times. Some people who've called in favours time and time again. You should be ashamed.

Tomorrow I'll go to a game and, for the first time in 11 years, I won't be wondering nor caring what's going on here. Because I won't be a member any more.

I'm looking forward to it.

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Wow. Just Wow.

In 11 years of being a part of this forum I don't think it's hit a lower point than the last few weeks.

I've been a member on here for that time, 8 of those years helping along of which 7 as my role within Clik which has been to ensure the smooth running of things.

Tonight that'll be the last night. In recent months I've had abuse thrown at me via PM, Email. I've had threats. I've had threads on other forums calling me plenty of unsavoury things. I am to one an all a human being and a City fan.

People seem to forget that the vast majority of the people on here are City fans. Don't we all want the same thing? A successful club, one we can be proud of, one we'll love and support till the day we die. You see because I look around tonight on the brief occasion that my hectic work load throws at me and think.. is that really the case?

We've reduced ourselves to slagging matches, hounding's, abuse, threats. No one person can be to blame but tonight this forum has hit an all time low. I hope each and every one of us is proud with that new low. Some people who should know better. Some people who are blatantly taking the piss in front of the eyes of the people who run this board. The vast majority of them in there own times. Some people who've called in favours time and time again. You should be ashamed.

Tomorrow I'll go to a game and, for the first time in 11 years, I won't be wondering nor caring what's going on here. Because I won't be a member any more.

I'm looking forward to it.

Come on Tom! In the end the good guys will win and get all the beautiful women.

Ignore the bastards :bruce_h4h:

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Wow. Just Wow.

In 11 years of being a part of this forum I don't think it's hit a lower point than the last few weeks.

I've been a member on here for that time, 8 of those years helping along of which 7 as my role within Clik which has been to ensure the smooth running of things.

Tonight that'll be the last night. In recent months I've had abuse thrown at me via PM, Email. I've had threats. I've had threads on other forums calling me plenty of unsavoury things. I am to one an all a human being and a City fan.

People seem to forget that the vast majority of the people on here are City fans. Don't we all want the same thing? A successful club, one we can be proud of, one we'll love and support till the day we die. You see because I look around tonight on the brief occasion that my hectic work load throws at me and think.. is that really the case?

We've reduced ourselves to slagging matches, hounding's, abuse, threats. No one person can be to blame but tonight this forum has hit an all time low. I hope each and every one of us is proud with that new low. Some people who should know better. Some people who are blatantly taking the piss in front of the eyes of the people who run this board. The vast majority of them in there own times. Some people who've called in favours time and time again. You should be ashamed.

Tomorrow I'll go to a game and, for the first time in 11 years, I won't be wondering nor caring what's going on here. Because I won't be a member any more.

I'm looking forward to it.

I may have missed something but what has prompted this?

Surely not the racism debate, if so, slight over reaction...

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It is a sad reflection of this forum at the moment, when somebody like Tom decides enough is enough though. I have been on this forum over 7 years and there has certainly been a decline. I used to spend several hours a day on here, debating, chatting with friends about the club we love. I have posted less and less in recent years and I feel this forum is nothing like the one I joined in 2003 other than in name.

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The fact is that some people will always moan about how a forum is run and moderated. That's been the case on the internet since the days of dial up bulletin boards and anybody involved in running forums ought to know that very well.

I've said before that the best way to minimise that inevitable whinging is transparency, make moderation decisions clear and according to forum rules and publish them. If that's not going to be done don't be surprised when people complain about threads being locked.

I'm not sure what all the current drama is about really, unless some posts have been deleted it looks like a big over reaction to not very much. There was nothing wrong with the East End chants thread at all as far as I could see.

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I would like to be able to say more than this but can't right now. The people this is directed at will know what I mean.

Some people need to take a good hard look at themselves and think about their actions, the damage they are doing and the harm they are causing, and then realise what they need to do.

You know who you are. Stop it.

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I would like to be able to say more than this but can't right now. The people this is directed at will know what I mean.

Some people need to take a good hard look at themselves and think about their actions, the damage they are doing and the harm they are causing, and then realise what they need to do.

You know who you are. Stop it.

Dolly im not having ago at you personnaly your first post was made in anger i understand, i jumped on it not too undermind you but to say how it looked to me.

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I would like to be able to say more than this but can't right now. The people this is directed at will know what I mean.

Some people need to take a good hard look at themselves and think about their actions, the damage they are doing and the harm they are causing, and then realise what they need to do.

You know who you are. Stop it.

Your first response was in anger i understand and i agree these people should be ashamed of themselves. Just telling you how it looked nothing personal trust me, i dont do personal to someone i have not met. (sorry 4 double post different words aswell , Someones had 2 many stellas, wow its boring staying in on a fri she will not be allowed out again)

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My post wasn't directed at you. I got used to the crap us mods receive from time to time a while back. :)

Like I said, the individuals my post was directed at will understand. There's a bigger picture going on here, I just think this thread was the final straw for Tom.

This cloak and dagger stuff is counter productive.

If you're not a mod it looks like Tom has thrown his toys out of his pram over nothing.

Some of us know he's more sensible than that but if something so sinister really is going on perhaps you should all make it public and the forum will police itself a bit better..

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