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How Much Should A Footballer Be Paid?


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Hypothetical question of course, but what do you think a professional footballer should be paid?

We hear plenty of reported salaries, some as high as £15,000 a week, most if not all for first team squad; well in to the thousands.

Say a footballer earns £2000 (£104,000 per annum) a week for 15 years of his life (playing career of 20-35). This is the same as a proffessional who earns £35000 a year for 45 years (working life of 20-65)

Whilst I appreciate it that many footballers will earn more than £2000 per week and that many proffessionals will earn a lot more and a lot less than £35000; what do you think should be a fair salary for someone who would be a footballer for +/- 15 years?

Almost no football clubs are breaking even, footballers are taking wages which clubs can't afford; yet clubs still pay!

Our staff salaries exceeded our total income by £2,673,000 last year, that isn't including any £ for transfer fees.

I understand that their career is short and injuries can end it. I understand that they may have to forfit university education, I understand that they are part of an entertainmet industry; which can attract many viewers willing to pay.

But, it doesn't sit well with me that footballers are earning so much money that they have total power.

From our turnover - operating costs we made £5,040,000 last year. If we had 30 staff members each taking an equal share, this would equal +/-£5000 per week. That is just playing staff/management.

£3000 a week for me would be acceptable at this level.

It even makes you consider whether you want to pay to be part of it all. Sickening.

Rant over.

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I think this is a subject that has got many of us thinking after the last 2 home games. Clearly based on those performances most of our players are not worth anything like what we are paying them. I've followed City (ST holder) for 30 years since I was 8 years old and have never felt so discenchanted with the whole thing as I do tonight. This may very well be my last season because I just can't get emotional about players who seemingly don't seem to give a damn anymore other than for the size of their pay checks and their chavy Range Rovers. Football in general has gone very wrong in recent years.

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I think this is a subject that has got many of us thinking after the last 2 home games. Clearly based on those performances most of our players are not worth anything like what we are paying them. I've followed City (ST holder) for 30 years since I was 8 years old and have never felt so discenchanted with the whole thing as I do tonight. This may very well be my last season because I just can't get emotional about players who seemingly don't seem to give a damn anymore other than for the size of their pay checks and their chavy Range Rovers. Football in general has gone very wrong in recent years.

It is horrible isn't it, that it makes you think twice about spending a few hundred £ on something you love. How is it going to stop though? None of us would want to see the club drop divisions by not getting decent players in; none of us would really want to stop going in protest.

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Players are paid the market rate for their league. Its up to clubs to decide if they can afford the wages for said player, and risk big debts, or not pay them and risk relegation, and the shrinking income that brings.

To compete in the Championship, you must be prepared to pay the wages, or risk relegation, and the drop in gates. With 18 out of the 24 clubs in this division having been Prem clubs, another 5 down in league 1 and 1 more in League 2, you can see the risks involved, but you can also see that we will have to pay significant wedge for players to survive in this league. Fine balance, and the players/agents currently have the whip hand

Ultimately our gates are higher on average in this league, than we had in league 1 (Promotion Season excepted) The fans to a degree decide the level of wages paid.

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Maybe every player should be given a fixed weekly salary of say £2000. And, if you play, score, keep clean sheet etc. bonuses added on.

The £2000 would cover young players who aren't good enough for first team and injured players etc.

On a side note, how much is a ashton gate home fixture worth? I literally have no idea.

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Maybe every player should be given a fixed weekly salary of say £2000. And, if you play, score, keep clean sheet etc. bonuses added on.

The £2000 would cover young players who aren't good enough for first team and injured players etc.

On a side note, how much is a ashton gate home fixture worth? I literally have no idea.

I would certainley look olong these Lines.

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A player should be paid however much someone is willing to pay him.....

Sadly spot on. I doubt we pay the most in the division, but we have a wage bill of +£13,000,000. I think in reality with the wages we pay, we are probably where we should be. Mid-low championship.

If the Premier League was never achieveable then there would be little point in playing/supporting, however I think to even think of Premier League ambitions is wrong. Premier League dreams maybe...

Burnley and Blackpool surely never had real ambitions to go to the Prem. Fair play that they did

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It's a reasonable question.

Franz Beckenbauer and Chelsea's chairman are among the high-profile football people who support the concept.

The only way it'd work would be to introduce a Uefa-wide standard whereby there was a certain cap for playing in a country's top flight, another level for playing in the second tier and so on...

Also - while I don't think you'd be able to ban agents from advising players - I'd ban them from direct salary negotiations with clubs. The player would have to do this face-to-face with his employers. That would drive down costs.

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I feel I will add my bit to this one, I totally agree with the thread to the point where it has actually put me off going to football at all now, these players are entertainers at the end of the day and I dont feel I get entertainment out of football any more, and this is something I've followed blindly for 25 years, there are many other things I can get up to with my spare time that will replace what was served up for me this season.

I feel badly let down by the players that represent us the Cardiff game last year was almost the start where I finally realised that I throw away a decent portion of my salary(That I have to wake up at 1 am some days for) on individuals that have no respect for that, so now I've given up bothering at all.

I will not be renewing my ST next season as £400 could be better spent in my opinion, I would never discourage others from doing so because at the end of the day I dont really care how other people live there lives.

Anyhow thats all I have to say and I'm sure there are people who will say that the club will be better off without people like me, well good luck to those people then

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A player should be paid however much someone is willing to pay him.....

Exactly. The reason footballers are paid so much is because football generates such a huge amount of money, of course it's going to filter into the players (employees) pockets. It may not appear 'moral' or 'fair' but that's just the way it is.

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:city: Reading Christian Roberts autobiography (recommended) when he signed for City in 2002 he was on £1000 a week and £250 appearance money with £250 a goal,even with inflation the wages that the players are on at the moment have gone through the roof but then again that is why the Maynard's and Pitman's join us rather than go to another club.

The only thing that worries me is that through these wages our turnover is showing a bigger and bigger loss £11,000,000 this year :shocking:

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It will be interesting to see how many people renew their ST's next season. There is a general feeling of disenchantment across Football at the moment, it's filtering down through all Leagues, apart from the big Clubs and those doing well in the Prem.

People have no affinity with the players anymore and many fans go out of misguided loyalty or habit.

You can't blame the players, for the wages they are being paid. Football as a business, generates massive amounts of money. So Clubs running at a loss is a joke. The new rules being brought in by Fifa, ensuring Clubs run at less of a loss, will hopefully have a knock on effect to the absurd wages being paid.

I think the attitude of players needs to change as well. Too many bling bling bad boy wannabee Gangsta's imho...shoving it down the publics throat with there exsessive Big time Charlie image.

The only way football will change is if Fans talk with their feet, and stop buying Sky.

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Perhaps if players were paid a more normal salary they wouldn't live in the bling bling wonderland and have more affinity with the fans. If every club refused to pay huge saleries what could the players/agents do? The foreign journeymen would leave to let the homegrown players play. Standards may drop but there would be a more genuine game.

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