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Lansdown & Our Debt

Pederho ll

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If Lansdown is such a financial genius, why are we in so much debt?

This happens in any business! to be successful and expand you need to push for bigger and better things, to do this you need to over spend! its all about investing a certain amount and getting a hefty return, somthing which Lansdown will eventually see the benefits of through certain projects i.e our new stadium. isit a risk? ofcourse it is, isit a risk worth taking? I belive so!

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If Lansdown is such a financial genius, why are we in so much debt?

because football is a business where the employees get paid more than comes in through the tills. Lansdown cant reallly be blamed for that unless your saying we should only spend what comes into the club.

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If Lansdown is such a financial genius, why are we in so much debt?

If we spent what the club earns this forum would be in meltdown! Imagine if we spent £11 million less last year and £7 million less the year before that. We would be in league two right now!

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:city: The debt seems to be growing and clubs have gone nearly bust with less debts.

I know that Steve Lansdown says that he can cover it but what happens if something terrible happens (like Harding at Chelski)where would we be then ?

Don't get me wrong Steve Lansdown is the best Chairman that we have ever had but we should be able to run without him and he should look at reducing a mounting debt.

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If Lansdown is such a financial genius, why are we in so much debt?

Because we are mid way through what SL would consider to be a program of investment in the business.

If it succeeds and we end up in the Prem with a new stadium (which is his aim) he will have made us a vastly more valuable business.

It's very normal for business to incur debt while attempting to grow. The difficulty in football is that there can only be a small number of winners each year.

It would be nice if you could give us the benefit of your opinion rather than just posing rhetorical questions with obvious answers.

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A simplistic view but here goes: Take 24 financial geniuses and put them in charge of a club each in the Championship. They won't all stay up or win promotion will they?

Football is like no other business so the risks are far higher. Commitment and financial talent is no guarantee of anything. With risk comes debt when success doesn't materialise, and we can't all have success without some luck too. No amount of cash or intellect brings you luck.

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How do you become a millionaire? Start as a billionaire and buy a football club!!

As has been mentioned above, there is a ridiculous arms race to get in the the PL, or maybe even just to keep up with other teams around us. If we broke even we'd be going down pretty fast.

What is needed is a form of the UEFA Financial Fair Play regulations for ALL English clubs in all leagues so that they are not allowed to spend more than they have coming in. If this was the case then no one would have to spend just to keep up and it would be better for all involved.

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Without wishing to criticise Lansdown and I expect to take criticism for this point, I would point out that in the most recent financial results we lost £12m was it!? That's more than we earned- sure Lansdown will pay it, but it doesn't sound great. In other words, we made a loss which was about 105% of turnover- incredible.

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Ufff, football clubs don't make a profit. The fact he IS a genius means he CAN afford to live his dream of owning the club he loves and invest his money into it.

Ahem :preacher:

We are in debt because:-

"......we are particulary bad in our dealings on the transfer market, buy / loan too many crap players, who largely contribute no improvement to the team or squad, take high wages, and do not generate the interest / excitement from either the supporters and / or media to generate an increased income stream for the club".

Happy with my answer?

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Ufff, football clubs don't make a profit. The fact he IS a genius means he CAN afford to live his dream of owning the club he loves and invest his money into it.

Sure, most don't make profits but I ask you or anyone else to show me another club that loses more than it earns in a financial year, with no discernible progress to show for it!

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Ahem :preacher:

We are in debt because:-

"......we are particulary bad in our dealings on the transfer market, buy / loan too many crap players, who largely contribute no improvement to the team or squad, take high wages, and do not generate the interest / excitement from either the supporters and / or media to generate an increased income stream for the club".

Happy with my answer?


Are Man Ure, Chelsea and nearly all PL clubs in debt for the same reason.

The last published figures showed that PL clubs had a combined debt of £3.3bn

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ckppol, Donnie and I think S****horpe are 3 clubs that are not in Debt and make money,

apart from that the rest lose money hand over fist and even more do not have a wealthy backer like we do,

I think the last time there was a check there were about 30 our of 92 clubs that could go into administation at any given moment,

Football ahs become a rich mans play thing making avg people with a skill become multi millionaires,

a Wage cap needs to be brought in across the globe but FiFA or Uefa will not do this as they would not make the money on thier corrupt dealings

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Are Man Ure, Chelsea and nearly all PL clubs in debt for the same reason.

The last published figures showed that PL clubs had a combined debt of £3.3bn

Yes - you are in denial.

And don't compare us with Manchester United or Chelski - they have (so far on recorded history) given thier fans a tad more to grin about than we have.

Ask yourself: if you are a Man U / Chelski / Arse-nal fan - are you happy?

In which case, they probably don't give a s**t about the debt - because they inhabit the heights of the top of the best league in the world: we don't!

Sorry to smash your argument with facts.


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When we talk about clubs making a profit or otherwise, is this in an English or global context?

Because if it is the latter i'm pretty sure most Bundesliga clubs are profitable; indeed there are certain restrictions which basically say if you have x debt/losses you cannot gain your Bundesliga license. Something similar in France too apparently.

Debt though is a different matter; all clubs have debt to some degree or another.

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When we talk about clubs making a profit or otherwise, is this in an English or global context?

Because if it is the latter i'm pretty sure most Bundesliga clubs are profitable; indeed there are certain restrictions which basically say if you have x debt/losses you cannot gain your Bundesliga license. Something similar in France too apparently.

Debt though is a different matter; all clubs have debt to some degree or another.

This thread is twisted - luckily I am here to straighten it out for us all.

Discuss the following:-

"Weston-super-mare AFC have a smaller debt than Liverpool, so are more successfull"

I think we should all admit that as long as the club is not put at risk - we all want league titles, championships, and silverware. As has been said above - most clubs are in debt - even the most successfull.

For this reason, I think Liverpool are more successfull than WSM, inspite of thier massive debt.

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