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Motivational Skills...


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...Do you think KM and SW have the motivational skills required to get our players running through brick walls for them?

None of us know, what is said in training or in the dressing room. But i look at these two guys, there demeanor, body language and they just don't inspire me.

Tbh, if either of them threw a hissy fit, i'd just chuckle to myself.

When a team needs to dig deep and battle, to stave off relegation, like we do now, you need a Strong Leader, big character, someone you respect and admire. Someone who will inspire confidence and make you believe. None of this reverse pyschology and arm around the shoulder stuff.

It was interesting to note, that when Wolves recently signed Basso, one of the comments by there manager, was that he would be good to have around the place, because his attitude will rub off on people.

Tbh...If KM or SW tried to make some rousing Churchillian type speach, i'd piss myself laughing. Some have it...some don't. And i'm under the impression these two don't.

Worth employing a motivational speaker to get us through the remainder of the season? Our lads look so low on confidence and insecure in the ability of their fellow collegues, that something has to be done...Surely?

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