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Petition O' Meter (Stadium)


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There are strong rumours the end is in sight for Bristol Rovers and the Memorial Stadium will cease to be used as a football ground. The assumption is their temporary home will be Forest Green or Bath City but do you think under a completely new regime there is a long term possibility of sharing Ashton Vale ?

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There are strong rumours the end is in sight for Bristol Rovers and the Memorial Stadium will cease to be used as a football ground. The assumption is their temporary home will be Forest Green or Bath City but do you think under a completely new regime there is a long term possibility of sharing Ashton Vale ?


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There are strong rumours the end is in sight for Bristol Rovers and the Memorial Stadium will cease to be used as a football ground. The assumption is their temporary home will be Forest Green or Bath City but do you think under a completely new regime there is a long term possibility of sharing Ashton Vale ?

'ello Bert,

....how was Vietnam? :yawn:

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There are strong rumours the end is in sight for Bristol Rovers and the Memorial Stadium will cease to be used as a football ground. The assumption is their temporary home will be Forest Green or Bath City but do you think under a completely new regime there is a long term possibility of sharing Ashton Vale ?

.... and what rumours are they?

Oh an no to a share of Ashton Vale!

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Mission Stadium Support target - 30,000 signatures.

The Final Countdown - Petition O'Meter -

0 >>>> 5000 >>>> 10000 >>>> 15000 >>>> 20000 >>>>>25000, >26000,>27000,>28000,>29000,> ... >29694 < . . (just 306 more needed) . . >> 30,000 !!!

A City United :city: In It Together

A New Stadium

NO MOVEMENT ...still at 29,694... Come On Wheres The 306? .... we know you're out there somewhere!!

Bristol wants a new stadium not a "village green" Jon Darch Bristol City Council Mon, 28 Feb 11 29694

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29,702........................... 298 where are ya??

thought we were gonna make it - half way through the month & we're still nearly 300 short...

(bloody hell this is getting boring..)

doubts about Sainsbury's, doubts about 'the talks', doubts about crowd trouble, serious doubts that this sodding stadium will ever be more than a dream (or nightmare)

30,000 Petition ? .... who believes?... who doubts?

more importantly who believes The Stadium will become reality & who thinks otherwise??

I Seriously dunno what to think right now (probably about 65% of me still thinking it will happen)



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29,702........................... 298 where are ya??

thought we were gonna make it - half way through the month & we're still nearly 300 short...

(bloody hell this is getting boring..)

doubts about Sainsbury's, doubts about 'the talks', doubts about crowd trouble, serious doubts that this sodding stadium will ever be more than a dream (or nightmare)

30,000 Petition ? .... who believes?... who doubts?

more importantly who believes The Stadium will become reality & who thinks otherwise??

I Seriously dunno what to think right now (probably about 65% of me still thinking it will happen)



Keep the faith, and the updates... I for one find them fairly inspirational

Anyone with a few minutes should post the link on every football forum in the land! get us up to 35000 ;)

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Theres more to add to that after this weekends efforts. Not far off now. :chant6ez:

Is there any more news on the whole stadium debate? I'm aware the club are meeting with the groups opposed to the stadium, but are there any deadlines or time lines which are being followed or have to be followed? or is it a case of "it will take as long as it takes..."

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Is there any more news on the whole stadium debate? I'm aware the club are meeting with the groups opposed to the stadium, but are there any deadlines or time lines which are being followed or have to be followed? or is it a case of "it will take as long as it takes..."

From the information i've had (which is very little) its the bit of your statement i've highlighted.

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29,949 fifty-one more & we hit the 30,000 mark!

It remains to be seen if we have any effect at all on decisions made in this once great City of ours - but we gotta be in it if we're gonna have a chance to win it!


(personally I'm beginning to wonder if dark forces are afoot around the whole BCFC stadium proposals, ridiculous, unbelievable, strange & unfathomable objections & hurdles seem to be haunting us everystep of the way leading to setback after setback ... I dont know anything but I really am wondering if ' influential societies ' within our City have sought to make things, erm, 'difficult' ...

As well as a large Masonic presence here we also have the Merchant Venturers of Bristol among us too (often heard that they have a very great influence upon what happens (or not) within the bounderies of Bristol.. a nod here & a wink there etc etc.. like I said I dont know but it all seems very odd to me. (wonder if rolled up red trouser legs have been at play??)

Apologies to the two institutions mentioned above if I've barked up the wrong tree or if any offence caused - but to the ordinary bloke in the street you are both pretty much mysterious entities...

P.S. however : if you can pull any strings in our favour though, that'd be much appreciated! :) .

p.p.s. : after all that, if I suddenly disappear from these pages please dont just assume WH has gone off on his holidays or something (I've got nothing booked) - call in Mulder & Scully cos chances are 'the boys' have been sent round & spirited me away somewhere! :ermm: )

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