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Australian Football League

Philip Belgrave

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Since there seems to be a trend towards predictions regarding exotic brands of football i.e. not the round football game, and not to be outdone: who else fancies COLLINGWOOD to secure back-to-back premierships ?

Well as no-one else is going to answer..........

From a pure playing point of view: - Collingwood certainly have the potential to win 2 titles in a row. Very good list indeed (addition of Jolly in the ruck last year was genius) and they don't seem to have lost many players from the Grand Final side.

Additionally, the clubs around them (Geelong, Footscray & St Kilda) APPEAR to have gone backwards over the summer break.

However, history suggests that it's unlikely. 3 Premierships in 50 years and & coach in his last year to name but 2 reasons.

I'd like to see the Saints get over their....erm....problems and finally fulfill their potential. (Assuming Port don't miraculously change from utter crapness overnight of course)

Saying that, I'm bias. Dislike Collingwood a fair bit..........What do you think?

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and they don't seem to have lost many players from the Grand Final side.

Two very astute signings in Chris Tarrant and Andrew Krakour as well.

Some people see Krakour as a risk, but let's face it - if it doesn't work out - it's not as if they've splashed mega $$ on him!!

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<br />Two very astute signings in Chris Tarrant and Andrew Krakour as well.<br /><br />Some people see Krakour as a risk, but let's face it - if it doesn't work out - it's not as if they've splashed mega $$ on him!!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well, well - a man of culture !

It will certainly be good to see Chris Tarrant back, although the loss of Josh Fraser to the new Gold Coast side- or is it Western Sydney?- one of the new artificial sides anyway, is something of a shame.

Ths combination of simultaneously supporting CITY and an AFL side is quite fascinating and it clearly emphasises the differences in sporting culture between Australia and the U.K.

Nobody actually hates opposing sides the way some passionate CITY supporters hate the gas and the idea of segregating fans of opposing teams in the same stadium would be unthinkable here.

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Is it true Shane Warne hates Paul Collingwood because the team Warne supports, not sure what sport, are Collingwood's great rivals?

Seems a bit harsh but I'm sure that's what I remember him saying.

Indeed, Warne is a supporter of St.Kilda Australian Rules Football Club:- and they are certainly rivals to the Magpies (Collingwood):- but then, they all are !!

I suppose, in Shane's mind, Paul Collingwood's name has become associated with Collingwood ,the Australian Rules Football team, and that has lead to this particular example of sledging.

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