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Just Found This City Article


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Two very good reads, thankyou for posting the links.

Both articles confirm for me how finacially unwise we have been as a club, throughout history.

And they also confirm, the over estimation by the Club, of how many fans they are going to get through the door.

Intersting to read SL says, that he estimates to get a 1/3 more revenue on match day, with a new stadium, than today. So he is expecting us to have a new stadium only 2/3rds full?

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Thanks for posting that Weston. Read it all, very interesting.

The numbers are all fairly known to us so no real surprises for me.

The one thing that stands out is revenue to attendances; we had average attendances of 16.8k in season 08-09 falling to 14.6k last season. This season i suspect that will show a further fall of similar magnitude to around 12.5k ? In short revenue will fall by about a similar amount of around

£1 million. For those who advocate a rapid change of personnel to the management team have their potential justification for doing so right there in those pretty likely numbers; I am not advocating it but merely pointing it out. The likes of Chris Hughton would have a big bounce to the summer's season ticket sales although one might argue the Coppell factor did not bring in the anticipated bump the board might have expected perhaps due in large part to a deep recession.

As I have said before, if City finish the season strongly, like they did last year, then there will be renewed confidence that this management team can remain at the helm, whether that sees an upsurge in season ticket sales and a decent season to come of course remains to be seen.

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We're averaging 14,491 in the league this season according to the FL site.

I stand corrected, thanks. Perhaps the Coppell factor did come into a play a little more then to counter balance the recession.

It is going to be a very intriguing last few weeks of the season for many reasons.

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Intersting to read SL says, that he estimates to get a 1/3 more revenue on match day, with a new stadium, than today. So he is expecting us to have a new stadium only 2/3rds full?

A third more revenue on match day would be a fixed percentage on a fluctuating crowd whether 100 old 133 new revenue or 1000 old 1333 new revenue, not a anticipation of a 2/3rd full stadium.

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Thanks for posting that Weston. Read it all, very interesting.

The numbers are all fairly known to us so no real surprises for me.

The one thing that stands out is revenue to attendances; we had average attendances of 16.8k in season 08-09 falling to 14.6k last season. This season i suspect that will show a further fall of similar magnitude to around 12.5k ? In short revenue will fall by about a similar amount of around

£1 million. For those who advocate a rapid change of personnel to the management team have their potential justification for doing so right there in those pretty likely numbers; I am not advocating it but merely pointing it out. The likes of Chris Hughton would have a big bounce to the summer's season ticket sales although one might argue the Coppell factor did not bring in the anticipated bump the board might have expected perhaps due in large part to a deep recession.

As I have said before, if City finish the season strongly, like they did last year, then there will be renewed confidence that this management team can remain at the helm, whether that sees an upsurge in season ticket sales and a decent season to come of course remains to be seen.

I think the recession will hit us and other clubs harder than they expect with regards to STs. It is a luxury item and with the numbers about to receive their P45s in the coming year, lots of people will reluctantly bid them farewell (unless they buy one with their redundo money!) That ST thread here shows a fair number expecting not to renew. Now if that's reflective of the slightly more committed fan (who posts on here) what must be the general picture be like?

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I think the recession will hit us and other clubs harder than they expect with regards to STs. It is a luxury item and with the numbers about to receive their P45s in the coming year, lots of people will reluctantly bid them farewell (unless they buy one with their redundo money!) That ST thread here shows a fair number expecting not to renew. Now if that's reflective of the slightly more committed fan (who posts on here) what must be the general picture be like?

The recession will hit everything bar footballers wages and that just ain't right i'm afraid they will continue to rise. Footballers wages is the only reason clubs are struggling it accounts for more 90% of a clubs expenditure and that has to be unsustainable.

The only reason Chelsea and Liverpool spent so much in the last window and why Chelsea are now trying to unsettle Fabregas is because there is speculation that FIFA may allow clubs to spend only according to income, whether that will include wages or just transfers remain to be seen.

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I would have thought a lot of the reasoning for a new stadium would be to increase the revenue from non match days, Bristol has no exibition facilities but a large ready market for companies doing product launches etc. The increase in match day revenue will come as much from more coperate hospitallity as increase in crowds or ticket price.

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The second article serves to add weight to those of us who argue against those who seem determined to convince people that not only is the club in one of it's worse states ever, but that things could not get any worse if we were to change the Manager. Sadly I remember those days very, very well, after nearly 15 years of turning up week in, week out, I was truly faced with the prospect of not having a club to watch at all.

As poorly as things were going under Houghton, the period under Hodgson was truly awful. True, he couldn't really be blamed for much of it as the club was falling down around his ears, but yet another change of Manager was the final blow to any remaining confidence the players had.

Things only got worse as well, when Terry Cooper struggled to get any momentum in Div 4 and we actually hit rock bottom of the league around Xmas, there are times when I actually wonder how we ever recovered.

So for those of you who say "it can't be much worse", it can be and has been.

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Have just read the first article. It's funny that when we see figures banded around on here regarding the clubs finances, our losss last season, or the overall deficit, somehow it doesn't seem quite so bad. Reading a comprehensive article like this makes you realise just what a financial comittment is involved if a club like this is seriously trying to secure top flight football. It also makes you realise ( if we didn't already) just how crucial Sl is to the club's fortunes in the immediate future.

It struck me that our attempts to reach the Premier League are a bit like explorers trying to reach the North Pole. They know they have to stock up with provisions and supllies sufficient to make sure that they can get there, as if they fall short they will perish. The problem is that the greater the weight of supplies, the greater the danger that the ice will not support the weight and the expedition will sink. Just how much weight are we going to be carrying and how thin is the ice under our feet? It makes you wonder.

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This is quite scary...

'On the cost side, like all football clubs, the wage bill is by far the largest element, but it's a real humdinger at Bristol City, having risen inexorably to £13.8 million, which is an incredible 124% of turnover'

Presumably for 10/11 it'll be even higher ?

gate receipts probably down, cost per ticket same or down, inflation, so i would guess yes to that question. Sooner Hunt is off the books the better!!

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Both very interesting reads

Gate revenue questions and points being made, what were ST sales like at the start of this season, with the Coppell factor, good run in, David James other experienced Champ players coming in adding to this, the average gate could have little to do with income if ST holders made up most of an average attendance, more importantly the club still has the money from the ST holders that didn't turn up ... albeit (£400/23) £20 per fan depending on who's paid what for a season ticket.

It's daunting to say the least and is very clear that we'd be right up a creek without a paddle if SL turned his back

There's a mention of going back to re-developing Ashton Gate if Ashton Vale fell through - makes the ambition to get to AV more important, as much as I love AG and it holds many memories for even myself, it cannot be expanded to the extent the club would need.

I feel confident in SL + directors and I'm glad the clubs in safe hands

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