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we try to sing but very few join in until there is fight shown on the pitch,

tbh I haven't heard much from the EE this season ether

EE is usually loud for the first 10 mins or so. The boys come out - play well for 10 mins and then the switch goes off, I am not sure why they cannot play like that for 90 mins. Gradually the atmosphere drops as does the quality on the pitch (the atmosphere lags the football so don't blame the shite football on lack of support!!).

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EE is usually loud for the first 10 mins or so. The boys come out - play well for 10 mins and then the switch goes off, I am not sure why they cannot play like that for 90 mins. Gradually the atmosphere drops as does the quality on the pitch (the atmosphere lags the football so don't blame the shite football on lack of support!!).

Just a thought on this maybe the better the support the better the footie c'mon the reds

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As I've said a million times, it's something about football in this country in the most part (though Chelsea's support was for the most part at Fulham pretty vocal last night))

Is it cultural differences, is it demographics, standing or prices? Regardless what i would very much like to see would be all 4 stands with a substantial number stood up come the next home game- singing and chanting! Or at least the ones behind the goals if nothing much else.

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As I've said a million times, it's something about football in this country in the most part (though Chelsea's support was for the most part at Fulham pretty vocal last night))

Is it cultural differences, is it demographics, standing or prices? Regardless what i would very much like to see would be all 4 stands with a substantial number stood up come the next home game- singing and chanting! Or at least the ones behind the goals if nothing much else.

I think you have hit the nail on the head. For some reason sitting down seems to mute crowds.

When we rocked Reading a few seasons ago we did not sit the whole game and the atmosphere was amazing, the last couple of visits most have been sat down and the atmosphere has been crap.

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Well when teams like Leeds get 2000 tickets, it's 2000 fans singing against 1000-1200?? city fans, whilst the remaining 15,000 are hush

Not correct, A and B Dolman and the Atyeo made a fair bit of noise on Saturday.

Last season and the previous we could hear the EE, but this season we just cant.

I'm not trying to score any points, it's just a fact.

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I was appalled by the EE against Leeds. All they seemed to sing about was Rovers demise. How is that 'supporting' City? It sends out the wrong message to the players.

I know it's old hat now, but the 'Always believe' song sent out the right message and gave belief and a bit of positivety to the players.

BTW....what happened to all the flag waving and the drums? They've all died a death too.

I've watched Ultra's abroad, and they have one or two guy's orchestrating the chant's and songs and the rest follow. Does this happen in the EE? I don't know, because i prefer to watch my footie from the Williams.

Perhaps a bit of planning and effort from the fans is needed. We expect it from the players. Just a thought...

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BTW....what happened to all the flag waving?

I couldnt be bothered to set them up and put them away every game on my own, thats why its not happened anymore. Anyone is welcome to get them from the stewards hut and set them up, me and someone will wave them with you.

Its easy to say, why isnt this happening, why is there no noise, why arnt people doing this and that, but unless people do things to help out then nothing will be done.

People can moan about the atmopshere being poor, but unless people do something about it then it wont improve.

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Not correct, A and B Dolman and the Atyeo made a fair bit of noise on Saturday.

Last season and the previous we could hear the EE, but this season we just cant.

I'm not trying to score any points, it's just a fact.

From the EE you could only hear the Atyeo once on saturday, which gives the impression from the EE that "why is noone else singing". I think people are, just everyone else cant hear each other, its good different parts of the ground is making noise. The more the merrier.

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From the EE you could only hear the Atyeo once on saturday, which gives the impression from the EE that "why is noone else singing". I think people are, just everyone else cant hear each other, its good different parts of the ground is making noise. The more the merrier.

Exactly. I told a mate the blocks by the away end in the upper and lower Williams were pretty loud on Saturday and he laughed with "I couldn't hear you". We just can't hear each other...why??? I think because the stands are singing a different song apart from the usual, 'C'Mon you redz!"


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I couldnt be bothered to set them up and put them away every game on my own, thats why its not happened anymore. Anyone is welcome to get them from the stewards hut and set them up, me and someone will wave them with you.

Its easy to say, why isnt this happening, why is there no noise, why arnt people doing this and that, but unless people do things to help out then nothing will be done.

People can moan about the atmopshere being poor, but unless people do something about it then it wont improve.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I would have thought, there would be more likeminded people like yourself, who would be willing to help. I'm really suprised to be honest.

Unfortunately, i'm one of those fans that like's to sit quietly, observe and study the football. That's how i enjoy my football. But i always thought i was in the minority.

I hope by highlighting the plight on here, you get someone to help you. I really enjoyed seeing Gerry Gow being waved.

Keep up the good work, you are appreciated by many.

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Unfortunately, i'm one of those fans that like's to sit quietly, observe and study the football. That's how i enjoy my football. But i always thought i was in the minority.

Thats how football should be, people who want to sit quietly and watch the football should have a space to do it.

People who want to sing, shout etc and enjoy themselves that way should have a space to do that, its the way it should be.

We are lucky at ashton gate people have a choice with an "unoffical standing" area on a old terrace, or for example sitting quietly in E block of the dolman and having a proper decent view.

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I was appalled by the EE against Leeds. All they seemed to sing about was Rovers demise. How is that 'supporting' City? It sends out the wrong message to the players.

I know it's old hat now, but the 'Always believe' song sent out the right message and gave belief and a bit of positivety to the players.

BTW....what happened to all the flag waving and the drums? They've all died a death too.

I've watched Ultra's abroad, and they have one or two guy's orchestrating the chant's and songs and the rest follow. Does this happen in the EE? I don't know, because i prefer to watch my footie from the Williams.

Perhaps a bit of planning and effort from the fans is needed. We expect it from the players. Just a thought...

What wrong with singing about traditional things like rovers and If your so appalled why not go in there and help out with planning?

Seems to me despite no goals since new years day the EE is still giving it a go check the eastenders forum then this one there is a massive difference.

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It bugged me that the Leeds fans where singing "you're support is sh@t"

We were singing it to them, I thought they were very quiet considering they were winning and away from home and had 2000+ fans. We only had the occasional Marching on Together and a handful of other chants.

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Exactly. I told a mate the blocks by the away end in the upper and lower Williams were pretty loud on Saturday and he laughed with "I couldn't hear you". We just can't hear each other...why??? MM

The sound doesnt travel and you cant hear it from the dolman side not unless it got back to the eighties days v the gas.

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I was appalled by the EE against Leeds. All they seemed to sing about was Rovers demise. How is that 'supporting' City? It sends out the wrong message to the players.

I know it's old hat now, but the 'Always believe' song sent out the right message and gave belief and a bit of positivety to the players.

BTW....what happened to all the flag waving and the drums? They've all died a death too.

I've watched Ultra's abroad, and they have one or two guy's orchestrating the chant's and songs and the rest follow. Does this happen in the EE? I don't know, because i prefer to watch my footie from the Williams.

Perhaps a bit of planning and effort from the fans is needed. We expect it from the players. Just a thought...[/u]

We expect it from the players due to thier wage packet

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Honestly - appalled, come on?!!? A lot of the anti-rovers chanting was because the Leeds scummers were singing there's only one team in bristol.

I'm probably the wrong person to respond to this, because i'll hold my hands up and say 'I'm not a singer or chanter'. Used to be, but not anymore, as i like to just sit and observe.

However, if i must, then i will say the EE are reactive rather than Proactive. I don't blame them though. It's hard to get fired up watching the shite on show at the moment.

It won't have gone unnoticed by the powers that be though.

I think it's definately a mindset. I watched Pompey get a thumping at Manure last season, and their fans didn't shut up the whole game. Regardless of how bad times are, some teams support continues, some don't. I definately think we are a 'Sing when you're winning' Club.

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I personally think were a "sing in the direct aftermath of a goal, then quiet again" crowd in a lot of places of the ground.

On the subject of "come join us and help", personally I'd love to be a part of it, however I also like to be able to

Watch the game... My view from the back row of the dolman is so good that even the distinct lack of response when we try get a song going doesn't make me long for te eastend.

When we get the new ground I really hope that "Forza eastend" and the club get their heads together to provide a "singing area" with a decent view and an understanding that the rules will be the same as the eastend. In a dream world the safe standing issue would be solved by then too! But that's not likely! :(

There does seem to be a massive proportion of the fans who moan about the atmosphere but contribute **** all to it... It's a shame that the club cNt discriminate and put the singers together and the library dwellers together :P

Disjointed and unorganised just about describes BCFC on and off the pitch.

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I'm probably the wrong person to respond to this, because i'll hold my hands up and say 'I'm not a singer or chanter'. Used to be, but not anymore, as i like to just sit and observe.

However, if i must, then i will say the EE are reactive rather than Proactive. I don't blame them though. It's hard to get fired up watching the shite on show at the moment.

It won't have gone unnoticed by the powers that be though.

I think it's definately a mindset. I watched Pompey get a thumping at Manure last season, and their fans didn't shut up the whole game. Regardless of how bad times are, some teams support continues, some don't. I definately think we are a 'Sing when you're winning' Club.

I would agree with the opening poster fans can do a bit more than "when the team gives wins I will be arsed" because we might wake up finding the Gas really did get relegated, but so did our team. I don't think you can generalise to the degree you have though. Some fans are relentlessly proactive in the East End. Saturday the support was viewed as awful, poor or quite good depending on stand. Different stands and differing ways of support e.g Rovers chants - Tom Thumb.

The mindset has changed, expectations for some are higher, some don't care anyway, but Ashton Gate is a noisier ground now than it used to be. Five, six years ago the atmopshere was very poor, last relegation the ground was a morgue. Ashton Gate is a world away from some of the grim aways in this division like the Riverside.

Pompey v City in the cup during the FA cup their support was not so good by the way should have lost maybe!!

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Think it's pretty poor to be honest. As spudski and others point out, Portsmouth 0-5 OT yet a good atmosphere. Watched Bari-Genoa on Sunday- Bari are bottom, doomed and Genoa are a midtable side. Also not a derby- yet pretty noisy atmosphere all the same, albeit pretty empty ground.

Not always that simple though, Man Utd, Arsenal win most weeks but their grounds are hardly among the top atmospheres in world terms! I would say, I do remember one game- Birmingham in the relegation season I think it was Spring 1999. Real noisy atmosphere that day, indeed in the two home games that led up to it. Why? Siege mentality I guess- altogether as one. Anti Rovers chants a bit dated I think, Always Believe was one that was good but generally a few more imaginative chants may not go amiss. Sure 'Drink up Ye Cider' is pretty ok but 'Come on Your Reds' and Red Army. Come on, surely we can do better than these relatively generic chants.

Edit: Have just found a load on here, but they don't seem so widespread unfortunately!


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I know we don't have much to cheer about cause we all have reason not cheer the team on.

But I do believe we need to get behind the team even

We all need to do what Delia said be the 12 man

We are getting out done by the away fans each Saturday

I wrote something similar to this before, but it is the chicken and egg scenario !

The crowd get noisier when the team give them something to shout about,

and apparently the players only perform better when the crowd make more noise !

So who is to blame ?

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I wrote something similar to this before, but it is the chicken and egg scenario !

The crowd get noisier when the team give them something to shout about,

and apparently the players only perform better when the crowd make more noise !

So who is to blame ?

Unfortunately, It's not about who is to blame...

Even if we all conclude that the Players should be performing better considering the amount they are payed to simply play a game we all love to play (and that is the case) the facts remain that WE are the ones that lose out if the club go down.

The players will continue to pick up their wages and will most likely find another championship club to take them on. We however will be back to square one... Thats what this is now about.

Are the fans doing all they can to inspire the players to perform better? No. not in the slightest. That is the only worthwhile point here, We can all accept that the players shouldn't need motivating any further than the managers words but its not the case.

There are too many people happy to moan, blame and insult everything to do with the club, far too many. I'd take my hat off to them if they were whiter than white and perfect themselves.

How long is it going to take before everyone realises that we can play a massive part in dragging us to the end of this season? People refer to the club as "OURS" all the time, but when are people going to start acting like it?

Let's publicise the FEE plans for Scunny at home. Lets show SL the thing he's investing in, the thing that he might have forgotten? The AG roar needs to be heard again, we need to get the core 13k behind the team and helping restore that confidence we saw in november.

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Just a thought, but when we kicked off our revival back in October the two home games v Reading and QPR were the two which started it.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong (Reading game not in Bristol, QPR watched in pub but no sound on TV)- but was the atmosphere for those 2 not top class? Real siege mentality and so on- certainly from those I know who went to the game and the indications in the report, the indications were that the atmosphere was very good. We were in a similar rut to now (6 from 11, 3 goals conceded in multiple games and CC loss to Southend) but the fans played their part in the revival!

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