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Enabling Development


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Can someone explain this to me please:

The club insists the new £92 million stadium cannot go ahead unless the new superstore can be built because it will provide £20 million towards the cost.

But the planners say that only "limited weight" should be given to the fact that the store plan is an "enabling development" for the stadium.

as I see it thats 22% of the funding and without it the stadium wont happen.

if the council says 22% of the funding only carries limited weight then surely they must have other suggestions on how that money is found?

I dont see how they can say £20m only has limited weight in the application without coming up with alternative ways the money could be raised.

with the £20m the stadium can get built. without it the stadium wont get built. How is that limited weight? How have they come to that conclusion?

surely its absolutly essential to the project happening and of huge weight. I'd like to know how the limited weight tag was decided on. It cant be as simple as "Lansdown has loads of cash so he can pay for it" can it?

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Tbh, I don't think most City fans have a clue about the new stadium. It's so bloody complicated, most have given up trying to understand. And when i say most fans, i don't mean Forum users.

I'm still trying to work out whether there will be a rail network to the ground from Temple meads. Sod driving the car to the new proposed Stadium, it'll be carnage. One road in by the looks of it.

As for the money...Christ knows

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Can someone explain this to me please:

The club insists the new £92 million stadium cannot go ahead unless the new superstore can be built because it will provide £20 million towards the cost.

But the planners say that only "limited weight" should be given to the fact that the store plan is an "enabling development" for the stadium.

as I see it thats 22% of the funding and without it the stadium wont happen.

if the council says 22% of the funding only carries limited weight then surely they must have other suggestions on how that money is found?

I dont see how they can say £20m only has limited weight in the application without coming up with alternative ways the money could be raised.

with the £20m the stadium can get built. without it the stadium wont get built. How is that limited weight? How have they come to that conclusion?

surely its absolutly essential to the project happening and of huge weight. I'd like to know how the limited weight tag was decided on. It cant be as simple as "Lansdown has loads of cash so he can pay for it" can it?

I agree but i suppose that the argument would be that if the store doesn't go ahead we wouldn't loose £20 million of funding for the stadium, as we could sell it for £10 million for housing development, so tho store is only providing 12% of the stadium funding in it's self.

If the council or opponents of the store could realistically provide an alternative to find the extra 10 million we would loose to fund the stadium apart from saying the SL should just get another 10 million out of his pocket then i can understand giving this development limited weight as an "enabling development" but nobody has come up with i viable alternative so it's just a joke not having it as a major enabling development.

The thing that gets me is that the council surely know if they turn this one down then they will just end up with the original plans going through on appeal as sainsburys will win that one as they really had no grounds other than pre-concieved bias to turn it down, and this store is a better proposal in every way.

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I think what it means is that the decision on whether or not to grant permission for the supermarket is one which has to be judged pretty much on its own merits.

The connection with the funding of the stadium has limited influence on the whether the case has, or has not, been made for the store.

In the real world of course this sort of thing is almost non-sensical. Nearly all decisions we make are inter-related with other factors, and we take all of those factors into account when we make a decision.

This is the law though and local government planning law as well, so don't expect to much common sense to prevail!

Here's hoping though, that despite the somewhat bizzare about turn regarding the officers' recommendation, the elected members will consider the wider picture and give it the :thumbsup:

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