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Steady Closing His Twitter Account?


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Why because they're passionate and genuinely care about their clubs and football in general?

Um.... No, because they have too much to say that brings their clubs into disrepute and sets a bad example as role models. The pair of them are often having to delete comments they have made. You call it passion, I call it being an immature, self opinionated tosser. Oh, and the club didn't force him either. That's been established

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Um.... No, because they have too much to say that brings their clubs into disrepute and sets a bad example as role models. The pair of them are often having to delete comments they have made. You call it passion, I call it being an immature, self opinionated tosser. Oh, and the club didn't force him either. That's been established

Wilshire is a passionate young lad who clearly lives for football, it's all he ever bloody tweets about! So he might be a tad uncooth but it's good to see some genuine opinions from the pro's we are so distanced from now. Likewise Rio, who sometimes comes across as a bit of a plank, is clearly an avid fan as well as a player and it's good that he's not silenced.

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I'm all for passionate footballers, fans, the whole lot, but they both walk a fine line and occasionally step over it. When that happens they are silenced or, at least, someone has a word in their shell-like. Only on Sunday Ferdinand had to delete a defamatory tweet from Twitter re the game with Liverpool. He wasn't quick enough to stop 5Live running with it though

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I'm all for passionate footballers, fans, the whole lot, but they both walk a fine line and occasionally step over it. When that happens they are silenced or, at least, someone has a word in their shell-like. Only on Sunday Ferdinand had to delete a defamatory tweet from Twitter re the game with Liverpool. He wasn't quick enough to stop 5Live running with it though

What did he say exactly?

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Disappointed at seeing that. I personally enjoyed reading Jon's tweets, it felt like he was 1 of us during his recovery and I especially enjoyed the picture of him smiling at the City score on Soccer Special from the Watford game. I feel footballers these days are sheltered from the fans who idolise them and Steady showed they are actually human and has the same passion and determination we have whilst also taking a laugh at Rovers expense. Top bloke, is a real shame he is discontinuing Twitter usage.

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Unfortunately I think the club DID play a part in Steady's decision to pull his Tweet account?

I actually spoke to him before the game last night and in response to the question "Are you going to reopen your Tweet account?" Steady replied QUOTE "No thats got me into a lot of trouble" UNQUOTE

Looks like the Ashton "Political correctness police" have struck again.

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Unfortunately I think the club DID play a part in Steady's decision to pull his Tweet account?

I actually spoke to him before the game last night and in response to the question "Are you going to reopen your Tweet account?" Steady replied QUOTE "No thats got me into a lot of trouble" UNQUOTE

Looks like the Ashton "Political correctness police" have struck again.

Don't let SC_Red read that he might have to eat his words.

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why? where did he say the club made him delete his account?

Adam Baker said the club didnt make him. He chose to.

Why would Baker say that? Stops the Club getting unneccessary stick such as comments and jibes about being boring. Why would Stead make what he said up? Literally no reason.

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Why would Baker say that? Stops the Club getting unneccessary stick such as comments and jibes about being boring. Why would Stead make what he said up? Literally no reason.

I expect it got him into trouble with people other than the club. Adam Baker doesn't lie.

Conspiracy theories are bollocks.

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All I know is what I heard Steady say with his OWN MOUTH and I certainly took from his response that he had been told in no uncertain terms to stop pronto and I can only take that the people telling him to stop were his employers???

If it was Sags getting on his nerves I really dont think his response would have been "No, thats got me into a lot of trouble"

The Ashton Stazi (Which just remember that Adam is a paid member of) strikes again me very well thinks????


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All I know is what I heard Steady say with his OWN MOUTH and I certainly took from his response that he had been told in no uncertain terms to stop pronto and I can only take that the people telling him to stop were his employers???

If it was Sags getting on his nerves I really dont think his response would have been "No, thats got me into a lot of trouble"

The Ashton Stazi (Which just remember that Adam is a paid member of) strikes again me very well thinks????


Far more likely he meant people in football in general. But carry on calling Adam a liar eh?

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I expect it got him into trouble with people other than the club. Adam Baker doesn't lie.

Conspiracy theories are bollocks.

I'd imagine it probably got him a bit of stick on twitter and the Club probably said it'd be better to stop it altogether. I'm not having a go at Baker but why exactly would he or the Club want everyone to know that? Stead lying makes a lot less sense.

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I'd imagine it probably got him a bit of stick on twitter and the Club probably said it'd be better to stop it altogether. I'm not having a go at Baker but why exactly would he or the Club want everyone to know that? Stead lying makes a lot less sense.

for god sake.... THE CLUB NEVER TOLD HIM TO STOP IT!!!!!!! he chose to do it himself, stright from his mouth and that of the other players from the club who Tweet,

explain to me please If the club told him to stop Tweeting why are other players from our club aloud to carry on?

Theres no conspircy this isn't communist russa its a young man who feels it wasn't worth the hassle he was getting to carry on

Nothing to do with the f ing club

I trust the words of Adam Baker and the club other any rumours here you only had to look at the crap robbo use to come out with about johnson to relise that

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I'd imagine that Stead found out the truth that SL is Colonel Gaddafi's evil twin brother, that his wealth (and therefore City's funding) really comes from exploiting Libyan peasants, and that Hargreaves Lansdown is not a financial advisory firm but a shell company set up to launder commissions on arms sales to Libya (but no-one's noticed because a few amateur imposters actually talk more sense that "real" financial advisors). He was about to spill the beans, but the Libyan secret service stopped him.

You may think this is rubbish, but it's probably just as likely as some of the other speculation on this thread.

2+2=5, and please don't tell me otherwise.

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