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Why Has My Topic Been Deleted ?


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I'm only guessing, but probably because it was a load of bollocks.

Indeed. Unsubstatiated, trouble causing and unsettling, rumour mongering :disapointed2se:

This isn't even about a potential signing - it is about replacing a manager that doesn't need to be replaced.

All threads that are based on rumour should be taken off unless there is some legitimate source quoted.

Opinion, be it right , wrong or indifferent is fine. Talking bollocks with nothing to back it up, other than a brothers mates dogwalker who used to deliver milk to the club cleaner, and they mentioned it - gets a bit boring!

Quote a source or don't post it, should be a rule.

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So every rumour thats 'bollocks' gets deleted from this forum tom ??

As I say I'm only speculating, I really couldn't give a toss what happened to it. It's probably Lee Johnsons fault though.

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Indeed. Unsubstatiated, trouble causing and unsettling, rumour mongering :disapointed2se:

This isn't even about a potential signing - it is about replacing a manager that doesn't need to be replaced.

All threads that are based on rumour should be taken off unless there is some legitimate source quoted.

Opinion, be it right , wrong or indifferent is fine. Talking bollocks with nothing to back it up, other than a brothers mates dogwalker who used to deliver milk to the club cleaner, and they mentioned it - gets a bit boring!

Quote a source or don't post it, should be a rule.

Totally Disagree - We should all be allowed to judge a rumour for ourselves.

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Are there 2 Toms? I thought our Tom swore never to return....?

I have reverted to where I once was many years ago, a mere member. Pun probably included.

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Totally Disagree - We should all be allowed to judge a rumour for ourselves.

I do know what you mean, but there are rumours and rumours.

Would it be ok for customers in your workplace to start telling everyone that you were leaving your job and your replacement had already been sourced, or would that be likely to have an unfair negative impact on you and your daily duties?

If they were however to say " I was peaking to Mr x, company CEO and he told me that riaz is going and his replacement is xyz, than that is different and leaves the alledged source able to confirm or deny the rumours.

It has long been a problem with this forum that anonymous people can post anything they like and not be held accountable. As Brian Tinnion once stated, it can have a dramatic snowball effect with nasty consiquences.

Simply state your source, add a link to something you have read, or don't believe everything you are told. Especially dont post vague mutterings about a persons employment on a public forum.

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One for the mods, How come my 'interesting rumour' thread been deleted ?????????????????

I deleted it by mistake and have only just found out, it was whilst I was deleting the links to moved threads.

I could restore it, but there's a fair consensus that it was bollocks and it should stay in the recycle bin. I'm indifferent, but so perhaps I'll post a poll and canvas opinions on rumour threads, should they stay or go?

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Simply state your source, add a link to something you have read, or don't believe everything you are told. Especially dont post vague mutterings about a persons employment on a public forum.

Don't be daft, nobody has ever stated their source either for 'bollocks' rumours or those that turned out to be true.

Most of us like to read rumours and speculation, this forum has thrived on it for years.

I agree with Riaz, let us read them and make our own minds up.

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I deleted it by mistake and have only just found out, it was whilst I was deleting the links to moved threads.

I could restore it, but there's a fair consensus that it was bollocks and it should stay in the recycle bin. I'm indifferent, but so perhaps I'll post a poll and canvas opinions on rumour threads, should they stay or go?

If you deleted it by mistake why on earth would you not restore it?

Hardly needs a poll surely?

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Indeed. Unsubstatiated, trouble causing and unsettling, rumour mongering :disapointed2se:

This isn't even about a potential signing - it is about replacing a manager that doesn't need to be replaced.

All threads that are based on rumour should be taken off unless there is some legitimate source quoted.

Opinion, be it right , wrong or indifferent is fine. Talking bollocks with nothing to back it up, other than a brothers mates dogwalker who used to deliver milk to the club cleaner, and they mentioned it - gets a bit boring!

Quote a source or don't post it, should be a rule.

In fairness to the OP, I don't think he ssuggested that Millen was to be replaced, i.e. sacked. If I read it correctly, the implication was that KM would walk away at the end of the season.

I agree that speculation about a manager being sacked is trouble causing and unsettling and given the history of this MB, par for the course - you only have to go back a year to see posters hunting GJ in a pack. This rumour was interesting because, if he is sucessful in maintaining our championship status, the last thing most of us would expect is for KM to walk away from the job. Following the major changes we have just seen announced at board level, the possibility that the manager might resign at the same time the board changes take place was intriguing.

As for the source. If I am not mistaken, The OP did say in his original post that it had come from someone at, or close to board level. While this could be the chairman's milkman's, son's, girlfriend's, best friend's, hairdresser's Dad, perhaps this might be he reason for the original thread being removed?

To be fair, it is probably a load of old b011ox, but intriguing none the less. I wait with baited breath to see future threads comprising the same amounts of old tosh being summarily removed with equel haste.

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Personally, I would like to see it restored. Whether it's boll**** or not is irrelevant IMO. Surely, people are capable of assessing the truth of such rumours on their merits. It sets a dangerous precedent if rumours are only to be allowed on here, if the mods think they're true (albeit, an accidental deletion in this case). When rumours were flying around on here about David James signing, they could have equally been seen as ludicrous at the time!

Say no to censorship! :protest:

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how do you know big boy?

How do you know he's a big boy?

Is this just wild speculation or do you have a source?

If he IS a big boy then it could really be a load of b011ux!!

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