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There is a lovely two page spread in this months Backpass magazine, covering the saga of the Ashton Gate 8. A really nice article, with pics, including some facts that i didn't know. One of them... Clive Whitehead on an 11 year contract at a reputed £550 per week in 1976 :o No wonder we were in the shit.

Worth getting...if you're into proper football ;)

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There is a lovely two page spread in this months Backpass magazine, covering the saga of the Ashton Gate 8. A really nice article, with pics, including some facts that i didn't know. One of them... Clive Whitehead on an 11 year contract at a reputed £550 per week in 1976 :o No wonder we were in the shit.

Worth getting...if you're into proper football ;)

Yeah, I well remember the 11 year contract!!

Clive Whitehead must have thought he'd won the pools!

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Bob Houghton who came in and replaced Alan Dicks, and was given a 3 year contract worth £25,000 a year. We are talking 1980 here. Crazy...After we got relegated back into Div 2 ( todays Championship ) 5 games in Dicks lost his job. The attendance that day was 9528. Worth thinking about, when it comes to Apathy, Bristol, Crowds and football. And this was at a time when there wasn't much to go and watch and do in Bristol. Apart from us, the Gas, Rugby and cricket...that was it. Even the Speedway had gone by then, and that averaged gates aroung 8000.

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As someone who is too young to have any real knowledge of the situation, it does come across that the people running BCFC back then had some very serious

Mental health issues... I mean seriously, wtf?

There was a reason behind the awarding of the long contracts. In 1979, City had become the first team to lose a player under the new Freedom of Contract rules (a forerunner of the Bosman ruling). Gary Collier left City to join Coventry.

Basically, City panicked at the prospect of losing all their best players when their contracts ended, so awarded ridiculously long contracts. Of course, relegations followed, the contracts couldn't be honoured, and the rest is history.

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