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"Don't post it up on the forum if you haven't got the bollocks (no pun intended) to say something at the time" is the message given by all the people who slag off the supposed PC Brigade...

Dolly does this and people tell her she can't?

Double standards on OTIB...

I've heard worse chants at AG, but why that should count as justification of such things is beyond me... Why there must be different rules for inside a stadium and outside is very odd indeed.

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I'm one of those people who if you piss me off, I'm gonna tell you, rather than standing by and saying/doing nothing. Hence why I said what I said on Saturday, and would do the same again. As I've already said, people complained that no one spoke up about the racist chanting at Milwall, and I don't see that this is any different. Sorry but I don't.

Let's just say the injury had been serious, I don't think this thread would have gone the way it has if it had been.

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"Don't post it up on the forum if you haven't got the bollocks (no pun intended) to say something at the time" is the message given by all the people who slag off the supposed PC Brigade...

Dolly does this and people tell her she can't?

Double standards on OTIB...

I've heard worse chants at AG, but why that should count as justification of such things is beyond me... Why there must be different rules for inside a stadium and outside is very odd indeed.

Its not really a case of saying "she cant", its more of a case of "what business is it of hers to say whats right and wrong"

As someone else said, there was chants about the prostitute murders........this is far worse surely?.

I think the general thought is "get a grip". If you approached someone every time something insensitive was sang or chanted, you'd miss half the game!!

Would certain people approach a City fan chanting "sheep sheep sheep sha*ger??"......this is a form of racism is it not? anyone?? nah thought not..............

..........as you said, definately double standards on OTIB

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I'm one of those people who if you piss me off, I'm gonna tell you, rather than standing by and saying/doing nothing. Hence why I said what I said on Saturday, and would do the same again. As I've already said, people complained that no one spoke up about the racist chanting at Milwall, and I don't see that this is any different. Sorry but I don't.

Let's just say the injury had been serious, I don't think this thread would have gone the way it has if it had been.

good luck with that! but do not be to suprised if some where down the line, you come across someone truely vile who will take offence to you butting your nose in and you will come unstuck.

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i don't think its a case of double standards but certain life experiences nd personality traits can affect what annoys people. for example dolly could've had somebody close to her die of a head injury therefore upsetting her. obviously thats unlikely but the point still stands that we can't judge whats double standards or not without knowing somebodys background, history etc

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"Don't post it up on the forum if you haven't got the bollocks (no pun intended) to say something at the time" is the message given by all the people who slag off the supposed PC Brigade...

Dolly does this and people tell her she can't?

Double standards on OTIB...

I've heard worse chants at AG, but why that should count as justification of such things is beyond me... Why there must be different rules for inside a stadium and outside is very odd indeed.

I would not encourage people to confront anybody else under any circumstances in that environment. By doing so someone could approach somebody who is very pleasant and end up causing further problems. Ridiculous

Are you sugggesting that when she confronted them they should of said something back to her at the time if they did not agree, dangerous game mate

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Are you sugggesting that when she confronted them they should of said something back to her at the time if they did not agree, dangerous game mate

They did say something back, "Get back in the kitchen" and I had the Andy Gray hates women song sung at me as well.

I guess you'd be one of those people who wouldn't intervene if someone was being attacked or was drowning. I'd rather have tried to do something than stand by and do nothing. At least I tried. People don't have to like what I said but they do have to respect my opinion to dislike it, and voice that.

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It would, indeed, appear as the last bastion of gallows humour, has fallen at the feet of the P.c. behemoth.

Thank god no-one sang hit him on the head, hit him on the head with a baseball bat - think of all those poor, less fortunate baseball bats, injured by football fans mimicking terrace humour.

Could the last one please turn out the lights. Don't forget to pick up your giant foam hands on the way out.

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It would, indeed, appear as the last bastion of gallows humour, has fallen at the feet of the P.c. behemoth.

Thank god no-one sang hit him on the head, hit him on the head with a baseball bat - think of all those poor, less fortunate baseball bats, injured by football fans mimicking terrace humour.

Could the last one please turn out the lights. Don't forget to pick up your giant foam hands on the way out.


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They did say something back, "Get back in the kitchen" and I had the Andy Gray hates women song sung at me as well.

I guess you'd be one of those people who wouldn't intervene if someone was being attacked or was drowning. I'd rather have tried to do something than stand by and do nothing. At least I tried. People don't have to like what I said but they do have to respect my opinion to dislike it, and voice that.

Your accusation is terrible - "Guess you'd be one of those people who wouldnt intervene if someone was being attacked or was drowning" and your "admin"

I think comparing shouting at fellow fans about chanting at an injured player at football and confronting a murderer/ drowning person is a joke. How do you know you would unless you have been in that situation you mentioned ?how do you know you would confront? How can you compare the two?

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I would not encourage people to confront anybody else under any circumstances in that environment. By doing so someone could approach somebody who is very pleasant and end up causing further problems. Ridiculous

Are you sugggesting that when she confronted them they should of said something back to her at the time if they did not agree, dangerous game mate

You misunderstand, I don't agree that confronting people is the best course of action. However in the last week we've had a thread where a fan has witnessed racism and was told that if he felt strongly enough to complain on a forum he should have confronted the racists... Dolly follows that "advice" in this situation and the same "lot" give her grief for doing so... Thats the double standard.

The only defence people have for saying out of order things is "Freedom of speech, PC Brigade telling us what we can and can't do" and thats because they know morally they are wrong...

Next we'll be discussing whether "paki" is racist and why Na. zi is deleted and replaced with *unacceptable word* when you type it...

Dolly has as much right to tell those to shut up as they do to say it in the first place... Facts are, the dolly has the moral highground and that alone

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Dolly - i admire you stance, you obv stick up for yourself, and fair play for doing so - and having a teflon approach to such chants,

however i also can emphasise with the no confrontation - good people tend not to come off best from confrontation (just been down my local coop, bloke in there has had too many sailor jerry's and started abusing the lady behind the till - no warrented but it happens, thankfully an old boy shooed him out)

Dolly - you cant marshall a football crowd, however should anything serious happen one day, i'm sure these people would take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror

on the positive side, theres been no mention of celtic, nicky hunt or the gas!

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I think most people know pretty quickly when some one is truly hurt and suffering and are decent about it.

Equally most uk fans detest play-acting, people pretending they are hurt rolling around the floor to get a free kick or penalty. This seems to be yet another grotesque side of football that we will have to put up with when we are in the Premier League(!?!?!?)

(I don't know about you lot but when I am hurt I try to stay as still as possible)

On a lighter side the funniest thing I heard about an injury was up at Huddersfield about 6 years ago.

One of their players goes down and stays down for a while.

A City fan calls out " Ah, give 'im a pint of cider and a bag of crisps!"

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They did say something back, "Get back in the kitchen" and I had the Andy Gray hates women song sung at me as well.

I guess you'd be one of those people who wouldn't intervene if someone was being attacked or was drowning. I'd rather have tried to do something than stand by and do nothing. At least I tried. People don't have to like what I said but they do have to respect my opinion to dislike it, and voice that.

Thats a outrageous comment.

You are now coming across as melodramatic as you are Wildly exaggerating your point.

Have you ever seen someone drowning or being attacked? :rolleyes: point being you don't know how you'd react unless confronted with these situations. We all like to think we wade in and help but the truth is of the matter is many when confronted with life and death situations freeze.

The comparisons and comments you are making show you clearly have no sense of perspective.

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They did say something back, "Get back in the kitchen" and I had the Andy Gray hates women song sung at me as well.

I guess you'd be one of those people who wouldn't intervene if someone was being attacked or was drowning. I'd rather have tried to do something than stand by and do nothing. At least I tried. People don't have to like what I said but they do have to respect my opinion to dislike it, and voice that.

:laughcont: this comparison still makes me chuckle ...

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Dolly - i admire you stance, you obv stick up for yourself, and fair play for doing so - and having a teflon approach to such chants,

She is not sticking up for herself though is she?

She has taken it upon herself to decide what shouldn't be sung. F knows why?!!

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