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Coppell On Talk Sport Tomorrow

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Not heard the interview myself, but apparently Coppell was "disappointed at the environment he found himself in?", and may have implied Lansdwon wanted to much input in football side of things

Thats exactly how I heard it, said yes, he was selfish but believes he did not damage long term prospects at the club, also said he's not retired but career could be over as nobody would probably employ him - I'm sure some team would.

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Not heard the interview myself, but apparently Coppell was "disappointed at the environment he found himself in?", and may have implied Lansdwon wanted to much input in football side of things

Like you I haven't heard the interview either, but I would think that the idea that Lansdowne would interfere with the day to day workings of any Manager let alone one of his experience is incredibly unlikely. Sounds like this is an excuse that he has "developed" to explain his reason for leaving.

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Seemed like a smug **** what talking about city. Basically making out that job wasnt as described and said later on that he wasnt used to having to explain why he wanted certain players. He expected to name a name and get him. Well no ******g wonder if players like Nicky Hunt were who he wanted. Well rid I think.

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What a ridiculous statement. Hate Man United/his attitude all you want, he's ******* class.

Anelka, Gyan and Defoe are better. What are you on, son :laugh: :laugh:

sorry but I agree with Nudie red, as well as being a grade A a$$, Rooney is hero worshipped because he just happens to be better than the rest of the english strikers, which isnt saying much.

Rooney has scored some great goals, but if you take 100 shots, 1 or 2 of them might go in, the rest of them are a danger to the aircraft at the nearest airport - if you dont believe me go to an england game and watch the warm up - Gerrard isnt much better. It is generally accepted that Barcelona and Real Madrid have the best midfield and forwards in club football, now why is it neither of them would touch rooney with a barge pole - ok, picture the scene, David Villa leaves barca, and they have a stash of cash to sign a striker, Rooney turns up first day, he will probaly try and thump who ever is closest to him, and when in his first game and when Xavi and Iniesta and Messi start trying to play 1-2s with him, only they turn in to 1's only, they all start looking at each other thinking what the hell is this?!

Rooney is alright in the premier league where the game is all about hussle and fast play, but for technique, he isnt on the same planet as the best players. I dont mind that, but he is a multi millionaire funding his lavish lifestyle just on the basis there arent any better english strikers, which annoys me no end. At least Beckham is a top guy, and actually makes some effort and is proud to represent the country at various events as well as impressing at clubs around the world.

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Like you I haven't heard the interview either, but I would think that the idea that Lansdowne would interfere with the day to day workings of any Manager let alone one of his experience is incredibly unlikely. Sounds like this is an excuse that he has "developed" to explain his reason for leaving.

With respect, I think SL has shown on occasion that he's perfectly happy to get involved with the day to day workings of the club.

He's well known for "popping in" to the changing room in order to try to motivate the players, and it's fairly common knowledge that it was SL's decision to go after David James.

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With respect, I think SL has shown on occasion that he's perfectly happy to get involved with the day to day workings of the club.

He's well known for "popping in" to the changing room in order to try to motivate the players, and it's fairly common knowledge that it was SL's decision to go after David James.

Taking an interest and interfering are two toally different things and I have lost count of the number of times it has been documented that it was Coppell who phoned and asked DJ to come. Was SL stood with a gun to his head?

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Coppell is a clever, well educated man, with a couple of patsies interviewing him.

A sanitised interview as far as the 2 contentious parts of his career, i.e. Man City and BCFC. I suspect that it was agreed beforehand how he would respond, as he was not pushed on either issue. The Man City resignation was a "private matter" and as far as we are concerned, his explanation bore no resemblance to the statement he issued at the time, but the 2 dummies "interviewing " him let him off scot free.

Sports journalists, my ar5e!

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Taking an interest and interfering are two toally different things and I have lost count of the number of times it has been documented that it was Coppell who phoned and asked DJ to come. Was SL stood with a gun to his head?


It was Lansdown's idea, pure and simple. The above article proves it.

Coppell obviously went along with it, but I bet he didn't realise the financial implications of it. The wages paid to James meant that there were probably other players who Coppell did want who we then couldn't afford.

Look, don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Coppell left as he wasn't happy here, but to say that it was his idea to sign David James is just daft when the Chairman has gone on record to say that it was his idea.

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Taking an interest and interfering are two toally different things and I have lost count of the number of times it has been documented that it was Coppell who phoned and asked DJ to come. Was SL stood with a gun to his head?

A Chairman going into the changing room to make rallying speeches to the players before games must be fairly unusual.

Some would say this indicates a perception on the part of the Chairman that the manager is incapable of motivating the players sufficiently.

Whether this is seen as interfering or taking an interest is open to debate but unless the manager has specifically asked for such input from the Chairman it could be seen as undermining him.

I think it's fairly well documented that the signing of James was SL's idea and SC followed it through. Again, it seems unusual for a Chairman to have an initial involvement in player movement although Abramovich is a notable exception.

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Are you mental? Seriously Maynard better than Carroll?. Terry better than Ferdinand?. Also Cahill?. No keep taking the tablets. No actually double the dose because they do not seem to be working.

Thought I would help you with your punctuation. Schools seem not to be bothered this day and age.

Are you mental? Seriously? Maynard better than Carroll? Terry better than Ferdinand? Also, Cahill? No. Keep taking the tablets. No, actually - double the dose because they do not seem to be working.

Tsk, tsk.

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Are you mental? Seriously Maynard better than Carroll?. Terry better than Ferdinand?. Also Cahill?. No keep taking the tablets. No actually double the dose because they do not seem to be working.

Thought I would help you with your punctuation. Schools seem not to be bothered this day and age.

I am no expert on the finer points of grammar and I'm hoping that someone can help me on this. It's just that the full stop after the question-mark looks as though it shouldn't be there. Does the question-mark not act as a full stop at the end of a sentence ? Any thoughts on this ?

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This just proves this forum is full of young ones not understanding or respecting a member of the forums opinion. I can even ask the question of what Rooney does for England? And that's nothing. It really is impossible for people to see two views of an opinion on this forum.


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Here are a few bits and pieces I gleaned from the Coppell interview with regard to his short stay at City .....

"They will be disappointed with me but I was disappointed with the environment I found myself in.

"It was pointless me being there just picking up the money . . . I did not cost them anything in compensation . . . It's not as if I damaged the long term prospects of the club."

"Realistically I probably have finished in management because a club is probably not going to offer me a job now.

"At Palace I was left to do my job. Nowadays with the influx on new owners you do not get that freedom.

"it's like when you sign a player sometimes you get a gut feeling that you know this is the right one.

"Nowadays you are expected to explain decisions, make a list and write reports. Owners say 'why don't you sign this player or that player'."

So he has changed his tune a bit since leaving and 'retiring' from football management. He now appears to be trying to spread the blame for his departure.

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Like you I haven't heard the interview either, but I would think that the idea that Lansdowne would interfere with the day to day workings of any Manager let alone one of his experience is incredibly unlikely. Sounds like this is an excuse that he has "developed" to explain his reason for leaving.

To be fair, I dont think he made out that Lansdown wanted input on the day to day workings of the manager, however he did say when he took over at Reading the chairman sat him down and said "I know nothing about football and how it works on the pitch" and left him to do his own thing.

I really think there is legs in the whole DJ thing, but was more a case of it being the straw that broke the camels back. I dont think he was ever happy here

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It was Lansdown's idea, pure and simple. The above article proves it.

Coppell obviously went along with it, but I bet he didn't realise the financial implications of it. The wages paid to James meant that there were probably other players who Coppell did want who we then couldn't afford.

Look, don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Coppell left as he wasn't happy here, but to say that it was his idea to sign David James is just daft when the Chairman has gone on record to say that it was his idea.

This appears to be one of your typically one sided views of a story.

Yes, of course it is common knowledge that SL came up with the idea of signing DJ, as without his financial thumbs up, nobody would have thought it to be a signing that was within our league.

You are ignoring the following quotes though. One from the link you posted....

"I contacted Colin Sexstone (chief executive) and sold the idea to him and he passed it on to Steve Coppell (manager). They both liked the idea and things went from there."

And the other from the interview with DJ at the time......

"I received a phone call from an unknown number. I don't usually answer those, but I was still drunk and so I picked it up.

"Much to my astonishment the man on the other end was Steve Coppell. He said, 'All right Dave, I'm the Bristol City manager, and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a look at the club? (Daily Mirror interview)

How anyone can say that SC did not want DJ or that the signing was forced onto him, is talking rubbish, imo.

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TALKSPORT have a 'Listen Again' facility online ....

Dont want to waste time listening through the whole bloody program.... 'listen again' is split into hourly segments so anyone know what time the relevent Coppell/City related comments appear ?


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Here goes *rolls up sleeve*

"They will be disappointed with me but I was disappointed with the environment I found myself in.

You hated the team and how it was run. Lovely.

"It was pointless me being there just picking up the money . . . I did not cost them anything in compensation . . . It's not as if I damaged the long term prospects of the club."

You bought Nicky Hunt. You'd have been better off asking Haley Joel Osment first.

"Realistically I probably have finished in management because a club is probably not going to offer me a job now.

And why should they, after both what you did and what you are now saying?

"At Palace I was left to do my job. Nowadays with the influx on new owners you do not get that freedom.

Chairmen aren't chequebooks, and never have been. It's almost Clough-level arrogance to assume that they would leave you to do it just because others have.

"it's like when you sign a player sometimes you get a gut feeling that you know this is the right one.

Refer to the second quote above.

"Nowadays you are expected to explain decisions, make a list and write reports. Owners say 'why don't you sign this player or that player'."

And refer to the fourth. Also, isn't it good for the game that owners are keeping tabs on performances and lookouts? it's not their job, yes, but it's a perk - If I had nine figures to sink into a football club I would like to know at breadth about how my money's beeing spend and in depth about how my money could strengthen the club in facilities, personnel, development and promotions. I may or may not have the final say (likely the latter, but the former is becoming more common), but surely it's a good thing to get another head educated to the game?

Thus, Coppell wanted to be left to his own devices, pull a billion out of a Unicorn's arsehole and transplant FC Barcelona to the West Country. Or, to be kinder, he comically overestimated his own pull in the footballing world.

Edit: After re-reading the thread I'm very interested to see who Coppell wanted to bring in that could've benefited the club more than someone who - four weeks prior - inherited an inept, disinterested back four while competing on the largest stage in the footballing world. If none of his wishlist were from Reading I'll down a bottle of Morgan.

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TALKSPORT have a 'Listen Again' facility online ....

Dont want to waste time listening through the whole bloody program.... 'listen again' is split into hourly segments so anyone know what time the relevent Coppell/City related comments appear ?


Coppell was on after 11am and gone before 12pm. The City stuff was towards the end, 11.45am-ish. Lots of adverts and promotional stuff. Keys even interrupts one of his earlier replies to give some spiel about the sponsors.

Earlier he talks about being a golf caddy to his son, playing for Tranmere, Man U and the knee injury.

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This has to go down as the funniest thread I've ever seen on this forum, it's like being in school and the slightly more clever 10 year old is correcting the not so clever 10 year old on their spelling and grammar. PMSL

Yep...that's OTIB for you!

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Coppell was on after 11am and gone before 12pm. The City stuff was towards the end, 11.45am-ish. Lots of adverts and promotional stuff. Keys even interrupts one of his earlier replies to give some spiel about the sponsors.

Earlier he talks about being a golf caddy to his son, playing for Tranmere, Man U and the knee injury.

Cheers for that HR .. will have a listen.

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This appears to be one of your typically one sided views of a story.

Yes, of course it is common knowledge that SL came up with the idea of signing DJ, as without his financial thumbs up, nobody would have thought it to be a signing that was within our league.

You are ignoring the following quotes though. One from the link you posted....

"I contacted Colin Sexstone (chief executive) and sold the idea to him and he passed it on to Steve Coppell (manager). They both liked the idea and things went from there."

And the other from the interview with DJ at the time......

"I received a phone call from an unknown number. I don't usually answer those, but I was still drunk and so I picked it up.

"Much to my astonishment the man on the other end was Steve Coppell. He said, 'All right Dave, I'm the Bristol City manager, and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a look at the club? (Daily Mirror interview)

How anyone can say that SC did not want DJ or that the signing was forced onto him, is talking rubbish, imo.

Gee, thanks for being so patronising.

Do you really think that either Sexstone or Coppell would have gone out of their way to disagree with the man who was paying their wages?

Even a giant of the game such as Mourinho couldn't say no when the owner of his club forced him to take on Shevchenko and Ballack against his wishes. Who really thinks that Ancelotti wanted Torres?

Coppell went through the motions and pretended to be in favour of the signing. He made his true feelings on the matter known when he walked out.

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I got that impression- I remember reading on the site, that he said it was the hardest pre season he'd known. That should have been the big alarm bell.

He had been out of work for a year when he signed the contract with BCFC and then took, I think, two international holidays before actually turning up for work at Ashton Gate. Maybe it wasn't so much the size of the task that made it so hard for him pre-season as his own lack of desire/energy.

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Gee, thanks for being so patronising.

Do you really think that either Sexstone or Coppell would have gone out of their way to disagree with the man who was paying their wages?

Even a giant of the game such as Mourinho couldn't say no when the owner of his club forced him to take on Shevchenko and Ballack against his wishes. Who really thinks that Ancelotti wanted Torres?

Coppell went through the motions and pretended to be in favour of the signing. He made his true feelings on the matter known when he walked out.

I did wonder about the James thing at the time- none of us know really, but I did wonder if he may have wanted to spend the wages which went on James maybe on other areas of the side- 2 signings- say a striker and a better passing midfielder instead of a goalkeeper.

He had been out of work for a year when he signed the contract with BCFC and then took, I think, two international holidays before actually turning up for work at Ashton Gate. Maybe it wasn't so much the size of the task that made it so hard for him pre-season as his own lack of desire/energy.

Quite possibly. We'll never know I guess but today's interview was disappointing in terms of how little light was shed on the matter.

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He had been out of work for a year when he signed the contract with BCFC and then took, I think, two international holidays before actually turning up for work at Ashton Gate. Maybe it wasn't so much the size of the task that made it so hard for him pre-season as his own lack of desire/energy.


No more questions your honour

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