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Modern Football

Mclovin BS14

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Cant swear, cant smoke, cant drink, WTF!! look what happened to pubs, stadiums will go the same way if the namby pamy tossers have their way!

A football match is somewhere you can swear, get ****** on beer and generally lose the plot, now there are too many middle class wannabes who bring their children and moan when their little shits hears a swear word, well **** off if you don't like it, goto IKEA for the day and let us get pissed, smoke, swear and eat pies.

Cant Swear = Fair enough I agree with this point. We all build up stress animals such as lions roar, were animals too and shouting and swearing can help release that stress. Also if you pay attention it's the kids who swear more than the adults!

Cant Smoke = This was a good rule set in my opinion. So glad it was done

Cant Drink = I understand no drinking beyond the stand itself but if you go in slightly drunk no way should you be denied access into the stadium

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Cant Swear = Fair enough I agree with this point. We all build up stress animals such as lions roar, were animals too and shouting and swearing can help release that stress. Also if you pay attention it's the kids who swear more than the adults!

Cant Smoke = This was a good rule set in my opinion. So glad it was done

Cant Drink = I understand no drinking beyond the stand itself but if you go in slightly drunk no way should you be denied access into the stadium

brian clough would have had a very short career with these rules.

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More money than ever in football, yet there is more debt and fans pay higher prices.

The Premier League is not a competition, it's a closed shop at the top, followed by a bunch of Clubs who just stay there achieving nothing and a handful that flirt with/ achieve relegation.

The Champions, second, thirds, fourths dependent on TV revenue from any Country League is a closed shop and not very interesting.

Top managers are whinging oafs, they get the benefit of the doubt week in week out, yet if any decision goes against them they bleat like spoilt brats.

The tabloids just write garbage, and far too much of it.

The Championship is a great League, genuinely competitive, good quality football and full of surprises... So the Greedy Bas**rds League increases parachute payments in an attempt to make it dull and predictable.

Too little money reaches 'real' football.

And Platini for not drawing myself or my friends applications in the 'fair' ballot for Euro 2012 tickets! May his beret fall off and his strings of onions and garlic rot.

Still, how about the bright spots in the West-

Exeter, fantastic season on a limited budget.

Bath City, 10th in the Conference!!!!! And despite being lowly paid amateurs had an amzing number of late comebacks.

Forest Green - Village team survives in the Conference again.

**** Chelsea, Man Ure etc., these are REAL achievements with coaching, tactics, effort, and passion rather than cash.

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I should start by saying that as an Expat, I don't get down to the gate that often anymore. in fact my last game was the 2-1 loss to Man City in cup when Sven was still in charge of them, so I can't really speak for the atmopshere these days; however I started in the mid 80's so I fell in Love with the club when it was standing was the norm, we where near the bottom of the footall league and crowds where sometimes quite small and often quite violent...

The topic of modern football is a popular one these days; and even over here in Aus we talking about the same thing both about the local game and back home; and I somethimes think as fans we tend to have rose tinted glasses about the past.

For example, "back in the day" music was never full of 3 minute pop classics, actually most of it was dross. Our selective memories however remember the good stuff and over time the crap gets forgotten, so looking back it appears that we lived through a golden age when] the reality is quite different.

The same applies to football. Not every match had spine tingling atmospheres and noisy crowds. Not every terrace swayed with a mass of humanity at every goal. Not every team had a heady mix of 'characters', flair players and hard men.

So as much as I wholeheartedly agree that many changes to the game are done purely for financial reasons, that players earn a disgusting amount of money, mistakes have been made, that Blatter is C*** and some of the games soul has been sold to sponsors; I also don't think we should always look back at yesteryear as this glorious era when everything was perfect; and that today everything is *****ed. There where a couple of games at the weekend where both ends appeared to be stood for the geration of the game and the atmosphere sounded brilliant; and somethimes being able to go a game without worring about being knocked around the head by a drunk skinhead isn't such a bad thing....

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Yes it would. Atmosphere is vital to growing a fan base. Right now so many British grounds are sterile echo chambers full of folks sitting on their hands. That is not the kind of thing that attracts new followers to the sport.

I think there is one sport that has grown massively in the last 5/10 years or so and thats darts (if you call it a sport.) They encourage the atmospheres, have the big arenas now full of fans whereas before you look at the small venues they used to throw at they are now in front of 10k at some events. I think with darts its the atmospheres that have boosted the attendences over the last few years. They go for the atomospheres and can sit and have a drink whilst watching the dart, which football is seemingly trying to get rid of.

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best thread on here for ages....spudski u made i laugh and u r so right! rofl2br.gif

this thread is titled 'Modern Football' but i think the issues highlighted are part of Modern Society. Cant swear, drink,. smoke or stand safely = somewhere i'd rather not be!

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I have bought a ST for next year - this was due to habit and not wanting to lose contact with a good group of friends more than wanting to watch football. For all I care if the group of friends wanted to travel to Bristol have a few drinks have a bit to eat then go home without watching the football I would be more than happy to not go to the football.

My biggest problem right now with football is a Chav like Nicky Hunt is 6 months younger than me, hasn't as far as I can tell got an average footballing brain let alone a good one - yet while for the last 20 years I have paid good money to watch football (got up early every day for 6 years to do a paper round for £10 a week, worked weekends at collage and uni in some nasty jobs but got myself a decent education) on the other hand Nicky Hunt has been paid to watch football, probably never done much else except train and play the odd match (if you can call it that) but is now probably set up for life with a nice house all paid for while im still living with my parents struggling to get a deposit together while busting a gut 8:30 to 5, 5 days a week while he trains 5 hours a day 4 days a week, if that.

Everybody complains about debt and debt being out of control in football but everyone needs to remember that all money is created out of debt and without debt no one would have any money, the only problem is if you have a deficit and cant afford your repayments like Man U, where I differ in my opinion from most is that I believe this is the supporters fault - they let it happen in the name of progress, they should be the ones to suffer. You didn't see any pompy fans saying no when they were spending big, there debts caught up with them and the supporters wanted someone to blame - it was there own fault for allowing there owners to spend beyond there means. We had problems with debt in 83 and as far as im aware it was all blamed on the board - but for me it was the supporters that allowed the board to gamble the future that are to blame, at the end of the day if the club spends the money then us as supporters are the ones picking up the tab, all a board of directors are is custodians, supporters are the only true owners - if you don't like it walk away, things are not going to improve if we don't - I say all this with self loathing because as I stated earlier I have bought a season ticket for next year!

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