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Modern Football

Mclovin BS14

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Its not the best isit!! these days there is just no passion for it and its all about money money money. Its just not much fun anymore and im starting to loose interest in it if im being perfectly honest, i used to love watching players sliding in, every player absolutely going for it with real passion and every player playing for shirt 100%! nowadays its all about flash cars with their intials on their number plates!!

You may think im a old git moaning but actually im in my 20's and find modern football poor and not very exciting. Also i think its had an affect on the fans aswell, there is no passion about it amongst the fans no more and you used to get the buzz about saturday's and going down the gate and hear the massive roar on 'COME ON YOU REDS' from the eastend when the city players come out. But for the past few years or so its just been dead and thats all over the country and i find that quite sad as i think we will never get those days again!

This was my first game at the gate and i loved every minute of it! just look at the players fighting for their lives with real passion and sliding in god knows what to win that ball! nothing like that now :no:


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Its not the best isit!! these days there is just no passion for it and its all about money money money. Its just not much fun anymore and im starting to loose interest in it if im being perfectly honest, i used to love watching players sliding in, every player absolutely going for it with real passion and every player playing for shirt 100%! nowadays its all about flash cars with their intials on their number plates!!

You may think im a old git moaning but actually im in my 20's and find modern football poor and not very exciting. Also i think its had an affect on the fans aswell, there is no passion about it amongst the fans no more and you used to get the buzz about saturday's and going down the gate and hear the massive roar on 'COME ON YOU REDS' from the eastend when the city players come out. But for the past few years or so its just been dead and thats all over the country and i find that quite sad as i think we will never get those days again!

This was my first game at the gate and i loved every minute of it! just look at the players fighting for their lives with real passion and sliding in god knows what to win that ball! nothing like that now :no:


Football in general has gone downhill in my opinion.

Apart from everything else you've said, that game last night between Madrid and Barcelona(of which I caught a few minutes) typified why I hate football. Disgusting scenes. As much as I want success for City I would sacrifice it to maintain our dignity. Could never enjoy it if we were to become like Chelsea, United or Barcelona with their constant hounding of the ref etc.. (I know thats not exactly the point you were making.)

Hate football - Love City

Not sure exactly why theres no buzz around the ground anymore, possibly as football has become very family orientated.

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I have fallen well out of love with football, I used to know all the best players and up and coming youngsters. Now I do not even know who this goalkeeper Manchester United are trying to sign! I am 22 and I just feel like there are better things to spend my money on, for example for 30 pounds I can go to Electric Carnival (music festival) in Birmingham and have an amazing night with friends that will live with me forever or I can go to City and watch 90 minutes of average football without an atmosphere. (Electric Carnival is not on when a City game is on but its just an example.)

Football is boring now, I don't even bother to sing anymore in the Atyeo when I do go along. Maybe it is just because I am getting older and music just means more to me but I think football is losing touch with what it is all about.

I was telling a client the other day how much Wayne Rooney earns and as I said it I thought he could buy a new house every week, that is disgusting.

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Its not the best isit!! these days there is just no passion for it and its all about money money money. Its just not much fun anymore and im starting to loose interest in it if im being perfectly honest, i used to love watching players sliding in, every player absolutely going for it with real passion and every player playing for shirt 100%! nowadays its all about flash cars with their intials on their number plates!!

You may think im a old git moaning but actually im in my 20's and find modern football poor and not very exciting. Also i think its had an affect on the fans aswell, there is no passion about it amongst the fans no more and you used to get the buzz about saturday's and going down the gate and hear the massive roar on 'COME ON YOU REDS' from the eastend when the city players come out. But for the past few years or so its just been dead and thats all over the country and i find that quite sad as i think we will never get those days again!

This was my first game at the gate and i loved every minute of it! just look at the players fighting for their lives with real passion and sliding in god knows what to win that ball! nothing like that now :no:


I agree. Watching Barcelona last night was embarassing. They may be a fantastic football team, but what a load of jessies they are. Every time they got touched , and sometimes when they never, they would roll around clutching their face. I have always said that if they were walking through a shopping centre or in a nightclub and somebody accidentally tapped the back of their leg, would they throw themselves to the floor howling. NO. Because they would look a right idiot. So why do it on the pitch with millions watching?

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This will continue:

Unless the club reviews its attitude to the supporters. The flag day was organised without club involvement and it was fantastic. The East End support is there in spite of the club and it too is fantastic. The half time 'entertainment' is organised by the club and it's awful. You are there as a consumer. You are regarded as having no history there, no memories.

The last home game of the season was always a time for a pitch invasion regardless. It was over. We had survived or worse. If the gas go pop on the last day, try it against Hull. Never mind that fact that it will soon be ripped up the usual Tannoy announcement about the players not coming back to half heartedly wave as they wander around the pitch will be made. The same as it was against Rotherham on promotion day even though it was being ripped up the following day. It's not health and safety, there are more than enough stewards and plod to keep the mob at bay even though the mob just want to applaud the away fans, take a few daft pictures then go home. QPR won't be fined or have points deducted for theirs last Monday, we won't either, it's just excitable end of term stupidity.

They just can't give you that one thing. For a few minutes. To be on a bit of grass that you have paid for.

There will be no East End in the new place. Not even in name. It would be in books and memories. The Stretford End is still at Old Trafford, obviously not the original one but it's that important as a club. Anfield still has the Kop, Chelsea the Shed. We all understand about financing of the naming rights stadium but for the sake of actually involving the support in a part of the ground other than a statue (which the club won't pay for) would it kill them to remember to call one end of the new place the East End?

Are they really that ashamed of the vocal support? And of the past?

Copyright MaloneFM productions 2011

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This will continue:

Unless the club reviews its attitude to the supporters. The flag day was organised without club involvement and it was fantastic. The East End support is there in spite of the club and it too is fantastic. The half time 'entertainment' is organised by the club and it's awful. You are there as a consumer. You are regarded as having no history there, no memories.

The last home game of the season was always a time for a pitch invasion regardless. It was over. We had survived or worse. If the gas go pop on the last day, try it against Hull. Never mind that fact that it will soon be ripped up the usual Tannoy announcement about the players not coming back to half heartedly wave as they wander around the pitch will be made. The same as it was against Rotherham on promotion day even though it was being ripped up the following day. It's not health and safety, there are more than enough stewards and plod to keep the mob at bay even though the mob just want to applaud the away fans, take a few daft pictures then go home. QPR won't be fined or have points deducted for theirs last Monday, we won't either, it's just excitable end of term stupidity.

They just can't give you that one thing. For a few minutes. To be on a bit of grass that you have paid for.

There will be no East End in the new place. Not even in name. It would be in books and memories. The Stretford End is still at Old Trafford, obviously not the original one but it's that important as a club. Anfield still has the Kop, Chelsea the Shed. We all understand about financing of the naming rights stadium but for the sake of actually involving the support in a part of the ground other than a statue (which the club won't pay for) would it kill them to remember to call one end of the new place the East End?

Are they really that ashamed of the vocal support? And of the past?

Copyright MaloneFM productions 2011

I would prefer the fans didnt run on the pitch and tear it up because I'll be playing on it on the 11th :)

Seriously tho, I 100% agree with that post

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Football is bland, because:

We're saturated by it,

because the demographic is different,

because football clubs are no longer "clubs" but businesses only interested in consumers,

because we can now get instant news 24/7,

because the dream of winning the European cup is now impossible to all but a select few,

because it's now a non contact sport,

because there's better things to do,

because it's all seated,

because your heroes are overpaid chancers,

because Sepp Blatter's a ****

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Football is bland, because:

We're saturated by it,

because the demographic is different,

because football clubs are no longer "clubs" but businesses only interested in consumers,

because we can now get instant news 24/7,

because the dream of winning the European cup is now impossible to all but a select few,

because it's now a non contact sport,

because there's better things to do,

because it's all seated,

because your heroes are overpaid chancers,

because Sepp Blatter's a ****

Agree with much of this. I would also add, CL replacing old European Cup- both from the pov of Champions and straight knockout to group stage therefore far more margin for error if a large club falters. It was great when Porto won the CL, went against the grain. I would though say, this isn't the case everywhere- Germany, Italy, Turkey and lots of Eastern Europe especially still have standing in one form or another, cheaper ticket prices than here and lively atmospheres, occasionally in Portugal, France and the low countries too.

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I think us the fans need to take part of the blame for how crap football is at the moment. How many of us would boo one of our own players for cheating by diving etc? How many of us actally beleve that england are going to win the world cup or whatever tournament we are bound to fail in.Certain players are arrogent overaid egos who are hyped beyond thier abilites and we are taken in by it? I cant see it improving tbh as any of us feed all this by paying for sky.One question, who would rather watch an england rugby match than an england football match?

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IMHO...Every football match should be an experience like this...

Everyone should read the books...'Modern football is rubbish' and 'Modern football is still rubbish'...both great reads.

This quote by a QPR fan made me smile too. It was on a forum a while back, but sums up a lot of fans feelings...

I hate the Prem and the myth that it is exciting this year. Man City breaking into the top four isn't exciting. They spent loads of money. It's no more exciting that Nameless C*** getting to number 1 in the charts after winning the X-Factor.

I hate the myth of Arsene's kids. Buying some French kid when he's 17, playing him in the League Cup and then selling him when he's 20 after about 3 appearances in the league is NOTHING SPECIAL.

I hate hearing about Liverpool/Man Utd's debt but nothing ever happening about it. A club needs to go to the wall for the money thing to change but it doesn't happen. Why the **** are Charlton, Leeds and Southampton still in business?

I hate Frank Lampard's stupid f'ing face. I hate that Joe Cole's tongue is never in his mouth, the downsy spacker. I hate John Terry being England captain when he's CLEARLY AN OAF.

I hate the England team.

I hate young exciting wingers who have nothing but pace. Tony Scully had nothing but pace.

I hate the FA Cup. There may be little shocks like last night but for the most part you know who's going to win it. Unless a team throws away all their financial security to win it a la Pompey.

I hate Harry f'ing Redknapp. And Jamie Redknapp. And Louise Redknapp. And the Wii.

I hate James Nesbitt, Eammon Holmes and ****ing everyone.

I hate Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer.

I hate Garth Crooks.

I hate Garth Brooks for that matter.

I hate Sky Sports.

I hate that when a lower league player beats 10 players and chips the keeper it doesn't matter but if Rooney scores from more than 20 yards it's amazing.

I hate that everything football related has to have 'Club Foot' playing behind it.

I hate that female sports journos are now mandatory.

I hate Mark Lawrensen for not coming out. 'I do like a big man at the back'. I bet you do.

I hate any advert that portrays football to be about anything other than pain and disappointment.

I hate any advert that mentions pies at football.

I hate Lee Hughes and the fact that he makes a living from the game. I hate Marlon King and any team that signs him when he gets out. I hate that it'll probably be us.

I hate Phil Brown.

I hate 'well the ball is a lot lighter now and will cause goalkeepers real problems this summer' before EVERY F'ING TOURNAMENT.

I hate that Kieron Dyer earned more in the time I took to write this post than I'll earn this month.

I hate Adrian Durham, Ian Wright and Alan Brazil.

I hate Gazza. Either die or shut up. Stop f'ing lingering.

I hate hearing about Hillsborough more than I hear about Heysel or Bradford.

I hate that a comeback from 4-0 down at half time (TWICE) means nothing because we aren't f'ing scouse.

I hate Leeds.

I hate Roy Keane.

I hate grown men wearing football shirts of their team whilst shopping on a saturday when their team is playing at home.

I hate that I don't hate Roy Hodgson.

I hate Jermaine Beckford and any player who has neck tattoos.

I hate songs being inappropriately taken as club anthems and then sung in a manly way. 'I'm forever blowing bubbles....'. Gaylords.

I hate Danny Dyer and anyone he's ever interviewed.

I hate the book 'Cass' by Cass Pennant. It is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever read. Chapter 1: Millwall. 'Yeah we took 50 to Millwall. They had 1000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Chapter 2: Liverpool. 'Yeah we took 50 to Liverpool. They had 2000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Fk me... Jade Goody's autobiography is probably better. Even her non-ghost written one.

I hate that all good youngsters end their careers at Spurs before they start."

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Can't decide whether I renew my season ticket or not. I really can't be arsed to watch most weeks now, it really has become a chore. I never thought going to football would feel so stale, the football on offer is mostly shite, a team full of athletes who either can run a marathon or can run a 10 sec100m, but not pass a ball to feet and move into space to get a return ball, someone who has a trick to beat their man, a midfielder who can hit a dead ball properly, a winger who can cross a ball.

We have seen Ivan Sproule arrive a few years ago, when he arrived he couldn't trap a ball or cross a ball, when he leaves 3 years later he is still unable to trap or cross a ball, where is the coaching, how is this constantly overlooked by the coaches, where is the desire from the player to improve his game so he can become better.

A home game has now become 6 hours out of my Saturday thanks to the councils insistence on painting double yellows everywhere, I now have to leave at midday just to get a parking spot.

For £415 or a dolman season ticket, I can get a golf membership and play for 12 months of the year, and it's just 4 hours out of my Saturday and within 20 minutes drive home. I wish football would go bust and start again, AFC Wimbledon or FC United are the way to go for the future, teams run for the fans, not the moneY. It always makes me laugh at how stupid the comments are about how much money is in the game, when 90% of all clubs are in debt.

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IMHO...Every football match should be an experience like this...

Everyone should read the books...'Modern football is rubbish' and 'Modern football is still rubbish'...both great reads.

This quote by a QPR fan made me smile too. It was on a forum a while back, but sums up a lot of fans feelings...

I hate the Prem and the myth that it is exciting this year. Man City breaking into the top four isn't exciting. They spent loads of money. It's no more exciting that Nameless C*** getting to number 1 in the charts after winning the X-Factor.

I hate the myth of Arsene's kids. Buying some French kid when he's 17, playing him in the League Cup and then selling him when he's 20 after about 3 appearances in the league is NOTHING SPECIAL.

I hate hearing about Liverpool/Man Utd's debt but nothing ever happening about it. A club needs to go to the wall for the money thing to change but it doesn't happen. Why the **** are Charlton, Leeds and Southampton still in business?

I hate Frank Lampard's stupid f'ing face. I hate that Joe Cole's tongue is never in his mouth, the downsy spacker. I hate John Terry being England captain when he's CLEARLY AN OAF.

I hate the England team.

I hate young exciting wingers who have nothing but pace. Tony Scully had nothing but pace.

I hate the FA Cup. There may be little shocks like last night but for the most part you know who's going to win it. Unless a team throws away all their financial security to win it a la Pompey.

I hate Harry f'ing Redknapp. And Jamie Redknapp. And Louise Redknapp. And the Wii.

I hate James Nesbitt, Eammon Holmes and ****ing everyone.

I hate Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer.

I hate Garth Crooks.

I hate Garth Brooks for that matter.

I hate Sky Sports.

I hate that when a lower league player beats 10 players and chips the keeper it doesn't matter but if Rooney scores from more than 20 yards it's amazing.

I hate that everything football related has to have 'Club Foot' playing behind it.

I hate that female sports journos are now mandatory.

I hate Mark Lawrensen for not coming out. 'I do like a big man at the back'. I bet you do.

I hate any advert that portrays football to be about anything other than pain and disappointment.

I hate any advert that mentions pies at football.

I hate Lee Hughes and the fact that he makes a living from the game. I hate Marlon King and any team that signs him when he gets out. I hate that it'll probably be us.

I hate Phil Brown.

I hate 'well the ball is a lot lighter now and will cause goalkeepers real problems this summer' before EVERY F'ING TOURNAMENT.

I hate that Kieron Dyer earned more in the time I took to write this post than I'll earn this month.

I hate Adrian Durham, Ian Wright and Alan Brazil.

I hate Gazza. Either die or shut up. Stop f'ing lingering.

I hate hearing about Hillsborough more than I hear about Heysel or Bradford.

I hate that a comeback from 4-0 down at half time (TWICE) means nothing because we aren't f'ing scouse.

I hate Leeds.

I hate Roy Keane.

I hate grown men wearing football shirts of their team whilst shopping on a saturday when their team is playing at home.

I hate that I don't hate Roy Hodgson.

I hate Jermaine Beckford and any player who has neck tattoos.

I hate songs being inappropriately taken as club anthems and then sung in a manly way. 'I'm forever blowing bubbles....'. Gaylords.

I hate Danny Dyer and anyone he's ever interviewed.

I hate the book 'Cass' by Cass Pennant. It is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever read. Chapter 1: Millwall. 'Yeah we took 50 to Millwall. They had 1000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Chapter 2: Liverpool. 'Yeah we took 50 to Liverpool. They had 2000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Fk me... Jade Goody's autobiography is probably better. Even her non-ghost written one.

I hate that all good youngsters end their careers at Spurs before they start."

Now that is what i call real football fans! quality stuff. Also you can just tell in the players that you saw that they were enjoying their football and very happy to be playing for the shirt and you can just see teh fans in excitement. Over here there's just a bunch of over paid muppets who think football is a non contact sport. And the fans are loosing interest of seeing the same old tripe! football is changing, and quick!!!

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Interesting how everbody ends up with St. Pauli talking about "old school" football, same here in Germany.

But actually they are the biggest + best example for a complete sellout of their image and making money with really everything regarding the club...

So true. My mother grew up in Bavaria and is a lifelong FC Bayern supporter. She can't stand the hype surrounding St. Pauli; their image is largely contrived at this point. Not to say they don't have excellent support, because they do.

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IMHO...Every football match should be an experience like this...

Everyone should read the books...'Modern football is rubbish' and 'Modern football is still rubbish'...both great reads.

This quote by a QPR fan made me smile too. It was on a forum a while back, but sums up a lot of fans feelings...

I hate the Prem and the myth that it is exciting this year. Man City breaking into the top four isn't exciting. They spent loads of money. It's no more exciting that Nameless C*** getting to number 1 in the charts after winning the X-Factor.

I hate the myth of Arsene's kids. Buying some French kid when he's 17, playing him in the League Cup and then selling him when he's 20 after about 3 appearances in the league is NOTHING SPECIAL.

I hate hearing about Liverpool/Man Utd's debt but nothing ever happening about it. A club needs to go to the wall for the money thing to change but it doesn't happen. Why the **** are Charlton, Leeds and Southampton still in business?

I hate Frank Lampard's stupid f'ing face. I hate that Joe Cole's tongue is never in his mouth, the downsy spacker. I hate John Terry being England captain when he's CLEARLY AN OAF.

I hate the England team.

I hate young exciting wingers who have nothing but pace. Tony Scully had nothing but pace.

I hate the FA Cup. There may be little shocks like last night but for the most part you know who's going to win it. Unless a team throws away all their financial security to win it a la Pompey.

I hate Harry f'ing Redknapp. And Jamie Redknapp. And Louise Redknapp. And the Wii.

I hate James Nesbitt, Eammon Holmes and ****ing everyone.

I hate Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer.

I hate Garth Crooks.

I hate Garth Brooks for that matter.

I hate Sky Sports.

I hate that when a lower league player beats 10 players and chips the keeper it doesn't matter but if Rooney scores from more than 20 yards it's amazing.

I hate that everything football related has to have 'Club Foot' playing behind it.

I hate that female sports journos are now mandatory.

I hate Mark Lawrensen for not coming out. 'I do like a big man at the back'. I bet you do.

I hate any advert that portrays football to be about anything other than pain and disappointment.

I hate any advert that mentions pies at football.

I hate Lee Hughes and the fact that he makes a living from the game. I hate Marlon King and any team that signs him when he gets out. I hate that it'll probably be us.

I hate Phil Brown.

I hate 'well the ball is a lot lighter now and will cause goalkeepers real problems this summer' before EVERY F'ING TOURNAMENT.

I hate that Kieron Dyer earned more in the time I took to write this post than I'll earn this month.

I hate Adrian Durham, Ian Wright and Alan Brazil.

I hate Gazza. Either die or shut up. Stop f'ing lingering.

I hate hearing about Hillsborough more than I hear about Heysel or Bradford.

I hate that a comeback from 4-0 down at half time (TWICE) means nothing because we aren't f'ing scouse.

I hate Leeds.

I hate Roy Keane.

I hate grown men wearing football shirts of their team whilst shopping on a saturday when their team is playing at home.

I hate that I don't hate Roy Hodgson.

I hate Jermaine Beckford and any player who has neck tattoos.

I hate songs being inappropriately taken as club anthems and then sung in a manly way. 'I'm forever blowing bubbles....'. Gaylords.

I hate Danny Dyer and anyone he's ever interviewed.

I hate the book 'Cass' by Cass Pennant. It is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever read. Chapter 1: Millwall. 'Yeah we took 50 to Millwall. They had 1000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Chapter 2: Liverpool. 'Yeah we took 50 to Liverpool. They had 2000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Fk me... Jade Goody's autobiography is probably better. Even her non-ghost written one.

I hate that all good youngsters end their careers at Spurs before they start."

Quality Spudski. Funniest thing I've read on here in ages!

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Football is bland, because:

We're saturated by it,

because the demographic is different,

because football clubs are no longer "clubs" but businesses only interested in consumers,

because we can now get instant news 24/7,

because the dream of winning the European cup is now impossible to all but a select few,

because it's now a non contact sport,

because there's better things to do,

because it's all seated,

because your heroes are overpaid chancers,

because Sepp Blatter's a ****

IMHO...Every football match should be an experience like this...

Everyone should read the books...'Modern football is rubbish' and 'Modern football is still rubbish'...both great reads.

This quote by a QPR fan made me smile too. It was on a forum a while back, but sums up a lot of fans feelings...

I hate the Prem and the myth that it is exciting this year. Man City breaking into the top four isn't exciting. They spent loads of money. It's no more exciting that Nameless C*** getting to number 1 in the charts after winning the X-Factor.

I hate the myth of Arsene's kids. Buying some French kid when he's 17, playing him in the League Cup and then selling him when he's 20 after about 3 appearances in the league is NOTHING SPECIAL.

I hate hearing about Liverpool/Man Utd's debt but nothing ever happening about it. A club needs to go to the wall for the money thing to change but it doesn't happen. Why the **** are Charlton, Leeds and Southampton still in business?

I hate Frank Lampard's stupid f'ing face. I hate that Joe Cole's tongue is never in his mouth, the downsy spacker. I hate John Terry being England captain when he's CLEARLY AN OAF.

I hate the England team.

I hate young exciting wingers who have nothing but pace. Tony Scully had nothing but pace.

I hate the FA Cup. There may be little shocks like last night but for the most part you know who's going to win it. Unless a team throws away all their financial security to win it a la Pompey.

I hate Harry f'ing Redknapp. And Jamie Redknapp. And Louise Redknapp. And the Wii.

I hate James Nesbitt, Eammon Holmes and ****ing everyone.

I hate Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer.

I hate Garth Crooks.

I hate Garth Brooks for that matter.

I hate Sky Sports.

I hate that when a lower league player beats 10 players and chips the keeper it doesn't matter but if Rooney scores from more than 20 yards it's amazing.

I hate that everything football related has to have 'Club Foot' playing behind it.

I hate that female sports journos are now mandatory.

I hate Mark Lawrensen for not coming out. 'I do like a big man at the back'. I bet you do.

I hate any advert that portrays football to be about anything other than pain and disappointment.

I hate any advert that mentions pies at football.

I hate Lee Hughes and the fact that he makes a living from the game. I hate Marlon King and any team that signs him when he gets out. I hate that it'll probably be us.

I hate Phil Brown.

I hate 'well the ball is a lot lighter now and will cause goalkeepers real problems this summer' before EVERY F'ING TOURNAMENT.

I hate that Kieron Dyer earned more in the time I took to write this post than I'll earn this month.

I hate Adrian Durham, Ian Wright and Alan Brazil.

I hate Gazza. Either die or shut up. Stop f'ing lingering.

I hate hearing about Hillsborough more than I hear about Heysel or Bradford.

I hate that a comeback from 4-0 down at half time (TWICE) means nothing because we aren't f'ing scouse.

I hate Leeds.

I hate Roy Keane.

I hate grown men wearing football shirts of their team whilst shopping on a saturday when their team is playing at home.

I hate that I don't hate Roy Hodgson.

I hate Jermaine Beckford and any player who has neck tattoos.

I hate songs being inappropriately taken as club anthems and then sung in a manly way. 'I'm forever blowing bubbles....'. Gaylords.

I hate Danny Dyer and anyone he's ever interviewed.

I hate the book 'Cass' by Cass Pennant. It is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever read. Chapter 1: Millwall. 'Yeah we took 50 to Millwall. They had 1000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Chapter 2: Liverpool. 'Yeah we took 50 to Liverpool. They had 2000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Fk me... Jade Goody's autobiography is probably better. Even her non-ghost written one.

I hate that all good youngsters end their careers at Spurs before they start."

:laugh:! Funny as ****

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So true. My mother grew up in Bavaria and is a lifelong FC Bayern supporter. She can't stand the hype surrounding St. Pauli; their image is largely contrived at this point. Not to say they don't have excellent support, because they do.

Regardless of how they've gone about promoting their image, anyone who has been to the ground, will know the 'Experience' is one that will last in your memory for a long time. How lucky the supporters are to have that nearly every home game. Wouldn't it be great if it were allowed in the UK?

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I agree. Watching Barcelona last night was embarassing. They may be a fantastic football team, but what a load of jessies they are. Every time they got touched , and sometimes when they never, they would roll around clutching their face. I have always said that if they were walking through a shopping centre or in a nightclub and somebody accidentally tapped the back of their leg, would they throw themselves to the floor howling. NO. Because they would look a right idiot. So why do it on the pitch with millions watching?

and for their part Real Madrid the biggest load of overpaid, cheats and whingers, who did'nt even try to win or look as though they could win or even thought they could win, The manager should carry the can the way he conducted himself before, during and after this match is a disgrace to football and Real Madrid, they should be thoroughly ashamed this week, instead of blaming Barcelona, the ref or the authorities Mourhinho should look in the mirror he has got a squad of individuals who are far more interested in their own interests than the vested interests of Real Madrid. Barcelona is a team and what a team and although obviously the best individual player in the world Messi is a team player and the only player on the field not prepared to fall down for a cheap foul as I said on another thread 11 cheats managed by a cheat V 10 cheats and the worlds best player.

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Wouldn't it be great if it were allowed in the UK?

Yes it would. Atmosphere is vital to growing a fan base. Right now so many British grounds are sterile echo chambers full of folks sitting on their hands. That is not the kind of thing that attracts new followers to the sport.

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Yes it would. Atmosphere is vital to growing a fan base. Right now so many British grounds are sterile echo chambers full of folks sitting on their hands. That is not the kind of thing that attracts new followers to the sport.

Before I start I am sorry I missed this as I have been ill.

As was earlier stated in this thread whilst FIFA is still run by bafoons like Blatter with their dilususions of granduer and agents make ridiculous money and idiots like Rooney earn X amount of money you will not see heart on your sleeve football. The Prem is boring and fed by a blinkered media who seem to think we all care what Chelski or Liverpool or Man Utd do. Most of these clubs are supported by people who sit in an arm chair at home and bask in THEIR clubs glories and happily spend money kitting their children out in the latest kit and consider the fee they pay on a Sky game as good as a season ticket. To me it is All so wrong, the game is just a joke. Add up the debt owed by clubs in the premier and it would in the real world mean the end for a normal business. I would be happy never to see City on the telly and go down the gate with 14,000 every week and see a team give their all and earn their wages. Best thread on here for a long time.:clapping:

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I to am getting bored with football,that Barcelona game brought it home really just found myself shorting at the TV. players dropping like flys not allowed to tackled, surrounding the ref trying to get each other booked.just reminded me of children in a school yard pathetic........I watch more ice-hockey now much better game,and with the Stanley cup play offs on cant think of a better time to watch it.............Bristol City ant just my team there in my blood i cant help that.just sometimes i so dissolutioned with football.......

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And how right is the post about Barcelona,s behaviour as well. Messi,s goals apart the card waving behaviour from them was disgraceful. They should be thrown out of the champions league. What a joke. More dives than the Olympic swimming team and acting that would grace any stage. We have instant TV slow mo and though Real played their part in the game Fifa should have come down on them like a ton of bricks. Football is and always be a contact sport and these false dives are so frickin obvious but they get away with it. Oh well moan over.

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Bring back safe standing, I mean, if their is an air crash I dont see people banning planes, or cars? or trains, so why standing?

Cant we get over Hillsboro and stop living in the past? **** health and safety, i'll take the risk myself I dont need anyone telling what is safe or what's not and they only do it becuase of MONEY and the fact they dont wanna get sued, they dont give a flying **** about you personally, ******* country and its dam HSE jobsworth *******, ill happy sign a waver sayng i wont sue if i get crushed ffs!

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Cant swear, cant smoke, cant drink, WTF!! look what happened to pubs, stadiums will go the same way if the namby pamy tossers have their way!

A football match is somewhere you can swear, get ****** on beer and generally lose the plot, now there are too many middle class wannabes who bring their children and moan when their little shits hears a swear word, well **** off if you don't like it, goto IKEA for the day and let us get pissed, smoke, swear and eat pies.

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