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Judd Trump


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Anyone who supports a team outside of town/city they come from, by definition (IMO), isn't a football fan. They're a glory hunter and would probably support a turd floating down a stream if it was in front of the other turds.

Only exceptions is if you move away from your town of birth at a very young age.

My 10 year old supports Bristol City - he wasn't born in Bristol and has never lived in Bristol. Definitely not a glory hunter! :)

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As an aside, when I first read about "Judd Trump", I thought he might be a new Viz character. The possibilities for double-entendre mirth are boundless with a name like that.

If you don't know what I mean, check out the urban dictionary site and consult "judd" and "trump".


Indeed. What sort of name is Judd anyway? Were his parents pissed when they named him?

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My 10 year old supports Bristol City - he wasn't born in Bristol and has never lived in Bristol. Definitely not a glory hunter! :)

Quite, and he has ties. There is Bristol in his blood. I have a mate who supports Liverpool. I say support, but he's never watched them live in a single one of his 37 years. However, he's the quickest to shout when they win, and the most ferociously defensive when they lose. A fan he is most certainly not. He has no idea what it is to share the disappointments and occasional elations of being a true fan. No idea of what it is to share every Saturday afternoon (and often evening) with your mates enjoying and dispairing. Not a clue. Quite sad really as he has no idea what he's missing out on, yet he feels in his own mind he is part of the scene, and there's nothing any of us can say that will help him to understand what supporting your team really is.

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My 10 year old supports Bristol City - he wasn't born in Bristol and has never lived in Bristol. Definitely not a glory hunter! :)

Sorry. Meant to add - if you have 'blood' ties, then that's fine too. The handing down of club support to one's siblings (or spouses!) is perfectly acceptable.

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