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Bristol City Fc...


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Just to back up my choice, Since we last fell form the Top Flight of English football, we have gone through bankrupcy and flitted with minor success but have always been stumbled at the last hurdle, Numerous Chairman and Managers since that time have tried and been unsuccesful, i wont say failed as this is too strong a word.

The recent happy times for what we would call smaller clubs or similar to ourselfs like Blackpool, Wigan, Hull and Swansa have all come from good Management and leadership from the top.

The backroom side of BCFC is in place, its a shame that if or when we gain promotion SL wont be Chairman as with him at the helm things have looked up, not straight away but the signs are good, IMHO all we need is a little tinkering on the playing side and it will all drop into place.

As this is a Forum that is just my opinion

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Care to elaborate? I've made my points in the other thread, along the lines of:

Several seasons in the top flight (years ago is irrelevant) a century-plus year old club and everything that goes with that.

As big or bigger than at least half a dozen clubs that have far more recent Premier League/ship history.

Shitty little club compared to what? Man Utd? Agree. Watford, Doncaster, Ipswich, Brighton, S****horpe, Preston, QPR, Swansea, Cardiff, Reading... (I could go on) and the vast majority of the clubs in the two leagues below us? No.

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Care to elaborate? I've made my points in the other thread, along the lines of:

Several seasons in the top flight (years ago is irrelevant) a century-plus year old club and everything that goes with that.

As big or bigger than at least half a dozen clubs that have far more recent Premier League/ship history.

Shitty little club compared to what? Man Utd? Agree. Watford, Doncaster, Ipswich, Brighton, S****horpe, Preston, QPR, Swansea, Cardiff, Reading... (I could go on) and the vast majority of the clubs in the two leagues below us? No.

You missed the point. AGAIN.

Shitty little club in the eyes of Emile Heskey. Shitty little club in the eyes of established Premier league players linked to us.

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The biggest team in Englands 6th/7th largest city that historically has had poor crowds due to a lack of success.

With a new stadium and a change in attitude of the populace (see the opening post) we could and should be an average Premier League team.

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We're not a Big club but we have the POTENTIAL to be a big club. I think that's more what people are getting at when they say we are a big club.

I don't think anyone can really question the potential of what this club could be, but being realistic at the moment we are just a middle of the road championship club and our league positions for the last two years back this up.

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Pretty much agree. Crowds are piss poor considering the size and catchment area. Never won a major competition and spent most of our entire history outside the top division. I would say that makes BCFC a small insignificant club in the grand scheme of things.

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You missed the point. AGAIN.

Shitty little club in the eyes of Emile Heskey. Shitty little club in the eyes of established Premier league players linked to us.

You've asked him this yeah? Could you ask him to confirm it by making an account and posting?

Yet more personal opinion stated as fact

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who said it was fact? you're the one who insists on proclaiming all you say is in fact, fact.

END OF. FACT. :fastasleep:

We're a shitty club with no history and no realistic chance of success in the eyes of Emile Heskey? Your words not mine. So prove it. You made a statement about how a player views us. Prove it. It's quite simple
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We're a shitty club with no history and no realistic chance of success in the eyes of Emile Heskey? Your words not mine. So prove it. You made a statement about how a player views us. Prove it. It's quite simple

Its his opinion. Prove its not true.

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Define success? Is it all relative- especially in these money driven er?. If we take Stoke as a model then that's achieveable with the revenue a new ground will provide, Wigan, hell Big Sam got Bolton into Europe on not a massive budget by PL standards. Like others I think there is potential there, not in the sense of a mega club here or abroard but maybe a Stoke, a Bolton, a Wigan? Though the first two have a better history than us.

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As much as Jordan can be a tit with his continual spiel about incorrect spelling and grammar corrections, and that he is far more eductaed than anyone else, i agree with his statement

in the context of the league we are in presently, i would class us in the same boat as Doncaster/Barnsley/Peterboro/Bournemouth.....as in we are a club that have spent most of our history in the bottom two divisions, we have won **** all of any importance compared to others who have history.....

he is right no one of the calibre of heskey would consider us as a option unless nothing better comes along......circumstances differen with James as he was looking for one last pay day close to his family

So Jordan is imo correct

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I don't have to. He made the statement so he should back it up. In his eyes a particular player views us a certain way. All I'm asking is how he knows that

He doesnt. Its his opinion not a statement.

Your saying its not true. How do you know that?

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As much as Jordan can be a tit with his continual spiel about incorrect spelling and grammar corrections, and that he is far more eductaed than anyone else, i agree with his statement

in the context of the league we are in presently, i would class us in the same boat as Doncaster/Barnsley/Peterboro/Bournemouth.....as in we are a club that have spent most of our history in the bottom two divisions, we have won **** all of any importance compared to others who have history.....

he is right no one of the calibre of heskey would consider us as a option unless nothing better comes along......circumstances differen with James as he was looking for one last pay day close to his family

So Jordan is imo correct

Yeah we are in the same boat as Pboro Bournemouth etc. **** me i have seen it all now.

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Well so far over 9,000 season ticket holders don't give a shit on whether we got history, are a big club, little club or not and to be honest in the 2006/2007 season I would have given my right arm to be where we are today. So history, big club, little club, who cares????

I see us as a club in progress.


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As per Jordan Tansley quote.


Not intended to be a thread to beat him up over it please. Agree or disagree. I'm sure there will be both sides to the argument.

I wish you and that other kid can be banned until you grow some pubes and act sociable on a forum.

Computer bitches.

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Stick around, you'll be seeing few more gems like that I would think...

I'm just amazed that some supporters think they are supporting a shitty little club.

i can't believe it either. it also begs the queston of how these people view themselves? i'd hazard a guess that they are "shitty little people".

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Some are right though. I've been on this forum since it's conception many years ago. It was a great place until the kids took over. It only used to be school holidays and weekends, but nowadays they can access 24/7 on their mobile devices

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Some are right though. I've been on this forum since it's conception many years ago. It was a great place until the kids took over. It only used to be school holidays and weekends, but nowadays they can access 24/7 on their mobile devices

couldn't agree more.

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Stick around, you'll be seeing few more gems like that I would think...

I'm just amazed that some supporters think they are supporting a shitty little club.

Can I just stick this out there one more time?

My point was in a discussion regarding Emile Heskey signing for us. it's not my opinion, but the opinion of the rest of the footballing world and players of his ilk(or at least my opinion of what their opinion would be, for the pedants). It's a reality that we are perceived as a small club.(in my opinion, again for the pedants)

personally wouldn't care if we were the smallest shitest club in the land. still my club. Biggest most important club in the world to me... Just having my words portrayed in a different way to how they were intended...

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What can be defined as a BIG CLUB and a SMALL CLUB nowadays?

Manchester City are an established premier league side but have recently bought their success similarly to Chelsea and will be classed as big clubs due to the aurror around them.

Clubs like Bradford and Swindon are considered as small clubs due to the leagues they are in now and their attendances etc. but their history is evident and they have both been premier league clubs and have had decent histories.

Nottingham Forest and Leeds are living off the past similarly to Newcastle and are considered big clubs because of this but what have they done in years except get relegated from the Prem?

IMO, we are an averaged size club who is possibly under achieving due to the size of our City but as previously stated we have a lot of potential which can be furfilled in the right hands and with the new stadium. We could be a great club one day but I wouldnt have thought it's going to be any time soon ... it's going to take time to become an established top flight club again.

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