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Carlos Tevez Says Manchester Is A S...hole


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Eloquently put there. A rant, followed by an idiotic statement about Maynard being a better footballer, then chuck in the inevitable, narrow minded dig at him being a foreigner.

It's no wonder footy fans have a bad rep in this country when people like you spout such total bollocks.

Bollocks. Maynard is better imo, does my opinion annoy you? If so, I make no apologies, I hate Teves, what a ****.

Being a foreigner?: haha piss off, I have no problem spouting the same shit for British players I reserve nothing for foreigners. I saw the interview and gave my opioinion, what's your ******* problem?

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Bollocks. Maynard is better imo, does my opinion annoy you? If so, I make no apologies, I hate Teves, what a ****.

Being a foreigner?: haha piss off, I have no problem spouting the same shit for British players I reserve nothing for foreigners. I saw the interview and gave my opioinion, what's your ******* problem?

Maynard is not better than Tevez; wake up.

I very much doubt Maynard will accomplish anything close to what Tevez has done in his career.

There's having an opinion and there's being a one-eyed fool.

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Im moving to Manchester in a few weeks, I was under the impression it was quite nice!

Cheers for ruining my illusion Carlos you dick...


Maynard is not better than Tevez; wake up.

I very much doubt Maynard will accomplish anything close to what Tevez has done in his career.

There's having an opinion and there's being a one-eyed fool.

I like to play the fool though :blush: and anyway, somones got to, might aswell be me! :banana:

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No parks?! I can walk to at least 3 from my house in 10 minutes and i can think of several big one's near the city centre. Can't argue that's its grey and drizzley here- noticeably more so than Leeds where i moved from. Its actually raining now...

But they're shit parks barring the nice one in Didsbury. And in the centre there is nothing at all, which big ones do you mean? I went from there to London and there's really no comparison

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But they're shit parks barring the nice one in Didsbury. And in the centre there is nothing at all, which big ones do you mean? I went from there to London and there's really no comparison

Platt Fields. (Also Didsbury has about 4 parks not 1).

Oh yeah, 20 mins drive and there's the peak district. 20 minutes drive from the centre of London and you are in...the centre of London.

One hour drive, lake district. One hour drive from London... bit further along the same road in London

My point is London needs a lot of parks because you are stuck with 8 million other people. In other cities you can escape to proper countryside in a matter of minutes. Bristol obviously included

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The west of the UK is always generally wet, wales, the south west, ireland, north west etc. If you go to london or east anglia its always dryer and warmer I find. But back to tevez, I think its a crazy and a absolute selfish thing to say. People in africa are dying in drouts and would do anything for a drop of rain!!!

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