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When Do We Send In The Diggers ?


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Sorry if I am covering old ground (excuse the pun), have been elsewhere for a bit so probably have missed loads!

How long will the club wait before they start to send in the diggers at Ashton vale, how long before we will know if there is any type of appeal? Is there a cooling off period?

Sorry loads of questions, but you get the general gist!

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Sorry if I am covering old ground (excuse the pun), have been elsewhere for a bit so probably have missed loads!

How long will the club wait before they start to send in the diggers at Ashton vale, how long before we will know if there is any type of appeal? Is there a cooling off period?

Sorry loads of questions, but you get the general gist!

Autumn if no appeal apparently

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Don't hold your breath. I suspect we still haven't heard the last of the AV/VG mob yet.

I hear the majority of the Ashton Vale anti stadium mob has disbanded! Given up the fight or just happy to get half their wish? Either way hope they just P*** off now

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I hear the majority of the Ashton Vale anti stadium mob has disbanded! Given up the fight or just happy to get half their wish? Either way hope they just P*** off now

Sounds like you live in the area and have your ear to theground. I just hope what you're hearing is correct. If so, it'll be the best news we've had on this issue in a year.

Amen to your last remark. If the diggers go in in September, I won't just turn up with a spade - I'll bring a bottle of Champagne as well.

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Sounds like you live in the area and have your ear to theground. I just hope what you're hearing is correct. If so, it'll be the best news we've had on this issue in a year.

Amen to your last remark. If the diggers go in in September, I won't just turn up with a spade - I'll bring a bottle of Champagne as well.

Not wishing to give away too much, but yes, have a local connection, It seems one of the most vocal protesters and organisers has thrown in the towel, and planning to move anyway.

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A pure assumption, but I would say another couple of years yet

Better not be! Why would it be so long?

They way I see it is we get the green light and its go go go! We could begin work next month. GRR life is too short for progress to be held up like this, in the time we've spent discussing, appealing, voting blah blah blah pffttt! China has turned out about 500 power stations or so, Get the stadium build already, why is it taking so long?

Its PEOPLE holding up progress, I wanna string the little shit bags up, why are they doing this? and how are they doing this? Just does not make sense, why can't things just get done these days, its slowing the UK down, our bureaucracy and jobsworth councillors and local MP tossers only procrastinate to keep themselves ina forking job, and even then they are not happy and want to strike!

Bullshit to them, I hate MP's and local gov councillors, and petitioners, Nimby bastards! Let the ******* country disintergrate and see what your pensions worth then, and your back yard? I'm gonna take the ****ker and WTF are you gonna do about it? Nothing now becuase you crippled the country because your a selfish tit absorbed in your narrow little life. Now there is Anarchy, hope your happy.

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Wong, I'm purely working on the assumption that if it can go wrong it will. It has so far.

I don't think the nimbys have any attention, as a whole, of letting this go now whilst they still have avenues to go down. I think this will run and run yet. Look at the problems Brighton had. Just when they thought the end was in sight, someone shoved the finishing tape two years up the road.

Anyone know how long it takes after nuking an area before you can safely build on it?

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Sounds like you live in the area and have your ear to theground. I just hope what you're hearing is correct. If so, it'll be the best news we've had on this issue in a year.

Amen to your last remark. If the diggers go in in September, I won't just turn up with a spade - I'll bring a bottle of Champagne as well.

Don't hit anyone with it. Unless you're a Toff of course !!

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How about this for scaremongering;


Haha what pathetic worm wrote this? Ohnoes, Boo hoo hoo, the dust, and the steel, help! the concrete is oppressing me!! :rofl2br:

Holy crap, I dont know who worte that pile of shit, but they need to stop pretending they are living as a hobbit in the Shire and get a grip on life. Thats one the most disturbing thing I've read in a while.

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How about this for scaremongering;


That just so typifies the NOT IN MY BACKYARD. What they are saying is **** anyone else and pardon me for reminding them but most of the season is played during autumn winter and spring so what summers day are they on. God they P**s me off. :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

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How about this for scaremongering;


That just so typifies the NOT IN MY BACKYARD. What they are saying is **** anyone else and pardon me for reminding them but most of the season is played during autumn winter and spring so what summers day are they on. God they P**s me off. :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

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They've been given a 23 acre 'village green'. I'm no expert but I just can't see on what grounds they could possibly have an appeal.

They technically won their battle so any judge would hopefully see them for what they are and laugh them out of court and not even allow them to proceed with an appeal.

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Seen it mate, what a load of sh*t. anyone would think we have invaded a real village green, not a waste tip on the edge of south Bristol! Sorry to keep going over old ground but I agree with previous poster that say's let's just send in the diggers!!!!


Sorry, but what have the Australian Army got to do with it ?

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you are all asuming that the club don't take this to JR and try and get all the land

I would expect that the club are considering this option if the dogwalkers apply for a JR themselves. Certainly, the club would want to keep the threat of us applying for a JR hanging around as long as possible to discourage the dogwalkers: basically it says to them that if you challenge the hearing results in a JR, not only might you lose all your money in costs, but you could lose your 23 acres as well.

If the dogwalkers don't challenge it, then I'd guess that we'd just proceed and get the stadium built.

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How about this for scaremongering;


I love the "woe is me, my life has been destroyed :sad26::sad26: *sigh* I'll just have to carry on I suppose" tone of that fairy tale.

What a load of sh*t. The main impression I get from reading that is that he/she hasnt got a spellchecker but probably listens to alot of Radiohead. Lying NIMBY's have held this city back for too long.

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