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Cardiff Away


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Everyone understands that lots of fans have to pick and choose which away games (if any) they can go to due to financial, job reasons etc. So fair enough, if you'd enjoy a different game more, then that's your decision.

The funny thing is, approx a few dozen people on this forum honestly believe they can arrange a mass boycott so that there will be ZERO city fans at legoland. There were what, 500 city fans there last year? I am pretty sure all 500 of those fans don't read this forum, nor would 500 fans be influenced by a few banners.

Fair enough if you decide you want to oppose the conditions, or would rather spend money on other games. But don't tell me I should boycott a game I want to go to, and don't tell me I'd be a BETTER fan by doing so! Get over yourselves.

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Fair play to those going. If you feel the hassle is worth it, fair enough - I wont knock you.

Whether your going or not, no one is a "better supporter"

For me, it is too much hassle for a local game.

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Everyone understands that lots of fans have to pick and choose which away games (if any) they can go to due to financial, job reasons etc. So fair enough, if you'd enjoy a different game more, then that's your decision.

The funny thing is, approx a few dozen people on this forum honestly believe they can arrange a mass boycott so that there will be ZERO city fans at legoland. There were what, 500 city fans there last year? I am pretty sure all 500 of those fans don't read this forum, nor would 500 fans be influenced by a few banners.

Fair enough if you decide you want to oppose the conditions, or would rather spend money on other games. But don't tell me I should boycott a game I want to go to, and don't tell me I'd be a BETTER fan by doing so! Get over yourselves.

Without reading through this whole thread, if someone has said you'd be a better fan for boycotting...well thats wrong, whether you go or dont go...is a personal choice. Irespect both choices.

600 away fans to Cardiff for me is as good a boycott as your gonna get. Without these restrictions we would sale 1,500 - 2,000 easy...maybe more.

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Everyone understands that lots of fans have to pick and choose which away games (if any) they can go to due to financial, job reasons etc. So fair enough, if you'd enjoy a different game more, then that's your decision.

The funny thing is, approx a few dozen people on this forum honestly believe they can arrange a mass boycott so that there will be ZERO city fans at legoland. There were what, 500 city fans there last year? I am pretty sure all 500 of those fans don't read this forum, nor would 500 fans be influenced by a few banners.

Fair enough if you decide you want to oppose the conditions, or would rather spend money on other games. But don't tell me I should boycott a game I want to go to, and don't tell me I'd be a BETTER fan by doing so! Get over yourselves.

if you think its all fine pay up if you dont stay away. City used to take 2 -3 thousand that became 1500 which last time was 600. there will always be some who go but the days of big turn outs have now gone due to things beyond otib. peole have turned their back on this game big style.

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No, Riaz, they don't. But when was there a riot? If that many people went to football, all fans sat together and all drank as much as they do, there would be fights all round and people know it.

Who mentioned a riot? My point was about the levels of drink consumed after you used it as a reason for the rozzers applying these restrictions.

You sound very naive to what a large majority of football fans see an away day as. At the cost of going to an away match it has to be a cracking day out to be worth it. Sitting on a cramped coach or being forced to get a taxi to the middle of nowhere at a certain time hinder how much value there is in the day.

This isn't about supporting the team, this is about not accepting unnecessary and opressive restrictions simply because I am a football fan.

I have no history of violence, I think hooligans are morons, but I should be treated differently just because the old bill cannot be bothered to police it properly?

Football is the only example I can think of where the police treat you like a criminal with no warrant or reason. Innocent until proven guilty? How about Guilty by association to a problem that peaked 40 years ago.

I am an adult and I want to be treated as such, for those reasons I am out.

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You miss the point that some people mention.

The point myself and another chap mentioned was finances, and only being able to afford to go to a few away games next year....therefore selecting carefully which ones we go to. Basically, Ill get much more enjoyment going somewhere like Doncaster.....then I will going to Cardiff? if the bubble was lifted....I would most definately head to Cardiff.

I really dont see the point in having to pick your tickets up at a service station if im honest. Ok, it restricts people wanting to go by train,

I highlighted the top point because you need to understand that some people ( alot of people) see football as more of a social day out, then just a "football game". Just becasue you most likely just drive to away games, park up, watch a game then drive home....doesnt mean thats the same for the rest of us.

For me, a good away day is breakfast at Knights Templar, train with your mates, loads of banter and a few beers, walk or taxi to a pub near the ground, couple of pints, watch the game, then a few beers on the train home moaning about how crap City were!!

Exactly how me and the vast majority of City fans i know feel. I have had the displeasure of travelling by official coach once in my life and couldn't get off it quick enough, not my sort of thing similar to wearing a replica shirt to a game.. Each to there own though as Bring back the robin said no group of fans is any better or worse than the other.

The Cardiff situation is a joke but, i heard few whispers up the three lions not so long ago that there would be no bubble what so ever, clearly not... Im with many on here though **** it im not going to put myself through a day feeling peed off and miserable when i should be pissed up enjoying myself with freedom to do what i want.

Shame because we all know without the bubble this would be very close if not the same than a trip down the road to play the sags atmosphere wise..

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Everyone understands that lots of fans have to pick and choose which away games (if any) they can go to due to financial, job reasons etc. So fair enough, if you'd enjoy a different game more, then that's your decision.

The funny thing is, approx a few dozen people on this forum honestly believe they can arrange a mass boycott so that there will be ZERO city fans at legoland. There were what, 500 city fans there last year? I am pretty sure all 500 of those fans don't read this forum, nor would 500 fans be influenced by a few banners.

Fair enough if you decide you want to oppose the conditions, or would rather spend money on other games. But don't tell me I should boycott a game I want to go to, and don't tell me I'd be a BETTER fan by doing so! Get over yourselves.

We used to take thousands over the bridge for this game, so clearly the numbers have decreased substantially. Only 200 at Swansea the year before last for a bubble match, yet it was one of our nearest away games and a derby of sorts. Millwall last year was free from travel restrictions even after the trouble here and also pay on the day if I'm not mistaken. There was no trouble there, as the police did their job properly. Agree though that it's up to you whether you go or not and it doesn't make you less or more of a supporter than those of us who refuse to travel under restrictions. Personally, I prefer not to pay large sums of my hard earned cash to be treated like a prisoner being escorted between jails.

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Just out of interest... If we had Cardiff away in the last couple of games of the season and we were sat in the top 3 of the league, how many people would be banging on about a boycott due to the oppression of football fans and the vialation of their rights and how many would be scrambling around for the limited tickets that would be available...?!

I agree it is not ideal, but stopping off at the servies to collect your tickets isn't really that big a deal if the authorities (as it has been proven, rightly so) feel that it significantly reduces the risk of trouble at the games.

People on here have been "boycotting" this fixture for several seasons now and restrictions are still in place. It clearly isn't making much difference. All it does is makes us (BCFC Fans) look a bit lame when only 600 odd turn for for aour local derby.

I'll will be there. Of course i'd prefer to get the train and have a few beers, although i probably wouldn't choose to do that in Cardiff on a matchday anyway, so it really no great hardship.

I DID agree with the boycott when we were forced to travel on CATS for this fixture. But i think that with these more relaxed conditions it offers a compromise that has the desired effect without really being too much of a hassle for traveling fans.

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Some people are cutting of their nose to spite their face. The thing is, as soon as the bubble is lifted some idiots will kick off and it will be enforced once more. You may aswel go get behind the lads and celebrate with 2000+ of us. How good would that be?

As people have said, drinking in Cardiff that day is not ideal and for one don't fancy getting back to my car and finding some dick has keyed it or worse. If I want to go that badly an hour or two on a coach is just about bearable

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Cardiff will be under the same restriction and no doubt they will sell out their allocation.

Cardiff haven't got any where near selling there allocation for us in the last couple of years.A lot of there fans feel exactly the same as most of us, the ones who have principles.

You go mate, and by doing that you are just stating to the Police that you are more than happy to give up your freedom of movement.

What else are you willing to accept?

I won't be, because I believe we live in a free country with no travel restrictions.

Plus I won't give Cardiff my money until they put pressure on the Police to stop this sh1t .

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Exactly, for me Cardiff away in 2001 was what away days are all about! Now before anyone has a pop I'm no football hooligan but love away days like 2001, sadly they are few and far between. I remember arriving at Cardiff central that day, on edge buzzing cos you had to watch your every move. Drinking in the great western pub just up from station! City/England songs blearing out!! Then the march to the ground Cardiff fans to the left and right wanting a pop! But old bill kept them back (see they can do their job) then in the ground one of the best atmospheres I've experienced! And fair play to the Cardiff fans, so close to the left and right of us. Up there with Russia away with England! Cardiff go 1 up and again fair play they place was going mental!!!! Then q sir Scott Murray!!! Pandemonium in the away end!!!! Happy days, but sadly rare days now...


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Enough with the love in. Their support was shit untill they got some money, and will be when they eventually sink back down the leagues.

Yep, their support had been crap for many years until their recent (relative) success. Whilst we've been finishing round mid-table for the last 3 years, they've been battling for promotion (unsuccessfully of course :D). They've also signed some very high profile players most notably Bellamy. Is it that surprising that their home and away attendances are better at the moment?

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If we are taking 600 odd then as a % they are hugely out supporting us at this fixture, maybe they are more used to travelling under restriction than us, or maybe their support is just better than ours?!

Through the eighties and nineties our away support was much higher double sometimes. 89-90 at ninian park could have been a fifty split in the crowd now its 600. Pre bubble city were hugely out supporting cardiff then?!

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I am an adult and I want to be treated as such, for those reasons I am out.

Didn't realise OTIB had turned into Dragons Den?

Just to point out, I think the argument I was trying to put forward got misconstrued and then I seemed to go off topic and begin a discussion I didn't intend to in the heat of the moment. The main thing that frustrated me is exactly what bcfcsth_23 touched on. A couple of members have actually said that it makes you a better fan for not going to the match. Which was the point I was trying to put forward before the discussion sidetracked massively. That is the concept I will never EVER be able to understand, and I would love to see what the club/players would think of it? And SBCity, I also have to pick and choose what games I go to, obviously for completely different reasons, but I still have rent to pay next season and debt to pay back - clearly at a completely different level being a tax dodger and all that, but I was simply saying that the hassle of travelling isn't something that bothers me. Maybe that's because I've never been able to afford travelling by train etc to every game and am required to drive so my social side of the game only extends to a couple of pints and some banter. Which I personally feel I can still do with the current Cardiff restrictions.

I understand why people aren't going, but like Riaz says, some aspects of a football fan's day differ in importance. For me, the key aspect is the match itself - otherwise I'd just go to the pub. (It's for those reasons why I can't understand why people arrive five minutes late and leave five minutes early to BOTH halves - you wouldn't do it in a film or order a dessert for a meal and then leave before eating it? But that's another topic completely.) But for others it's different and that makes them no less/more of a fan. We're all on this forum for the same reason at the end of the day. Too many people - me included at times - make forums personal and turn discussions into digs at other people. Jordan Tansley is a key example of someone being vindicated for his opinions.

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If we are taking 600 odd then as a % they are hugely out supporting us at this fixture, maybe they are more used to travelling under restriction than us, or maybe their support is just better than ours?!

Or maybe they've just been doing better in the league than we have in the last few years.

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