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Red Red Robin....

Tim S

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'we'l knock the milkmaids over and roll em in the clover'

Problem with dink up the cider is that the way we sing it refers to the rovers in an overtly aggressive way making it unsuitable embarrassing for large sections of the crowd to sing . women children and men over forty!!!!!!

personally i prefer ' cider drinker'

Im over 40 and I have ALWAYS sung the original CITY version - "WE'RE GOIN' DOWN THE ROVERS TO TAKE THE TOTE END OVER"

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Im over 40 and I have ALWAYS sung the original CITY version - "WE'RE GOIN' DOWN THE ROVERS TO TAKE THE TOTE END OVER"

yes im sure , but arent the majority singing ' do the bastards over'

Personally i much prefer the idea of rolling milkmaids in the clover................................................even if they do support the gas............................................ call me ole fashioned!

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Im over 40 and I have ALWAYS sung the original CITY version - "WE'RE GOIN' DOWN THE ROVERS TO TAKE THE TOTE END OVER"

Me too, it's fairly traditional, but if you want the majority of the crowd to join in then just keep to the original 'milkmaids' version. It's an amusing celebratory song, and most people aren't that fanatically antagonistic about Rovers that they want to sing about them every week - if we're actually playing them of course, then it's different and there should be no limit to the stick aimed at them.

'Do the bastards over' though is just oafish and aggressive and lacking in any sort of wit or intelligence whatsoever.

Don't know when that version crept in but it must have originated from the thickest person in the ground. I wouldn't ever join in with it, it's completely crap.

As far as I'm concerned Drink up thee Cider is a truly great City song and there's no good reason to demean it by mentioning Rovers at all.

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As much as I like Portishead, Geoff Barrow (who Tim called Robbie Savage last night at 5-a-side) actually supports the gas. It would be similar to playing a bit of Roni Size! - not sure anything from Portishead is that uplifting for footie anyway!

Massive Attack's Angel (particularly the chorus) could work for the pre 10 minute KO build up?

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As much as I like Portishead, Geoff Barrow (who Tim called Robbie Savage last night at 5-a-side) actually supports the gas. It would be similar to playing a bit of Roni Size! - not sure anything from Portishead is that uplifting for footie anyway!

Massive Attack's Angel (particularly the chorus) could work for the pre 10 minute KO build up?

Haha - how was I supposed to know who he was?! Just another Robbie Savage look-a-like as far as I was concerned! His kicking was similar to Robbie Savage too.....

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Ah good to hear, i thought they were set like that for a reason! :winner_third_h4h:

You'll be pleased to know that this afternoon we fixed the problem and have now installed a normal volume control on the system so we can turn it up or down where needed - so if you are there tonight let me know if it was still too loud or not loud enough! For now though, its turned down.

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