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Ravel Morrison


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Which you edited... as the ip matches your posts on here. :me?:

Why do people do this...are they so sad and lonely, that they have to have adulation from a forum? FFS...some people really do need to get a life. What a muppet.

Thanks for posting Tom... there are some really sad muppets on this forum. What an absolute plonker. :disapointed2se:

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Agreed that there should be bans dished out for this sort of thing.

It is one thing passing on rumours that turn out to be crap, but to blatently make up false gossip and then post it on here??

How sad can you get?!

We are all, as Bristol City fans, waiting to see if any in or outgoings are to happen and then we get some *****, who is supposed to be one of us, feeding complete and utter bollocks!

Well done Sir - now try getting a girlfriend and a job, to keep you out of mischief!

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