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I'm finding it hard to use this forum, but more for the fact that I'm not a "big fish" in the eyes of the other forum users. I sometimes feel posts get drowned within all the keyboard warrior posts. I joined this forum back in 1997 (I think) and it was amazing back then.

I obviously still spend a lot of time on here, but don't post as much anymore....

Can we please have a definitive list of these big fish. That way I know when to moderate my responses accordingly.

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Can we please have a definitive list of these big fish. That way I know when to moderate my responses accordingly.

Cod only knows who they are.

As far as can sea these so called big fish seem to flounder whenever their arguments are put under scrutiny but despite this it is very hard to nail them and put them in their plaice. I reckon that quite a few of these big fish posters actually enjoy the abuse they get and in fact they have a whale of a time posting on this forum. Robbored might annoy quite a few people but underneath it all I reckon he's just a bit of a scamp(i).

Many of the big fih posters have the ability to talk absolute pollocks at times, but can always back their argument in the face of all opposition when their's is the sole voice defending the argument. They also have the ability to skate around any counter arguments very convincingly and then leave it to others to argue and carp about it.

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Cod only knows who they are.

As far as can sea these so called big fish seem to flounder whenever their arguments are put under scrutiny but despite this it is very hard to nail them and put them in their plaice. I reckon that quite a few of these big fish posters actually enjoy the abuse they get and in fact they have a whale of a time posting on this forum. Robbored might annoy quite a few people but underneath it all I reckon he's just a bit of a scamp(i).

Many of the big fih posters have the ability to talk absolute pollocks at times, but can always back their argument in the face of all opposition when their's is the sole voice defending the argument. They also have the ability to skate around any counter arguments very convincingly and then leave it to others to argue and carp about it.

You've had your chips m8, this kind of wit will lead to a ban fish.gif

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Can we please have a definitive list of these big fish. That way I know when to moderate my responses accordingly.








Just a few names, I am sure there is plenty more fish in the sea. :fish::fish:

Watch out for the great conger eel, very slimy and slippery one.

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Cod only knows who they are.

As far as can sea these so called big fish seem to flounder whenever their arguments are put under scrutiny but despite this it is very hard to nail them and put them in their plaice. I reckon that quite a few of these big fish posters actually enjoy the abuse they get and in fact they have a whale of a time posting on this forum. Robbored might annoy quite a few people but underneath it all I reckon he's just a bit of a scamp(i).

Many of the big fih posters have the ability to talk absolute pollocks at times, but can always back their argument in the face of all opposition when their's is the sole voice defending the argument. They also have the ability to skate around any counter arguments very convincingly and then leave it to others to argue and carp about it.

Unlike some posters , I've never haddock,ray,ving to post just for the halibut. Some of the posts on here are put up with sole intention to cause arguments. Perhaps the poster could mullett over before whiting.

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Cod only knows who they are.

As far as can sea these so called big fish seem to flounder whenever their arguments are put under scrutiny but despite this it is very hard to nail them and put them in their plaice. I reckon that quite a few of these big fish posters actually enjoy the abuse they get and in fact they have a whale of a time posting on this forum. Robbored might annoy quite a few people but underneath it all I reckon he's just a bit of a scamp(i).

Many of the big fih posters have the ability to talk absolute pollocks at times, but can always back their argument in the face of all opposition when their's is the sole voice defending the argument. They also have the ability to skate around any counter arguments very convincingly and then leave it to others to argue and carp about it.

Did you spell some of these words incorrectly on porpoise?

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