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Forum Idea


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I've noticed an increased amount of threads going off topic and turning into 'heated debates' amongst individuals along the lines of 'You said this, I said that' etc. Nothing more than childish bickering. Then you get someone asking a question open for debate, and you get answers of just 'No' or 'Yes' or **** off... What's the point?

Could it not be possible to have a thread ( Sticky ) purely for individuals to have their personal arguements on, and leave threads to remain on topic and have serious debate? If a person feels the need to have it out with someone in a thread, they can always suggest to that individual they take their arguement over to the specified 'Arguement' thread.

Tbh...knowing this forum, it will probably be the most used thread. :disapointed2se:

I now expect a load of responses just saying 'No, Yes or **** off'... :surrender:

Just a suggestion to try and make this forum more enjoyable and readable.

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I'm finding it hard to use this forum, but more for the fact that I'm not a "big fish" in the eyes of the other forum users. I sometimes feel posts get drowned within all the keyboard warrior posts. I joined this forum back in 1997 (I think) and it was amazing back then.

I obviously still spend a lot of time on here, but don't post as much anymore....

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I'm finding it hard to use this forum, but more for the fact that I'm not a "big fish" in the eyes of the other forum users. I sometimes feel posts get drowned within all the keyboard warrior posts. I joined this forum back in 1997 (I think) and it was amazing back then.

I obviously still spend a lot of time on here, but don't post as much anymore....

I know what you mean, I've been on this forum for years and rarely post anymore. With regards to the "big fish" comment, I must say that I rarely, if ever, look at the usernames of who's posting; I just read the comments and may take a look if they're interesting, or ridiculous. Content comes first for me, rather than seeing who it is writing.

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I'm finding it hard to use this forum, but more for the fact that I'm not a "big fish" in the eyes of the other forum users. I sometimes feel posts get drowned within all the keyboard warrior posts. I joined this forum back in 1997 (I think) and it was amazing back then.

I obviously still spend a lot of time on here, but don't post as much anymore....

Seriously mate...anyone that thinks they are a 'Big Fish' on a forum, are generally sad and lonely people in real life.

Please continue to post, and people will respond.

I have found using the 'blocking user posts' works. That way you only get to read peoples threads you respect and enjoy.

There are half a dozen people on here that seem to basically live here, and it has become their life. All they do is argue amongst themselves.

Then there are a few wisened people who make it worthwhile to read and listen too.

I leave this forum open whilst working...so it is light relief for me between work. Keeping it light hearted and respectful seems the way forward.

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Couldn't agree more Badger, ive often wondered if spending time on the forum and reading the endless negativity puts me in the wrong frame of mode to enjoy football, bit like when you go shopping on an empty stomach you spend more. Most average fans like you, I and 80% of City fans know who we are, we know we won't every game and there will be as many losses as wins but we also know that actually we aint to bad at all.

Also, changing the forum around to compensate for the moaners isn't going to work is it, they won't do as there told. Maybe the Mods might take a look and somehow come to an agreement that posters that continously throw personal insults around and do nothing constructive for the forum can get on there bike.

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I'm finding it hard to use this forum, but more for the fact that I'm not a "big fish" in the eyes of the other forum users. I sometimes feel posts get drowned within all the keyboard warrior posts. I joined this forum back in 1997 (I think) and it was amazing back then.

I obviously still spend a lot of time on here, but don't post as much anymore....

There are certain posters who I always read and others who I take little notice of. For me some posters have earned themselves a decent reputation over a long period and I respect their views even if I don't share them.

As for a separate forum for those who want to exchange insults. That's fine by me but without an audience I can't see many posters bothering to use it.

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Having a thread like that would just, in all likelyhood, cause it to kick off more in other threads as a result.

Maybe people could just grow up and act like adults.. quite often its the older members of the forum resorting to petty insults and the like. I think that's why the mods have almost lost the will to live and almost don't care anymore.

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Surely blocking is the answer then!

spudski you have admit some of your posts are so negative they almost scream out for a witty remark!

I know we shouldn't be childish but jeez!

No need to be happy clapping but you must be aware?

I know it's freedom of speech and that's what makes a forum. I see nothing wrong in saying yes or no but the abuse and f offs I think we could all do without!

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There are certain posters who I always read and others who I take little notice of. For me some posters have earned themselves a decent reputation over a long period and I respect their views even if I don't share them.

As for a separate forum for those who want to exchange insults. That's fine by me but without an audience I can't see many posters bothering to use it.

So your last sentence implies those that argue are attention seekers, rather than people who actually have a grievance with an individual?

Surely agreeing to disagree with someone is the most respectful and civil thing to do? We can't all agree on subjects, so endless badgering of people and 'You said this, I said that' comments get you where?

It also wouldn't be a seperate forum, but a thread ( stuck at the top of the forum ) specifically for people who can't control themselves.

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Surely blocking is the answer then!

spudski you have admit some of your posts are so negative they almost scream out for a witty remark!

I know we shouldn't be childish but jeez!

No need to be happy clapping but you must be aware?

I know it's freedom of speech and that's what makes a forum. I see nothing wrong in saying yes or no but the abuse and f offs I think we could all do without!

Yes... I may be negative, but at least try to debate and reason or question, rather than slag off people. There hasn't been much to be positive about in recent seasons tbh, and like the News you tend to get more reasoned debate on a subject that may seem negative at first. We are all different, and i don't mind a witty remark, but personal insults, which i've received very few, are negative and not needed imho.

We all want the best for our Club at the end of the day.

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I thought the number one rule of this forum was to attack the post, not the poster.

If we and the mods stick to this; surely this would work.

A certain poster was called a hypocrite (which he is) - by several

He saw that as abuse - but I saw it as his posts were being attacked - because they are so hypocritical is unreal - and at the end of the day, I dont see how calling someone a hypocrite can be called abuse? especially when it is true?

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So your last sentence implies those that argue are attention seekers, rather than people who actually have a grievance with an individual?

Surely agreeing to disagree with someone is the most respectful and civil thing to do? We can't all agree on subjects, so endless badgering of people and 'You said this, I said that' comments get you where?

It also wouldn't be a seperate forum, but a thread ( stuck at the top of the forum ) specifically for people who can't control themselves.

There are some that try to agree to disagree in a civil fashion but inevitably playground exchanges occur from time to time. I try to avoid getting involved in them as much as possible but its not so easy sometimes. Its only points scoring at the end of the day.

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I thought the number one rule of this forum was to attack the post, not the poster.

If we and the mods stick to this; surely this would work.

Whilst I agree with this, sometimes its very hard. I think anyone who throws insults like "your a di*khead" etc is out of order, however I personally find it difficult not to comment on the ones who are say, blatant hypocrits. Its very difficuly to take these posters seriously when most of the time they do it is for attention.

I like coming on here for a debate, and i know I shouldnt rise to the bait at times.....but for me, hypocriscy and attention seeking are two of the worst things going on here, especially when they are both being done together

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A certain poster was called a hypocrite (which he is) - by several

He saw that as abuse - but I saw it as his posts were being attacked - because they are so hypocritical is unreal - and at the end of the day, I dont see how calling someone a hypocrite can be called abuse? especially when it is true?

Even if that person was seen as a hypocrite...why do people feel the need to tell him? Surely that just fans the flames. Surely it's easier to just ignore and add something constructive? If that person has his view, then so be it. Why do people get so frustrated by it?

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If you know the poster from other posts, then fair enough. If you've had a past debate, then fair enough.

But to swear at people without giving any reasons why they are wrong, or just posting one word responses are just two of the things that wind me up!

Perhaps we need a "personal abuse and attack the poster " sub forum!

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Even if that person was seen as a hypocrite...why do people feel the need to tell him? Surely that just fans the flames. Surely it's easier to just ignore and add something constructive? If that person has his view, then so be it. Why do people get so frustrated by it?

I explained this not so long ago. Some posters accuse others of hypocrisy because of their previous critical views on Gary Johnson and their current supportive views on Keith Millen.

I don't see two separate views on two very different managers as 'hypocrisy'. Like I said before if you owned a car and didn't like the way it handled and then you bought another that you did like, would you call that hypocrisy?

Thats why some posters are insulted when that label is put on them.

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I, and i'm sure many other forum users, give up on a thread after it goes off topic to become a mud flinging contest.

It all gets very repetitive and boring.

The 'Do any City fans have any patience' thread started as an interesting debate about fans being over or under ambitious,

then ends up with 4 pages of insults.

Stick to the topic of the OP read.gif

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There are certain posters who I always read and others who I take little notice of. For me some posters have earned themselves a decent reputation over a long period and I respect their views even if I don't share them.

As for a separate forum for those who want to exchange insults. That's fine by me but without an audience I can't see many posters bothering to use it.

At the risk of taking a shed load of abuse, Robbored's posts are ones I always look out for. He rarely if ever steps over the line where his posts get abusive to the poster and that is after taking years of sometimes unacceptable personal abuse himself.

I don't always agree with his posts but probably do more than I don't but he is always willing to put his views over in a reasonable way.

I know sometimes his posts might seem like they're posted to attract a bit of controversy but surely that's the point of a forum.

I for one have enjoyed the entertainment over the years.

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I explained this not so long ago. Some posters accuse others of hypocrisy because of their previous critical views on Gary Johnson and their current supportive views on Keith Millen.

I don't see two separate views on two very different managers as 'hypocrisy'. Like I said before if you owned a car and didn't like the way it handled and then you bought another that you did like, would you call that hypocrisy?

Thats why some posters are insulted when that label is put on them.

...but its not necessarily the views of the manager personality and such some find hypocritical. What I find hypocritical is that certain posters would criticise a previous manager continuously for the way he set up his team.....yet the current manager does the same, and all of a sudden its the logical thing to do.

If someone said to me, they didnt like Johnson solely because he was "a nasty piece of work, but fair enough, he did a good job here....however I prefer Millens approach to dealing with things, and think he could potentially take us further".....I could accept that, and I would respect that.

I just find it odd how one manager can mess up selections and formations and get slammed for it....yet another manager does exactly the same, yet theres always an excuse....sorry, a reason

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I just find it odd how one manager can mess up selections and formations and get slammed for it....yet another manager does exactly the same, yet theres always an excuse....sorry, a reason

And there lies the difference. One previous manager had no reason/excuses to mess up formations, tactics,team selections and substitutions but did so all to frequently. Our current manager is in a very different situation.He has limited options through no fault of his own, plus other reason's that have already been discussed many times on here.

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And there lies the difference. One previous manager had no reason/excuses to mess up formations, tactics,team selections and substitutions but did so all to frequently. Our current manager is in a very different situation.He has limited options through no fault of his own, plus other reason's that have already been discussed many times on here.

....if you say so little buddy

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