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Global Warming Again.


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This summer has been the coolest for 20 years in the Uk, couple that with one of the coldest winters in living memory shows that Polar bears must be thinking about buying f...g coats to keep themselves warm not stripping off into their shorts. Still, it's a good money maker eh.

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Are you actually suggesting global warming is a myth?

Yes, climate change is happening, but it's not global warming I'm worried about, cooling I would say. You don't have to go along with it, I just prefer to see it with my own eyes. This myth we were bombarded with about hot dry summers and mild winters never materialised did it, quite the opposite in fact, wet summers and very cold winters, just as some scientist predicted.

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Climate is changing but warming? Hard to say- here anyway. On the other hand, there was a massively hot and dry summer in 2003 not just here but across Europe. Big floods in Prague too I seem to recall, let alone Africa and their incessant droughts etc. Australia was really dry for a while- we in the country may not have seen a massive change, certainly in terms of heat and less rainfall but other bits of the world on the other hand...

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Entirely predictable repsonse from you, I await you calling me a Daily Mail reader, or inserting the word hyperbole somewhere.

It's also good for business the world has people like you.

I don't know what you read, but I do know whatever it is isn't based on science.

Do you really think that having a dodgy summer means there's no global warming?

I think I'll take the scientific evidence personally.

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Yawn. There's scientific evidence both ways, and the global warming facists hardly did themselves any favour by getting caught out fiddling the figures.

In the 70s it was scientific fact we're all going to freeze to death.

In the 80's acid rain was going to kill our forests.

300 years ago it was scientific fact the body was made up of four humours.

I'd be careful about believing scientists personally. Virgins can't be trusted.

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Of course global warming exists.

Of course it's going to have detrimental effects to our planet.

Genuinely can't see why anyone would think it was some sort of hoax. What benefit would it give? The fact that the polar ice caps are melting at the rate they currently are should tell enough to anyone who disbelieves.

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Yawn. There's scientific evidence both ways, and the global warming facists hardly did themselves any favour by getting caught out fiddling the figures.

In the 70s it was scientific fact we're all going to freeze to death.

In the 80's acid rain was going to kill our forests.

300 years ago it was scientific fact the body was made up of four humours.

I'd be careful about believing scientists personally. Virgins can't be trusted.

You're confusing science with journalism.

If you're interested, read the actual studies, not some right wing hack who failed his GCSEs scientifically illiterate opinion piece about them.

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Of course global warming exists.

Of course it's going to have detrimental effects to our planet.

Genuinely can't see why anyone would think it was some sort of hoax. What benefit would it give? The fact that the polar ice caps are melting at the rate they currently are should tell enough to anyone who disbelieves.

The hoax/myth is that it is caused by humans

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Well evidently not, but humans are definitely increasing the rate at which it occurs. The planet is always fluctuating in the sense of climate change, and global warming I believe is the next natural progression. Problem is, we are increasing the rate of change with our actions, which in turn will cause us problems.

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Well evidently not, but humans are definitely increasing the rate at which it occurs. The planet is always fluctuating in the sense of climate change, and global warming I believe is the next natural progression. Problem is, we are increasing the rate of change with our actions, which in turn will cause us problems.

Negligible amount - human activity is said to be responsible for less than one half of one percent of warming.

So whatever might be happening would be occurring just about the same if the Earth had never been inhabited by man.

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Do you know how much humans contribute?

Negligible amount - human activity is said to be responsible for less than one half of one percent of warming.

So whatever might be happening would be occurring just about the same if the Earth had never been inhabited by man.

The actual figure varies depending on which report you look at.

What you have to bear in mind is the fact that the range of temperatures we can survive in is tiny in comparison to the range of temperatures that exist. If you imagine the range of temperatures from 0 Kelvin (so a complete lack of any temperature) up to for example the core of the Sun, the human living range of temperature in that is quite small.

For that reason, even a slight shift in climate change can give large consequences. If human effects were completely stopped, that slight shift could be stopped, the tipping point is very small, from what I'm led to believe anyway. I'm open to being proven wrong.

We do contribute a tiny proportion of it, but it could be the tipping point so to speak. Our contribution is certainly not negligible put it that way.

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I'm honestly don't care about global warming, cooling, dimming, CFC's etc. I will inevitably die and so will everyone else, so why stress about it?

If you look at the Earth's timeline, and humans time line you can see how stupid and pointless it is trying to change it. We are a blip.

What civilizations have been around for 5000 yrs? None. The Earth has survived a lot of shit since its birth, Dinosaurs, Ice Ages, several. Meteor/comet strikes.

We are far far more likely to wipe ourselves out with nukes than change the environment to such a point that we wipe ourselves out.

I'm more than happy to support all things green and renewable because I make a good living from the paranoia it causes.

Western governments industry's are tripping over themselves to be seen to be giving a shit, suits me fine.

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:shocking: Scare stories about global warming are making lots of people very rich so they don't want it to stop.

The earth has been warmer and has been colder,scientifically we are not yet out of the last ice age :colder: The other planets are changing at the same rate as us so yes climate change but not man made.

If you wanted to study squirrels in the new forest, you would want funding, so to say you want to study the effect of global warming on squirrels in the new forest would give you a better chance of getting funding.

It has grown into a very big industry on which a lot of jobs rely.

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:shocking: Scare stories about global warming are making lots of people very rich so they don't want it to stop.

The earth has been warmer and has been colder,scientifically we are not yet out of the last ice age :colder: The other planets are changing at the same rate as us so yes climate change but not man made.

If you wanted to study squirrels in the new forest, you would want funding, so to say you want to study the effect of global warming on squirrels in the new forest would give you a better chance of getting funding.

It has grown into a very big industry on which a lot of jobs rely.

Umm, really? Where'd you read that?

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He's right, we are in an interglacial within the current ice age.


What amazes me is the contradictions by our state broadcaster - the BBC. BBC science programmes - amongst the best in the world - tell us that we're in an interglacial period with the onset of another ice age due. Meanwhile, the state propaganda newsagency - BBC News - pumps endless propaganda at us in support of 'Green taxes' to reduce carbon emissions and 'global warming'. When the next ice age does come then Bristol will most likely be on the edge of a massive ice sheet covering the Northern hemispere with Bristol far too cold to be habitable. What will our state propaganda newsagency - that is the BBC - be broadcasting then with regard to offsetting 'global warming'?

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Just as a matter of interest, what do the people here who 'don't believe' in AGW have to say about the fact that the consensus amongst climate scientists is that AWG is real? Do you not 'believe' evolutionary biologists who say Humans and Chimps shared a common ancestor? Do you not 'believe' that the MMR vaccine doesn't cause autism?

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A favourite subject of mine, having studied this topic for a few years now, and have come to the conclusion made warming is a complete money making scam, based on in-perfect scienc, and loved by politicians.

If it is such a disaster in the making, and they are so sure, why isn't every Government around the globe preaching population control, which as far as I can see is the only sensible solution?

This is the elephant in the room, not a microscopic amount of CO2 !

Reducing a few billion off the population over a couple of generations would make a sustainable and habitable planet, making any human activity irrelivant, and also increase peoples quality of life.

The reason this won't happen is because practicaly every single politician is scared to death to even suggest population control, as they'd be cast as a swivel eyed right wing lunatic, by all and sundry, especially the religious nutters.

It's all predictable we'll all go down the plug hole in a soup of human stupidity for failing to act on a very real catastrophe in the making.

The greenest way to live is cut back on the babies people, or suffer the consequencies.

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A favourite subject of mine, having studied this topic for a few years now, and have come to the conclusion made warming is a complete money making scam, based on in-perfect scienc, and loved by politicians.

Really? What exactly are you basing that conclusion on? Your knowledge of climate science? There's a consensus amongst scientists that AGW is real, in the same way that there's a consensus that Humans and Chimps shared a common ancestor and the MMR vaccine doesn't cause autism. Creationists and anti vaxxers are no different to AGW deniers really.

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Really? What exactly are you basing that conclusion on? Your knowledge of climate science? There's a consensus amongst scientists that AGW is real, in the same way that there's a consensus that Humans and Chimps shared a common ancestor and the MMR vaccine doesn't cause autism. Creationists and anti vaxxers are no different to AGW deniers really.

Its a money making scam - because humans have almost no effect on global warming - Its going to get warmer anyway.

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