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Teflon And Keef


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Why is Millen giving these names, I don't understand.

I remember a mafia boss had the nickname The Teflon Don, so I understand what Teflon is, but, calling Millen Teflon or Keef? :ermm: What's that all about :help:

Teflon means that nothing sticks. Its a silly cheap jibe at the City manager. disapointed2se.gif

Keef is just another way of spelling his name.

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Probably something to do with things not sticking to him (eg: he doesn't get the blame for our former managers failings).

Most of these people know nothing about the workings of a football club.


He has been the coach/Assistant manager/manager for over 6 years but he is responsible for nothing whatsoever during this period, except the 2 good years.

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Probably something to do with things not sticking to him (eg: he doesn't get the blame for our former managers failings).

Most of these people know nothing about the workings of a football club.


Not sure you can keep blaming former managers for our current plight. Since KM took over he has signed the following players

Spence , Caulker , McGivern , Kilkenny , Woolford , Bolasie , Pitman , Stead , Taylor , Keogh. 8 of those are still at the club so he has had the opportunity to add his own players to the team and compliment what was left behind by GJ and Coppell.

3 of the players left are forwards and yet we are playing 4-5-1 , meaning 30% of his signings are unlikey to get in the starting 11 as we all know the 1 will be Maynard.

KM is the manager NOW and must therefore shoulder the responsibility.

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according to the 'urban dictionary' ....

keef - Either the crystals off dank marijuana buds or the yellow pollen from the male plants.

"The keef blizzy knocked me on my ass last night!"

( Keef - maybe a way of linking Keith & City's season so far? :dunno: .... as in - its all going to pot!! )

BONGKERS if you ask me... :)

ps: please people... stop using Keef, & writing Teflon, etc - :igiveup: it pisses me off no end.

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Not sure you can keep blaming former managers for our current plight. Since KM took over he has signed the following players

Spence , Caulker , McGivern , Kilkenny , Woolford , Bolasie , Pitman , Stead , Taylor , Keogh. 8 of those are still at the club so he has had the opportunity to add his own players to the team and compliment what was left behind by GJ and Coppell.

3 of the players left are forwards and yet we are playing 4-5-1 , meaning 30% of his signings are unlikey to get in the starting 11 as we all know the 1 will be Maynard.

KM is the manager NOW and must therefore shoulder the responsibility.

Johnson, Clarkson, Cisse, Hunt, Stewart.

5 players that take up a HUGE chunk of our wage bill and so restricting KMs ability to mould his own squad......that will change at the end of this season......then there WILL be no excuses.

GJ - The most stubborn & arrogant (blame wise) manager BCFC have had for over 40 years, do you really think he would let his AM take control of things or even take his advice?......NOT A CHANCE.


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Johnson, Clarkson, Cisse, Hunt, Stewart.

5 players that take up a HUGE chunk of our wage bill and so restricting KMs ability to mould his own squad......that will change at the end of this season......then there WILL be no excuses.

GJ - The most stubborn & arrogant (blame wise) manager BCFC have had for over 40 years, do you really think he would let his AM take control of things or even take his advice?......NOT A CHANCE.


Firstly there are no excuses this season, why because Millen said so.

As for you last sentence, if that is true which I absolutely doubt then you are feeding the perception that Millen is weak.

Damn that GJ for getting us promoted and to the play offs whatever was he thinking, especially with no help from Millen apparently.

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Johnson, Clarkson, Cisse, Hunt, Stewart.

5 players that take up a HUGE chunk of our wage bill and so restricting KMs ability to mould his own squad......that will change at the end of this season......then there WILL be no excuses.

GJ - The most stubborn & arrogant (blame wise) manager BCFC have had for over 40 years, do you really think he would let his AM take control of things or even take his advice?......NOT A CHANCE.BCAGFC

Sorry , but what the hell has GJ got to do with our current situation . Apart from signing the player you idolise of course.

GJ left 18 months ago.

I'm not denying the 5 players you name are a burden on the wage bill but KM has still had money to spend on his own players and therefore address the areas of the team that needed it. He has bought 3 strikers in on permanent deals and then decides to play one up front , leaving 2 of them on the bench and the other one kicking his heels in the reserves.

And by the way , of the 5 players you have named , Cisse should really be in the side in the current formation.


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While we are on the subject of where nicknames come from, I have always wondered about where SAGS came from?

Yes I know its obvious that SAG is just GAS backwards, but why did people start using the word GAS backwards in the first place?!

On this forum if I remember.. I vaguely recall the thread where we all decided to call them sags. A few years ago mind.

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Johnson, Clarkson, Cisse, Hunt, Stewart.

5 players that take up a HUGE chunk of our wage bill and so restricting KMs ability to mould his own squad......that will change at the end of this season......then there WILL be no excuses.

GJ - The most stubborn & arrogant (blame wise) manager BCFC have had for over 40 years, do you really think he would let his AM take control of things or even take his advice?......NOT A CHANCE.


5 players who are not playing and therefore nor responsible for the selection, tactics and performances. And Colin has made it clear we do not have to move players out to bring them in, despite Keith trying to claim otherwise. We were told all Keith needed was a transfer window and a pre-season and all would be well. Then we were told give him 10 games. Now it seems he will not be accountable for another year and he did not share accountability under Johnson either. I assume he deserves no credit for for the successes under Johnson either since apparently he got paid very nicely for doing nothing. Nice work if you can get it. Odd, given that Johnson often praised his contribution.

Keith's a coach and said to be top one; coaching is what he did under Johnson.He also did all the analytical stuff he still loves to do now, perhaps forgetting he is not an assistant any more. That's the same Johnson btw who told Steve to Keith the manager's job. If Keith really is so weak as to be ignored for years by Johnson and do nothing about it as you claim then he certainly is not fit to be a manager. Wouldn't a man with any balls and such high qualifications have resigned and got a coaching job somewhere else? I'm not sure he would like being painted as so feeble by an opponent of his let alone a supporter!

Stubborn and arrogant covers the likes of Ferguson, Mourinho and Wenger too it seems to me but whatever Johnson's qualities his record compares positively with any manager since Alan Dicks. You imply Keith doesn't blame anybody . Odd then that he has blamed the board for having his hands tied (not true), the fans for expecting promotion (not true) and Nicky Maynard when his negative tactics failed again (not true).

I am not among those who have called for his sacking. Though there is much to be critical of I would like to see a long standing servant of the club do well but I'm not sure those who defend him against those who want him out are necessarily doing him any favours by trying to put a gloss on things. Nevertheless more time is required imo. In any event I do not think the Board will act unless relegation looks a probability later in the season. He is Steve's boy and will be given every chance to prove Steve right, to the extent that not getting relegated will be greeted as a triumph I suspect, notwithstanding that he has a squad a lot stronger than Johnson's (unless we would swap Albert for Ivan and Brett for Enoch of course). Odd that Keith is something of a human shield for Colin while Steve is the same for Keith. Not many managers can count on the owner like that.

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Sorry , but what the hell has GJ got to do with our current situation . Apart from signing the player you idolise of course.

GJ left 18 months ago.

That was more to do with the 'Millen is to blame for the last 6 years of poor football' brigade.....total garbage.

I'm not denying the 5 players you name are a burden on the wage bill but KM has still had money to spend on his own players and therefore address the areas of the team that needed it. He has bought 3 strikers in on permanent deals and then decides to play one up front , leaving 2 of them on the bench and the other one kicking his heels in the reserves.

Due to the huge wages those 5 are on (I am reliably informed that LJ is on 16k per week.....I don't believe it but it came from someone who works with the club on a regular basis & got the DJ signing before anyone else), we have not been able to reinforce the midfield to KMs liking, that is why we have to play 5 in midfield and as a result 1 up top.

And by the way , of the 5 players you have named , Cisse should really be in the side in the current formation.

Cisse should be playing instead of Skuse.


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