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When The Club Went Wrong...and He's Back On Sat

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Our club had many great chants and songs such as 'Johnson says bounce...' , but Basso gave us some of the best 'always believe' and 'ohhhh basso' ringing round the ground. He was connected with fans, he had flair and was always entertaining. When he left this, I feel hit GJ hard, and us fans. But he was also a leader, not so much by screaming at everyone, but by leading by example, his head never fell and like REDHOPE said on another thread 'he 'Always Believe' mentality wasn't just another song, it was an unofficial club ethos to which the vast majority (board, manager, players, fans and staff) followed'.

No player has since connected with the fans like it since. I will be giving him an 'ohhh basso' on Saturday. Hope you all join me

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There is a lot to be said for positive energy and self belief.

Basso was a great Keeper for us, and any mistakes he made, he more than made up for, by his self belief which rubbed off on his fellow players, and all around him. The fans picked up on this, and it was contagious.

It wasn't that long ago that away fans mentioned we were the noisiest and most positive supporters around.

We have gone from one end of the spectrum to the other. Even in the bad days of the early 80's, it never felt so negative as it does now. We new where we were then. No money, playing kids with a backs to the wall mentality.

Now, it's purely down to mismanagement and the fans not being able to relate to the overpaid, underachieving, average players playing for us.

Fans somehow related to Basso and warmed to him. A guy who followed his dreams and self belief.

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