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Bristol City Gorilla Being Sold Off Thursday(Thats Tonight)

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Surely it would be cheaper for the club to commission the artist who mass produced these fibre glass statues and paint it themselves? Probably cost a lot less that £7K and everybody would be happy.

Thats like buying a poppy from the suppliers for a penny rather than putting a pound in the tin. :disapointed2se:

The club has missed the big picture, this was about purchasing a statue that had become popular with supporters of the club and helping a local charity at the same time, bad PR. But lets see where it ends up there may be a happy ending to this or it could end up at Nottingham in a Forest strip :bruce_h4h:

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Thats like buying a poppy from the suppliers for a penny rather than putting a pound in the tin. :disapointed2se:

The club has missed the big picture, this was about purchasing a statue that had become popular with supporters of the club and helping a local charity at the same time, bad PR.

Agreed, especially if the Irene gorilla takes up residence at the Minimal.

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Thats like buying a poppy from the suppliers for a penny rather than putting a pound in the tin. :disapointed2se:

The club has missed the big picture, this was about purchasing a statue that had become popular with supporters of the club and helping a local charity at the same time, bad PR. But lets see where it ends up there may be a happy ending to this or it could end up at Nottingham in a Forest strip :bruce_h4h:

So you'd rather the club spent £7k on Alfred than putting it into the community trust or something else.

Good grief I liked the WOW Gorillas but come on, the club loses £12m a year and people moan about not buying this as well? :surrender:

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So you'd rather the club spent £7k on Alfred than putting it into the community trust or something else.

Good grief I liked the WOW Gorillas but come on, the club loses £12m a year and people moan about not buying this as well? :surrender:


The club waste a lot of money but Alfred would have been the best 7k. they'd ever spent.

A great present for the long suffering fans and a sure fire attraction to get youngsters down to AG.


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So you'd rather the club spent £7k on Alfred than putting it into the community trust or something else.

Good grief I liked the WOW Gorillas but come on, the club loses £12m a year and people moan about not buying this as well? :surrender:


YES, and Id be interested how you feel the community trust is more important than the Wallace and Gromit appeal. All charities are important but take a trip down the childrens hospital some time it may change your opinion :dunno:

And best of all the club would have also got a "iconic" statue for the cost as well as a very good cause benifiting.

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So you'd rather the club spent £7k on Alfred than putting it into the community trust or something else.

Good grief I liked the WOW Gorillas but come on, the club loses £12m a year and people moan about not buying this as well? :surrender:

I would. Probably the same price as a week of Nicky Hunt.

Bad move by the club.

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Let's hope all those obsecenly paid and underperforming wasters clubbed together and bought it to give something back to the Club. Would be good PR for them and excellent charities benefit. But hey, they wouldn't be able to pay for their new Range Rover then .. so dream on. Selfish gits.

Bit rich asking the Landsdown's to pay for it given what they've already done for the Club.

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Ill do the anti thing as a compromise

Basically the colours would fade and everything would look very jaded relatively quickly. With the Gorilla being exposed to the cold over the winter and stuff it wouldnt be too long before he became a sorry looking site, eventually becoming tacky and horrid. ( you know think of the kids rides outside of shops and stuff back in the day and how tacky and wrecked after a while)

Within a short space of time he would be considered tacky and ignored and considered a bit of an eyesore unless money was spent on keeping him up to date and not a wreck.

So its a no from me

Its great that the money went to Charity and stuff and these figures seem to do well wherever they appear Superlambananas, Cows and whatever else but they arent really for the long term and the novelty soon wears off

Sorry to be such a Killjoy

My Mrs Bath based company bought one of the pigs displayed around Bath during a similar event to Wow gorillas several years ago. The pigs cost was ten thousand pounds and now appears at business exhibitions and public social events.

The company consider the money to have been a good investment which will easily repay itself.

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from BEP report:

Alfred, the gorilla which was dressed as a Bristol City fan, was bought for £7,000 by Rich Hobbs as a treat for the City fans at this IT business Recruit360.

The success of the auction means the Grand Appeal will have raised a significant chunk of the £250,000 target for its children's heart centre appeal.

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Thats like buying a poppy from the suppliers for a penny rather than putting a pound in the tin. :disapointed2se:

The club has missed the big picture, this was about purchasing a statue that had become popular with supporters of the club and helping a local charity at the same time, bad PR. But lets see where it ends up there may be a happy ending to this or it could end up at Nottingham in a Forest strip :bruce_h4h:

Not really, £7K has still been raised for charity regardless that the club didn't buy it.

How about the club commission the same artist to build another Gorilla and give his £3.5K? That way the charity gets an extra £3.5K AND the club get a Gorilla for 50% less? Everybody wins.

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