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Feeling Helpless...


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Football is a funny old game. When you think about it...

As a Club we have arguably 10,000 supporters, who regularly go to watch City play.

They pay their money and without them the Club wouldn't exist.

Yet, because someone has a lot of money, they, and a few chosen 'Board' members are able to make all the decisions on who the manager is, who the playing staff are and how the Club is run. We rely totally on these 'few' to decide totally how our football enjoyment is going to pan out now and in the future. It's a funny feeling tbh. And makes you feel totally helpless.

The fans never vote who is going to run the Club for them...anyone could turn up and do it. As we've seen at many Clubs. As long as you have the money, any Baffoon can own and run a Club. It is a strange situation, when you consider a football club is totally reliant on it's supporters.

I know it's how football is, and has been since year dot... But does anyone else feel it's a funny system?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a video link to Manager Interviews, to hear what they can bring to the Club. A voting system from the fans to see who they would prefer to have manage the Club. Not a casting vote, but at least the fans thoughts taken into consideration.

I know it's a far fetched idea, and will never happen, but the idea of fans having some kind of imput intrigues me.

All nonsense of course, but it did cross my mind this morning whilst drinking my coffee. The feeling of being totally reliant on a few, to dictate and decide my football enjoyment makes me feel really uneasy.

Anyone else feel this way?

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Personnally, I trust those people on the board to make a decision, rather than fans.

If it was up to the fans we would end up with a poor manager that has a big reputation (Steve McClaren, Glenn Hoddle etc)

Let them get on with it I say.

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I was thinking just the same when I was in Tesco this morning. Who the hell decided on those bread rolls and why pur them there?? And the girl on the checkout was a right miserable cow as well - if they'd only asked me I could have found them someone much more pleasant.

Workers Unite. Down with the proletariat.

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Personnally, I trust those people on the board to make a decision, rather than fans.

If it was up to the fans we would end up with a poor manager that has a big reputation (Steve McClaren, Glenn Hoddle etc)

Let them get on with it I say.

Suprising comment Riaz...especially as it was these people who appointed Km who you totally slated.

Like i said...not a casting vote by the fans, the final decision by the board, but some involvement by the fans and thoughts taken into consideration.

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I was thinking just the same when I was in Tesco this morning. Who the hell decided on those bread rolls and why pur them there?? And the girl on the checkout was a right miserable cow as well - if they'd only asked me I could have found them someone much more pleasant.

Workers Unite. Down with the proletariat.

Too right...that's why i choose to shop in Sainsbury's... :laughcont:

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Suprising comment Riaz...especially as it was these people who appointed Km who you totally slated.

Like i said...not a casting vote by the fans, the final decision by the board, but some involvement by the fans and thoughts taken into consideration.

I had no problem with Keith Millen being appointed, He deserved his chance.

Unfortunately he did'nt have what it takes.

Another problem is with consulting fans - is that you would get too many names and man unrealistic - I mean, Martin O'Neil and Steve Bruce have been mentioned ffs!

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My auntie is a fan she's been to a few games in a few years, my mates a season ticket holder and missed 3 games home and away in 6 years, I am a fan, I go when I can which used to be every week but not so much now etc, etc

How do you differentiate who has what say, it would lead to footballs effective brand of supporter communism, no thanks.

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Personnally, I trust those people on the board to make a decision, rather than fans.

If it was up to the fans we would end up with a poor manager that has a big reputation (Steve McClaren, Glenn Hoddle etc)

Let them get on with it I say.

I agree, many on here were slagging the board off because they thought they were going to keep millen on (after Blackpool). The same people are now slagging off the board and saying they are disappointed with the candidates even though we don't really know who they (for sure) are and no one has been appointed yet!!

Give them some credit to get the job done correctly. They will be painfully aware of previous failures and will not make the same mistakes again (in my opinion).

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This has been done with Ebsfleet Utd and to a lesser extent with Stockport County. It hasn't really worked in either case as far as I can tell. The problem is that a football club needs a singular vision of how it's going to operate and the people in charge need to stick to that. Often it will turn out to be the wrong vision but if the vision is a watered-down mix of a variety of views the most you can hope for is mediocrity. Take our manager; the majority seem to want Dave Jones, but that would also seem to be the most financially onerous option. The collective will would likely see him installed regardless of cost and this is a high stakes gamble. If SL, CS et al decide they can afford it and he's the man for the job and that we can afford him then great, but could you rely on 'the mob' to make a responsible decision? I doubt it

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Did'nt we get knocked out by romania of all teams?

There are many points in your favour on Hoddle being a shite manager - I think he is as well.

However Romania, particularly that year, were hardly a mickey mouse side. If I recall rightly they had some very decent players in that team and were far better than us.

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  • SC&T Board Members

Football is a funny old game. When you think about it...

As a Club we have arguably 10,000 supporters, who regularly go to watch City play.

They pay their money and without them the Club wouldn't exist.

Yet, because someone has a lot of money, they, and a few chosen 'Board' members are able to make all the decisions on who the manager is, who the playing staff are and how the Club is run. We rely totally on these 'few' to decide totally how our football enjoyment is going to pan out now and in the future. It's a funny feeling tbh. And makes you feel totally helpless.

The fans never vote who is going to run the Club for them...anyone could turn up and do it. As we've seen at many Clubs. As long as you have the money, any Baffoon can own and run a Club. It is a strange situation, when you consider a football club is totally reliant on it's supporters.

I know it's how football is, and has been since year dot... But does anyone else feel it's a funny system?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a video link to Manager Interviews, to hear what they can bring to the Club. A voting system from the fans to see who they would prefer to have manage the Club. Not a casting vote, but at least the fans thoughts taken into consideration.

I know it's a far fetched idea, and will never happen, but the idea of fans having some kind of imput intrigues me.

All nonsense of course, but it did cross my mind this morning whilst drinking my coffee. The feeling of being totally reliant on a few, to dictate and decide my football enjoyment makes me feel really uneasy.

Anyone else feel this way?

Actually, it hasn't been this way since the year dot. For the first few years of most clubs' existence, they were just that, 'members' clubs', and thus the members as a collective group had the say over how the club was run. Unfortunately (many would say), in this country those members' clubs all converted to limited companies within a few years and thus all but the people who became shareholders (then and subsequently) were disenfranchised and became mere customers and followers of events from the outside.

Compare and contrast with Germany: the clubs remained members' clubs and to this day the general meeting of members each year effectively reviews the performance of the general management and has the power to replace them if it is felt they are not doing a good job. So in that model, while the fans aren't directly involved in the choice of a new head coach, if they feel that the general manager has repeatedly made poor choices, they, as members, have the democratic power to sack him.

Not surprisingly most German fans feel a lot closer to their clubs than Spudski does to BCFC.

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Football is a funny old game. When you think about it...

As a Club we have arguably 10,000 supporters, who regularly go to watch City play.

They pay their money and without them the Club wouldn't exist.

Yet, because someone has a lot of money, they, and a few chosen 'Board' members are able to make all the decisions on who the manager is, who the playing staff are and how the Club is run. We rely totally on these 'few' to decide totally how our football enjoyment is going to pan out now and in the future. It's a funny feeling tbh. And makes you feel totally helpless.

The fans never vote who is going to run the Club for them...anyone could turn up and do it. As we've seen at many Clubs. As long as you have the money, any Baffoon can own and run a Club. It is a strange situation, when you consider a football club is totally reliant on it's supporters.

I know it's how football is, and has been since year dot... But does anyone else feel it's a funny system?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a video link to Manager Interviews, to hear what they can bring to the Club. A voting system from the fans to see who they would prefer to have manage the Club. Not a casting vote, but at least the fans thoughts taken into consideration.

I know it's a far fetched idea, and will never happen, but the idea of fans having some kind of imput intrigues me.

All nonsense of course, but it did cross my mind this morning whilst drinking my coffee. The feeling of being totally reliant on a few, to dictate and decide my football enjoyment makes me feel really uneasy.

Anyone else feel this way?

Erm, isn't that how all businesses work? I pay a lot of money to a number of businesses in return for services, but i don't expect to have a major say in the way those businesses are run, or are you suggesting that, for instance, Tesco customers should be able to watch the selection process of their next CEO? The fans are customers. The Board is there to govern, and they do that on behalf of the shareholders (of which I'm one). Nothing strange about that.

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Democracy is overrated - you just end up having decisions made by committee, where either the noisiest and stupidest usually win or it ends up in a half-assed compromise where no one is happy.

Would you want to put most of your meaningful life decisions to a vote on here? Now that would make an interesting reality show!

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Did'nt we get knocked out by romania of all teams?

I'v e stated before riaz that imo you haven't got a **** i n g clue about football and this just proves it. England played superb football under Hoddle. You say he only had one promotion, well he managed mostly in the prem that's why. Why don't you take up table tennis or something less taxing on the brain. Football is obviously to complex for you.

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I'v e stated before riaz that imo you haven't got a **** i n g clue about football and this just proves it. England played superb football under Hoddle. You say he only had one promotion, well he managed mostly in the prem that's why. Why don't you take up table tennis or something less taxing on the brain. Football is obviously to complex for you.

You keep getting lippy, but how often am I wrong about managers?

Instead of being a mouthy *****, why not tell me what he achieved as a manager.

All I can see is failure.

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You keep getting lippy, but how often am I wrong about managers?

Instead of being a mouthy *****, why not tell me what he achieved as a manager.

All I can see is failure.

You do my head in. what do you call failure ? not winning the World cup ? not winning the prem with Chelsea ? ffs if you care to look back , he was the start with it all with chelsea. success is relative only one team can win any competition. Im just glad you don't make decisions at our club. You never seem to see the bigger picture, just like every ******* post over the summer about buying a centre half blah blah i tried to explain about that as well on countless occasions but nothing gets through.

I mean nothing personal as obviously i don't know you and don't mean to offend, but our views on football are vastly different.

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Actually, it hasn't been this way since the year dot. For the first few years of most clubs' existence, they were just that, 'members' clubs', and thus the members as a collective group had the say over how the club was run. Unfortunately (many would say), in this country those members' clubs all converted to limited companies within a few years and thus all but the people who became shareholders (then and subsequently) were disenfranchised and became mere customers and followers of events from the outside.

Compare and contrast with Germany: the clubs remained members' clubs and to this day the general meeting of members each year effectively reviews the performance of the general management and has the power to replace them if it is felt they are not doing a good job. So in that model, while the fans aren't directly involved in the choice of a new head coach, if they feel that the general manager has repeatedly made poor choices, they, as members, have the democratic power to sack him.

Not surprisingly most German fans feel a lot closer to their clubs than Spudski does to BCFC.

Thankyou for confirming that...I wasn't sure whether it was German or French football that did this.

As per usual...most people have read the opening post incorrectly and seem to think i was suggesting fans had the casting vote on managers. I was suggesting some form of input...

The board for example could whittle it down to two or three candidates and discuss with fans, what they would want from the Club.

It makes perfect sense to me, to be more open with fans, so that they feel part of the Club. If we knew more, we would be less inclined to presume and come to the wrong conclusions.

The whole mixed bag of messages recently coming from the Club and KM, really made many think 'what the hell is going on?'

We've had so many threads based on supposition and rumour over the last few months, it's laughable.

There is no reason why fans can't have more say...it's just going about it the right way.

Someone said about businesses and the example of choosing to shop at various stores. A football Club is not like that. It's in your blood and you are often born into it. It chooses you. You can't just walk away...

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You do my head in. what do you call failure ? not winning the World cup ? not winning the prem with Chelsea ? ffs if you care to look back , he was the start with it all with chelsea. success is relative only one team can win any competition. Im just glad you don't make decisions at our club. You never seem to see the bigger picture, just like every ******* post over the summer about buying a centre half blah blah i tried to explain about that as well on countless occasions but nothing gets through.

I mean nothing personal as obviously i don't know you and don't mean to offend, but our views on football are vastly different.

Who said anything about chelsea winning the league? I always look at the bigger picture and hoddle aint done much to deserve such a reputation.

And you say I've been going on about a centre half and how we struggle - I suppose I must have been imagining that we are bottom!

So, what makes you think hoddle is a good manager? what acheivements. For example, Mark Robins, saved barnsley from relegation. He also had rotherham just outside the play-offs in a season where they had a 17 point deduction - they were always in admin too.

What has hoddle done?

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Thankyou for confirming that...I wasn't sure whether it was German or French football that did this.

As per usual...most people have read the opening post incorrectly and seem to think i was suggesting fans had the casting vote on managers. I was suggesting some form of input...

The board for example could whittle it down to two or three candidates and discuss with fans, what they would want from the Club.

It makes perfect sense to me, to be more open with fans, so that they feel part of the Club. If we knew more, we would be less inclined to presume and come to the wrong conclusions.

The whole mixed bag of messages recently coming from the Club and KM, really made many think 'what the hell is going on?'

We've had so many threads based on supposition and rumour over the last few months, it's laughable.

There is no reason why fans can't have more say...it's just going about it the right way.

Someone said about businesses and the example of choosing to shop at various stores. A football Club is not like that. It's in your blood and you are often born into it. It chooses you. You can't just walk away...

Maybe there's a case for having one or two 'ordinary' fans on the board. Perhaps, ST reps who will serve a year or so in the post before being replaced by new reps?

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Who said anything about chelsea winning the league? I always look at the bigger picture and hoddle aint done much to deserve such a reputation.

And you say I've been going on about a centre half and how we struggle - I suppose I must have been imagining that we are bottom!

So, what makes you think hoddle is a good manager? what acheivements. For example, Mark Robins, saved barnsley from relegation. He also had rotherham just outside the play-offs in a season where they had a 17 point deduction - they were always in admin too.

What has hoddle done?

Mate...with respect, why do you keep hijacking threads? What the hell does this thread have to do with Hoddle? Why does it always turn into tit for tat between a couple of posters?

If you want to know the truth about what people in football think about Hoddle as a coach, ask someone in the know. He's a highly respected Coach...it's his personal beliefs that have held his career back. Now can we get back on topic, or why not start a Hoddle thread?

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Who said anything about chelsea winning the league? I always look at the bigger picture and hoddle aint done much to deserve such a reputation.

And you say I've been going on about a centre half and how we struggle - I suppose I must have been imagining that we are bottom!

So, what makes you think hoddle is a good manager? what acheivements. For example, Mark Robins, saved barnsley from relegation. He also had rotherham just outside the play-offs in a season where they had a 17 point deduction - they were always in admin too.

What has hoddle done?


60% win ratio with England but not good enough for BCFC. Like he'd come here anyway.

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Mate...with respect, why do you keep hijacking threads? What the hell does this thread have to do with Hoddle? Why does it always turn into tit for tat between a couple of posters?

If you want to know the truth about what people in football think about Hoddle as a coach, ask someone in the know. He's a highly respected Coach...it's his personal beliefs that have held his career back. Now can we get back on topic, or why not start a Hoddle thread?

Hijack threads? Someone else picked up on a comment I made!

Dont understand why I have to ask someone in the know - Its a results business.

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