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Footballers Often Get A Bad Rap, Instead A Lovely Story


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Jack Wilshire has been involved with little Jack Marshall for sometime now. Just had to post it as it's a lovely story.

Sadly Jack Marshall passed away today aged just 6 years old. He had a brain tumour.


We don't hear enough about the good that footballers can do, and so I wanted to share this one. :)

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Much as we like to slag overpaid Premier league footballers off, the majority give a lot of time and money to good causes. Millions of pounds are donated by them each year, often not wanting there names publicised.

On top of that many more millions are collected from them by the tax man, if they all had there wages chopped in half over night, which they could all easily afford, George Osborne would have a much smaller budget to deal with.

Anyway enough of that......bunch of overpaid nancy boys.

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