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I Blame Sl For This Sorry Decline.....


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With SL's record of appointing managers (1 good/decent out of 4 = 25%), I hope he leaves this decision to someone else.

The whole club needs a clear out & a new bright/passionate/determined manager to give us all a lift.

But you know what is going to happen................................................................... :tumbleweed::death::mf_sleep::reaper::argh::badmood::no::ranting::grr::doh::10_1_108::facepalm::igiveup:


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When he appointed Millen when Copout took a walk!

He should have got a big name, from the amazing list of candidates we had during the recruitment process!

I lay the blame for this embarressing decline squarely at his feet.


Their wasn't an amazing list of candidates though. That's why we approached someone who hadn't applied for the job

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I`m pretty sure that amazing list of candidates was pretty much depleted by the time Coppout exited and while KM was probably not the best choice it was probably the right thing to do at the time. However, what i still continue to struggle with is the concept of negotiating a contract with a guy who`s managerial attendance record was hardly spotless, who walks from his last post seemingly mentally exhausted and totally disenchanted with football and yet having been appointed is then off on holiday without, as far as i know, having placed a foot on the trg ground or spent a minute with the squad. It might just be me, but i`d want that guy champing at the bit to get started. I was never excited by his appointment and to be perfectly honest the end came as no suprise either.


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Lansdown has had his eye off the ball for at least the last two seasons. He kept GJ in the job for at least a season to long, then the Copout and Millen farce. All SL has had his mind on is a poxey new ground we wont ever need, or for that matter get, when those AV t-ats win the day. This club is in a very sorry state of decline. :dunno:

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Whilst Steve Lansdown must carry the can for a poor appointment of Keith Millen.

It is well worth us remember how up sh*t creek we really would be without his investment and his personal money thrown into the club.

We would miss him immeasurably should he walk.

Of course we would, but I am glad it is his money he is p1ssing up against the wall with he big list of bad choices.

He got one decision right In terms of backing and hiring managers in his tenure.. Appointing Johnson, there are many examples of him making the wrong choice, he should seriously think about taking himself out of the loop when taking decisions on who to appoint. I wonder sometimes if he chooses people on the standards he sets from the business he worked in for years, rather from taking advice from those in football.

I notice we do not have a single person on our board with a footballing background!!!! Surely this cannot be right for a football club!!!

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<br />Whilst Steve Lansdown must carry the can for a poor appointment of Keith Millen.<br /><br /><br />It is well worth us remember how up sh*t creek we really would be without his investment and his personal money thrown into the club.<br /><br />We would miss him immeasurably should he walk.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Spot on, unfortunately the small minded Neanderthals on here need someone to beat up. Sadly if SL did walk before he got his wish of making us self sufficient, these same people would drop the club like a stone as we fall through the divisions leaving the proper fans to pick up the pieces

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<br /><br /><br />

Spot on, unfortunately the small minded Neanderthals on here need someone to beat up. Sadly if SL did walk before he got his wish of making us self sufficient, these same people would drop the club like a stone as we fall through the divisions leaving the proper fans to pick up the pieces

i will support the club through thick and thin (mostly thin) and i appreciate the money sl has put into the club, but lets face it, the majority of it has been lost on poor appointments, wastimg money on poor players, which on turns gives us all poor football to watch. This is where we are today, on a downward spiral. The next appointment has to change this quickly.....will it with someone like Robbins?

I hope we get the manager most want, but i dont think we will sadly.


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Of course there have been mistakes, we all know that not least SL himself.

I'm sure he has learnt from them and within the next few days will appoint a manager who will make a difference in the long term. It's not going to happen overnight but I am confident we will survive.

I'm not so sure, he clearly doesn't learn his mistakes, and seems to make them time and time again.

for instance Tinnion, then makes the same mistake with Millen. I am not sure how in a space of 4 months you can change your mind so much from "we go to the next level" with Coppell to replacing him with Millen with no other interviews. Now to some extent I can understand Coppell's signings were made while Millen was there. But is that really a good enough excuse to give Millen the Job. If we were looking to go to the next stage of our progress with Coppell, how the hell are you expected to do that with Millen 2 months later? If that was lansdown's feeling on the subject Coppell should never have been given the job and it should of been Millen's in the first place.

He ballsed up majorly with Tinnion and did it again With Millen, that is not learning from your mistakes, that is just making the same mistakes.

Lets be clear about this, the fault lands soley at lansdown's door.

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I blame sl for pumping about 20 million in to balance the books I also blame him for funding 40 million out of his own pocket for our new ground


but where has it got us? We dont have the ground yet, and if we ever do, we'll never get to fill it, or get the big teams near it if we are struggling in league 1!

He's had to put 20mill in as we have wasted it!

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