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I Blame Sl For This Sorry Decline.....


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I'm not so sure, he clearly doesn't learn his mistakes, and seems to make them time and time again.

for instance Tinnion, then makes the same mistake with Millen. I am not sure how in a space of 4 months you can change your mind so much from "we go to the next level" with Coppell to replacing him with Millen with no other interviews. Now to some extent I can understand Coppell's signings were made while Millen was there. But is that really a good enough excuse to give Millen the Job. If we were looking to go to the next stage of our progress with Coppell, how the hell are you expected to do that with Millen 2 months later? If that was lansdown's feeling on the subject Coppell should never have been given the job and it should of been Millen's in the first place.

He ballsed up majorly with Tinnion and did it again With Millen, that is not learning from your mistakes, that is just making the same mistakes.

Lets be clear about this, the fault lands soley at lansdown's door.

What is the point in attempting to apportion blame? Agreed on Tinnion, SL had a gut feeling which proved to be wrong.

I think Millen was different because he did get some excellent results when he was caretaker. The problem was Coppell and SL tried to smooth the resignation over with a quick appointment.

It all points to McInnes. So the majority on here have their wish and therefore should get behind the man. Robins would have been a good appointment, as would SO'D considering what we could realistically have attracted.

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I blame sl for pumping about 20 million in to balance the books I also blame him for funding 40 million out of his own pocket for our new ground

I don't think anyone is unhappy with SL in that respect, why would they be. However for all the good, there is no doubt that he has taken his eye off the ball with regard to the bread & butter business, the playing side. The day to day business must be looked after. It's no good lining up a fantastic business deal next year if you're going bust tomorrow.

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Whilst Steve Lansdown must carry the can for a poor appointment of Keith Millen.

It is well worth us remember how up sh*t creek we really would be without his investment and his personal money thrown into the club.

We would miss him immeasurably should he walk.

Financially BCFC were stable when Steve Lansdown took over.

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When he appointed Millen when Copout took a walk!

He should have got a big name, from the amazing list of candidates we had during the recruitment process!

I lay the blame for this embarressing decline squarely at his feet.


You're probably right mate - but all I want now is for us to get out of this mess. It's tiring thinking back on all the mistakes made these past 3 years. I just hope the new man can turn it around as it looks pretty bleak right now.

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We weren't In the championship we didn't have a new training ground we weren't planning a new ground

Find some investment for the club as you Can do such a better job at running a business.......

You don't bite the hand that feeds you, he walks we go out of business that simple

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Look guys we are one good managerial appointment away from turning the corner and getting this club heading back towards successful times.

Lets just hope Del Boy is a lucky manager who gets off to a good start and has the ability to re-install some much needed confidence through out the club. What he has done at St Johnstone is nothing short of amazing.:englandsmile4wf:

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Of course we would, but I am glad it is his money he is p1ssing up against the wall with he big list of bad choices.

He got one decision right In terms of backing and hiring managers in his tenure.. Appointing Johnson, there are many examples of him making the wrong choice, he should seriously think about taking himself out of the loop when taking decisions on who to appoint. I wonder sometimes if he chooses people on the standards he sets from the business he worked in for years, rather from taking advice from those in football.

I notice we do not have a single person on our board with a footballing background!!!! Surely this cannot be right for a football club!!!

We do now have a guy who went to university with me. Though he isn't on the board - commercial manager or something like that.

He played for our 1st team so there is some football knowledge at least......

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but where has it got us? We dont have the ground yet, and if we ever do, we'll never get to fill it, or get the big teams near it if we are struggling in league 1!

He's had to put 20mill in as we have wasted it!

???? It's got us into the championship after 8 years in the doldrums. And then established in the championship instead of going straight back down. Finishing top half in 3 of the 4 years.

We're not going to get relegated. Everybody calm down. If we were getting humped then Id worry. We're not. Even at Blackpool when the scoreline looked like we were. We were just very competitive against the 5th placed team in the league away from home. And we lost by a terrible referring decision.

A new manager will come in and turn it round and we'll still be in the championship next year Im sure. It's so easy to just say "everything is rubbish" because if you were wrong you are happy and no one cares what you said and if you are right then you can pretend to be a guru and tell everyone I told you so.

Everything isn't rubbish, we have an amazing chairman who nearly saw us into the Premier League (that is just a fact), who has bankrolled our record signing, our debt mountain and our new stadium. We've made obvious progress under him and he is now trying to lay the foundations for our future - new revenue creating infrastructure and financial self-sufficiency. Which seems to me to be a really clever strategy with an emerging global trend toward financial fair play as a key issue in football.

He's made mistakes in appointments. But he also appointed GJ which anyone who doesn't rewrite history should see as a success. People say he hasn't learned from the errors he's made. Rubbish. He acknowledged a weakness in this area and he removed himself from the grunt work of the process this time around. Dont believe all this "SL only wants Robins" nonsense. It's just total speculation that Im pretty sure started with a totally speculative thread on this forum.

Even if we appoint Mark Robins tomorrow, the future is bright. But it seems pretty clear now we are appointing McInnes. We just need a few new ideas on the pitch and we'll be fine. Great chairman, good manager, not a terrible squad and a board I have renewed faith in after a sensible appointment process and decent communication during it. COYR.

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I tend to agree. We weren't bad last night. Didn't look like we would score, but defended well and got done by a shocker from the ref. if anyone is to blame it is Coppell. Took the job, spent money & precious time over the summer, then walked out just as we needed to kick on. What else could Lansdown do? He had to make a quick decision to stabilise things at the time. Coppell was irresponsible to take the job on and then walk when he didn't like it.

1318997010' post=1453683']???? It's got us into the championship after 8 years in the doldrums. And then established in the championship instead of going straight back down. Finishing top half in 3 of the 4 years.

We're not going to get relegated. Everybody calm down. If we were getting humped then Id worry. We're not. Even at Blackpool when the scoreline looked like we were. We were just very competitive against the 5th placed team in the league away from home. And we lost by a terrible referring decision.

A new manager will come in and turn it round and we'll still be in the championship next year Im sure. It's so easy to just say "everything is rubbish" because if you were wrong you are happy and no one cares what you said and if you are right then you can pretend to be a guru and tell everyone I told you so.

Everything isn't rubbish, we have an amazing chairman who nearly saw us into the Premier League (that is just a fact), who has bankrolled our record signing, our debt mountain and our new stadium. We've made obvious progress under him and he is now trying to lay the foundations for our future - new revenue creating infrastructure and financial self-sufficiency. Which seems to me to be a really clever strategy with an emerging global trend toward financial fair play as a key issue in football.

He's made mistakes in appointments. But he also appointed GJ which anyone who doesn't rewrite history should see as a success. People say he hasn't learned from the errors he's made. Rubbish. He acknowledged a weakness in this area and he removed himself from the grunt work of the process this time around. Dont believe all this "SL only wants Robins" nonsense. It's just total speculation that Im pretty sure started with a totally speculative thread on this forum.

Even if we appoint Mark Robins tomorrow, the future is bright. But it seems pretty clear now we are appointing McInnes. We just need a few new ideas on the pitch and we'll be fine. Great chairman, good manager, not a terrible squad and a board I have renewed faith in after a sensible appointment process and decent communication during it. COYR.

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I tend to agree. We weren't bad last night. Didn't look like we would score, but defended well and got done by a shocker from the ref. if anyone is to blame it is Coppell. Took the job, spent money & precious time over the summer, then walked out just as we needed to kick on. What else could Lansdown do? He had to make a quick decision to stabilise things at the time. Coppell was irresponsible to take the job on and then walk when he didn't like it.

Got to ask yourself why he left!

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Got to ask yourself why he left!

Don't need to ask ourselves. SC and SL were both asked at the time and they both gave exactly the same answer. Coppell's heart wasnt in it. Any other version of why he left is typical forum revisionist history looking to scapegoat SL for something that patently wasnt his fault.

Why would coppell possibly agree to release a statement to that effect if he in fact had a falling out with a board. With his history, he knew the damage it would do to his career? Why did he walk out of man city after 3 minutes? Why has he not taken a job since us if he was so keen on keeping managing?

It's getting really frustrating to see all these little forum rumours that start as speculation that suddenly get adopted as fact and can be trotted out by anyone to make a point. Steve Lansdown wants Robins only. But at the same time he offered the job to Cotterill who turned it down. SL upset Coppell and thats the only reason he left. And he wants us to get relegated so he doesn't have to build the stadium. SL has lost interest and that's why he's not investing (despite his assertion that he wants us to move to self-sufficiency given at the end of last season) Louis Carey is evil and just wants to defy any manager that stands in his way. And Colin Sexstone promised us a manager with championship experience. All nonsense that is completely unsubstantiated yet all trotted out regularly on the forum these days as fact.

Just because you heard it on the forum doesnt mean there is smoke without fire. The forum is not a reliable source. As the Evening Post is finding out.

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Don't need to ask ourselves. SC and SL were both asked at the time and they both gave exactly the same answer. Coppell's heart wasnt in it. Any other version of why he left is typical forum revisionist history looking to scapegoat SL for something that patently wasnt his fault.

Why would coppell possibly agree to release a statement to that effect if he in fact had a falling out with a board. With his history, he knew the damage it would do to his career? Why did he walk out of man city after 3 minutes? Why has he not taken a job since us if he was so keen on keeping managing?

It's getting really frustrating to see all these little forum rumours that start as speculation that suddenly get adopted as fact and can be trotted out by anyone to make a point. Steve Lansdown wants Robins only. But at the same time he offered the job to Cotterill who turned it down. SL upset Coppell and thats the only reason he left. And he wants us to get relegated so he doesn't have to build the stadium. SL has lost interest and that's why he's not investing (despite his assertion that he wants us to move to self-sufficiency given at the end of last season) Louis Carey is evil and just wants to defy any manager that stands in his way. And Colin Sexstone promised us a manager with championship experience. All nonsense that is completely unsubstantiated yet all trotted out regularly on the forum these days as fact.

Just because you heard it on the forum doesnt mean there is smoke without fire. The forum is not a reliable source. As the Evening Post is finding out.

Coppell already said a month ago he wants to get back into management, bu is not sure anyone would take him on after what happened at city.

And we all know what goes on at a football club stays at a football club. Something makes you suddenly question your decison about joining a club

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Don't need to ask ourselves. SC and SL were both asked at the time and they both gave exactly the same answer. Coppell's heart wasnt in it. Any other version of why he left is typical forum revisionist history looking to scapegoat SL for something that patently wasnt his fault.

Why would coppell possibly agree to release a statement to that effect if he in fact had a falling out with a board. With his history, he knew the damage it would do to his career? Why did he walk out of man city after 3 minutes? Why has he not taken a job since us if he was so keen on keeping managing?

It's getting really frustrating to see all these little forum rumours that start as speculation that suddenly get adopted as fact and can be trotted out by anyone to make a point. Steve Lansdown wants Robins only. But at the same time he offered the job to Cotterill who turned it down. SL upset Coppell and thats the only reason he left. And he wants us to get relegated so he doesn't have to build the stadium. SL has lost interest and that's why he's not investing (despite his assertion that he wants us to move to self-sufficiency given at the end of last season) Louis Carey is evil and just wants to defy any manager that stands in his way. And Colin Sexstone promised us a manager with championship experience. All nonsense that is completely unsubstantiated yet all trotted out regularly on the forum these days as fact.

Just because you heard it on the forum doesnt mean there is smoke without fire. The forum is not a reliable source. As the Evening Post is finding out.

This forum not reliable?

Next you'll be expecting me to believe that Father Christmas doesn't exist.

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What else could Lansdown do? He had to make a quick decision to stabilise things at the time. Coppell was irresponsible to take the job on and then walk when he didn't like it.

No, he didn't.

Appointing Keith Millen was a dreadful decision with predictably disastrous results.

Act in haste, repent at leisure.

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Whilst Steve Lansdown must carry the can for a poor appointment of Keith Millen.

It is well worth us remember how up sh*t creek we really would be without his investment and his personal money thrown into the club.

We would miss him immeasurably should he walk.

Finally a balanced view. Great to see all this blame laying on the eve of an appointment of a new manager. We always believe.

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No, he didn't.

Appointing Keith Millen was a dreadful decision with predictably disastrous results.

Act in haste, repent at leisure.

I wholeheartedly agree. Delighted to see that lessons have been learned and that there has a been a proper process this time.

To Ronnabe's point above I think it's time to move on from a simply dreadful past 12 months at the club. A new era beckons...and thank heavens for that. But the waste of the Millen decision shouldn't be forgotten or brushed under the carpet. Good supporters paid good money for a year of substandard dross.

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Going back to the L1 days SL comes in and makes a series of decisions and sets the policy and direction on and off the pitch.

The net result of all these decisions and appointments (no need to repeat it all again - some good but more bad) is that we have huge debts , a wage bil 6 x what it was, and a squad containing a number of expensive players that neither we nor any other club wants or can afford.

SL has had to loan the club millions to cover the loses made as a result of his decisions.

Poor leadership at the top of any company leads to failure and this is where we are now - bottom of the league, big loses, big debts, poor staff, poor board members.


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<br /><br /><br />

Spot on, unfortunately the small minded Neanderthals on here need someone to beat up. Sadly if SL did walk before he got his wish of making us self sufficient, these same people would drop the club like a stone as we fall through the divisions leaving the proper fans to pick up the pieces

agreed there wouldn't be a peak to decline from if it wasn't for this man, it's amazing how easy people find it to spend other peoples money.

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