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Paul Peschisolido

Brizzle Jordan

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Nobody in their right mind will leave another job within the football legue to take over at Rovers, despite them being shite, they have also got a dreadfull track record of managerial stability in recent years.

They are going to have to take a punt on someone from the conference, but anyone doing well would be looking for an offer from further up the ranks than bottem end of L2, or they need to go for someone out of work who needs to get back into it. Nobody who has any real acheivement of note on their CV will want to take what increasingly looks like a poisened chalice of a job - leavign them with either an internal appointment or someone who has never really proven themselves capable of dragging a club out of the position that they are in.

I'm amazed to see their capitulation over the last year or two and obviously find it all rather amusing! If it was anyone else, they might have a slightly sympathetic view from other fans - but seeing as it is them, may it long continue until they eventually drop out of the league and leave those of us in BS3 to grow and prosper as a result of their demise!

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So who, apart from Mr Brady, has turned down the sags so far?

All I know is that at various points in the last week Gasheads I know have been posting stuff on Faceboook like 'O'Driscolls Barmy Army' and 'Dickie Dosh is gonna get us promoshun innnit' and 'we've got the Guvnor, we're the *****n best'. So I'm guessing at least three potential managers have chosen to remain jobless than go anywhere near that club with a shiddy stick.

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I've just had a nose on their site and there is a thread titled 'No Manager? Are We To Blame?' that appears to suggest from the OP and several of the respondents that they, the Gash, are as delusional as all other football fans and that maybe the reason why people are turning them down is because of the fans themselves getting on the teams back.

Now we all know that Gasheads fall into the category of ultra faithful super supporters because they tell us...constantly...how great they are.

Have they been lying to me all these years? :blink:

I thought we were the fickle ones.

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Breaking News !!! Kermit has agreed to take charge until the end of the season, with him he brings miss piggy as his team physio, whilst beaker and animal have been given the enviable task of main tatical consultants - i kid you not

ma na ma na do do ba duba ma na ma na do do ba duba

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i know its sad, but i hit add manager on football manager while playing to brfc. Set all the kids to play, go on holiday, and watch them drop like a stone. There in the conference south on my game :winner_third_h4h:

Harsh but i bet it brought great pleasure :)

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