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"I thoroughly enjoyed working with the new manager (Derek McInnes) and the Doc (assistant Tony Docherty) and it's a shame we only had a few months together."

"Everything about their training sessions and the way they work excited me. Who knows what would have happened had they been there way back, it may have been different."

How true!

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Worst decision this club has ever made in recent years was putting Km in charge. It's put us years behind and has had a massive negative knock on effect.


Put us back as you say and undermined all efforts to sell a vision of a more successful future...to the city of Bristol, to supporters and clearly to players. Anyone who bought Lansdown's reasons for appointing Coppell had to be sceptical of Millen's appointment just a few months later.

That the club's record signing should have contributed so little to its success is an indictment not of Nicky but of the way his undoubted talent was managed...or not managed.

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