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Dirt On Journalists

The Original OTIB

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I worked as a (non-tabloid) journalist for 20 years and never "stitched anyone up" and I don't know anyone who has. In most publications you'd lose your job if you did.

The Leveson Inquiry is about calling to account the minority of bad journalists and unsavoury practices which, guys like me and my co-workers (I still work with journalists), deplore as much as members of the public do.

The Levenson Inquiry is to examine the culture, practises and ethics of the media. It's about finding out just how diseased the profession is before deciding which bits have to go.

It's fair enough to say I'm probably not talking about trade magazines or people covering jumble sales, I'm talking about national news media. They're a bunch of shits by and large and I've read enough news in my time to be comfortable with that opinion.

If journalism were an upstanding profession the PCC would have been sufficient to keep things honest and above board but the culture is one that will sacrifice any value for a story and then try and cover up the bad bits later. That is rife, not just a few rogues.

Sorry Nibor but you haven't got a clue what you are talking about in this instance. How many journalists do you actually know? How much time have you spent in a media business seeing how newspapers, magazines and websites operate? None and none I'm guessing.

Actually I've worked for several media businesses, and through a family member who's worked in journalism his whole career, been the editor for a major national UK publication and three in the US, I've met many journalists from several countries. I've even had the dubious pleasure of going to a few events where the jackals were out. Journalists trying to do it properly are by far in the minority, walking into a newsagents and reading the shit that's published is proof enough of that.

Good guesswork though, I especially liked the irony of you defending people who publish wild assed guesswork as fact by posting a wild assed guess.

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Poor wages! :laugh:! Most are on at least the national average wage!


There are plenty of local papers that pay qualified reporters under £15K and trainees (you typically take two years to qualify) under £10K. Anyone who knows the profession knows that apart from the tiny minority of 'celeb columnists' (often non-journalists) and national newspaper editors, it is not a lucrative living.

Actually I've worked for several media businesses, and through a family member who's worked in journalism his whole career, been the editor for a major national UK publication and three in the US, I've met many journalists from several countries. I've even had the dubious pleasure of going to a few events where the jackals were out. .

So is your relative a "self-serving shit"? Are you?

Martyn pointed out that by issuing a blanket condemnation you are blindly hitting out at a lot of peope just trying to do a good job and report things in an honest way - sometimes at great personal risk to themselves.

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Actually I've worked for several media businesses, and through a family member who's worked in journalism his whole career, been the editor for a major national UK publication and three in the US, I've met many journalists from several countries. I've even had the dubious pleasure of going to a few events where the jackals were out. Journalists trying to do it properly are by far in the minority, walking into a newsagents and reading the shit that's published is proof enough of that.

Good guesswork though, I especially liked the irony of you defending people who publish wild assed guesswork as fact by posting a wild assed guess.

You sound incredibly bitter Nibor - why have you been prepared to work for several media businesses if you despise journalists so much? I've earned my living as a journalist and editor for 25 years - you have seen journalism second hand through a relative.

I think I know rather more about how journalists operate than you do, but no doubt you will disagree.

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You can't blame people for their views on journalists though can you? I don't know any but I would be very carefully what I said around any of them if I was famous.

1 day is all it took for an 18 year old story to be bought up? This is why journalists are despised.

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You sound incredibly bitter Nibor - why have you been prepared to work for several media businesses if you despise journalists so much? I've earned my living as a journalist and editor for 25 years - you have seen journalism second hand through a relative.

I think I know rather more about how journalists operate than you do, but no doubt you will disagree.

Editor and Journalist of what public reading?

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Generalisations again. The fact is that there is an inquiry into culture, practice and ethic of the press. The fact is, this country had risible red tops. Any profession with a hint of malpractice should seek it out and deal with it. The press and other sections of the media have thought themselves above the rest of us and the law. It's all coming home to roost now.

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Generalisations again. The fact is that there is an inquiry into culture, practice and ethic of the press. The fact is, this country had risible red tops. Any profession with a hint of malpractice should seek it out and deal with it. The press and other sections of the media have thought themselves above the rest of us and the law. It's all coming home to roost now.

You might expect me not too, but I agree with you here.

You'd find similar risible tabloid publications throughout Europe, of course.

I think there's been a particular culture of nastiness in the news desks of some British tabs though. A legacy of the Stick It Up Your Junta recklessly macho management style of Kelvin Mackenzie. The Sun's running of an 18-year-old Pearce story that has disgusted most England fans exemplifies this.

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Slim fast is avalable or our you the person on the right, i know him from when i did stewarding duties at AG

You know him? It's a completely random picture from the internet, so I'll take your word on it. That's quite a coincidence if it is indeed a City fan. Anyway, the point I was making is he is the Editor of Which, not What. Poor joke I know, but what a random reply from you.

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The public gets what the public wants, but I dont get what society wants.... a wise man once said.

The British Red Top Press has been pretty scummy since before the Sun took over from the Daily Mirror as Britains number one daily sale, we have now had 40 years of tabloid bullshit dumbing down for a huge public that is/was more concerned with gossip and big mams.

The NOTW the Sun, Star, Sport, Mirror pander to the gossip culture (as do the reality TV shows). However what apears to have happend is the Milly Dowler hacking has finally over stepped the mark and people are begining to turn against the very newspapers they bought for so long.

Thanks for everything News International but The Thatcher Major Blair days are over and the cosy relationship with politicians that encouraged you to continue for so long has gone and good ridance!

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So is your relative a "self-serving shit"? Are you?

Martyn pointed out that by issuing a blanket condemnation you are blindly hitting out at a lot of peope just trying to do a good job and report things in an honest way - sometimes at great personal risk to themselves.

He was in danger of becoming one, that's why he took a job offer in the US. It's a culture problem with the UK press. I think the proportion of "bad reporters" is quite high, and the proportion trying to do the right thing is minuscule. Fleet street is a cess pit.

You sound incredibly bitter Nibor - why have you been prepared to work for several media businesses if you despise journalists so much? I've earned my living as a journalist and editor for 25 years - you have seen journalism second hand through a relative.

I think I know rather more about how journalists operate than you do, but no doubt you will disagree.

I don't "sound" anything, this is written word and so you're putting your own slant on it when you read it. I don't feel like by doing some contracts for media companies I'm supporting their shitty journalism so it wasn't an issue for me.

I'm sure you do know more about how consumer/retail magazines work, but you're not exactly involved in the mainstream media that most people think of when they say "journalist" are you? If you're offended by my view, then please let me clarify that it's really about mainstream journalism I'm talking.

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as the thread started with Custis and Lawton et. al., the tone and focus was set. As they represent The Sun and The Daily mail... well... enough said.

Daily mail - by far the worst paper.... Can't believe anyone buys that that shit either

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