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Outright Wingers...


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... Imho, I think it's been BCFC's Achiles Heal over the years.

As a club we have had many 'outright wingers'. Yes it's great to see someone with skill and speed to skin the fullback, get to the byeline and put over a telling cross. But how often does that actually happen in a game?

I personally feel we need to have more midfielders who can play football, play a telling pass, hold the ball up...playmakers.

In fact i'd prefer 4 solid midfielders, who can support the 2 forwards down the middle, and 2 quality full backs that can overlap and give quality crosses when needed. Or play with 1 winger, who floats between both wings, with 3 others in midfield.

At this level, imho, 2 wingers is a luxury we can't afford.

Any thoughts?

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Clearly someone who liked the Gary Johnson era the latter years?

Skuse Elliot Johnson sno.

It got us no where and our once hero the sack!

Sorry but for me not the way to go!

Not really...I go way further back than that. But as far as i can remember our Club has always seemed to play an outright winger.

We've done well using them at 'third Division' level...but i feel at this level, it is something that is a bit of a luxury and leaves us light in midfield. Hense our use of 1 upfront.

How many teams that do well in this league use fast wingers, in the mold of Adomah, Boalaise, JCR, Woolford and Sproule and McCindoe from recent seasons past?

Undoubtabably Adomah has been exciting to watch...but it is now a one trick pony. Teams know how to defend against him. We rely to much on him and our passage of play often breaks down too fast and we are under pressure again.

If it was a successful formula we would be getting better results. We are not.

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I understand your point, and i agree with you to a certain extent, but we just don't have the squad to play like that. There is almost no creativity from the middle of midfield. We only have one genuine full back who is good at going forward (Foster. Ignoring Edwards and Ribeiro as they don't seem to ever get a game here). For me McGivern and Spence are both centre backs, Skuse is a midfielder (although doing okay at right back), so we just don't have the personnel to play that system. If it was pre-season you could try something like Woolford at left back but IMO he's been poor here and i don't believe in playing square pegs in round holes anyway. It seems pretty obvious that 4-5-1 isn't working. We're not scoring enough so something has to give. In order to play 4-4-2, IMO i think we need Elliot and Cisse both fit to play in the middle and BOTH Adomah and Bolasie on form in order to stretch the play, with Foster and Skuse playing fullback in this system and getting forward it would make it difficult to double mark either winger. Unfortunately, this leaves us weak in the middle, with few options at centre half and no creativity from central midfield. Also, you'd need to play two centre forwards who are willing to work hard for the cause and defend from the front. Any two of our three could play here, but need to be motivated enough to run themselves into the ground like Steve Torpey used to do. When we were in League 1, Wigan got promoted by playing a solid 4-4-2, working hard, defending from the front and nicking a goal, shutting up shop and taking the 1-0. We're not solid enough to do this week in week out, but we just don't score enough and maybe it'd be enough to see us survive.

Sorry for the ramble.

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Agree wingers are a luxury right now. Most successful teams in this division seem to be based on two strong, organised, banks of four.

The other formation that could work is three at the back - that could allow Albert to play "in the hole".

Sadly, it's academic now with no transfer window left I think we're doomed....

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Out and out wingers can work but they need to track back as well.

We can play well we have played some good stuff but we can only do it in the odd game or for 20-30 mins of a game.

I don't think we can't play 442 every player has played this formation. I think it's a mental thing.

Mentally not strong enough that's the problem, the mental side of this team is not strong and needs to be address.

They need to believe it can be done, believe in there Manager and the fans need to believe we can avoid the drop.

We need to believe we can do this as a team. Manager players and fans need to pull together and fight to survive.

we are the 12th man.

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