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It isn't quite pointing my phone at them though is it!? Ryan come here a sec mate I want a pic of you to get you screwed!? Believe what you want but thought the fans would have a right to know the attitude of the players, which is obviously not acceptable. They didnt even look upset in any way, all laughing and joking and chatting to groups of women all night!

They were all laughing? Thats not on, how dare they laugh

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It isn't quite pointing my phone at them though is it!? Ryan come here a sec mate I want a pic of you to get you screwed!? Believe what you want but thought the fans would have a right to know the attitude of the players, which is obviously not acceptable. They didnt even look upset in any way, all laughing and joking and chatting to groups of women all night!

ok then...

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Don't understand the fuss when players go out for a few drinks. Same as most people after a bad day at work!

After the shit performances lately none of the players deserve a drink. Ahh well **** it, we only lost 3-0 three times in the last 4 games, lets go out and go drinking. Hey ******* ho. Pisstaking **** players, the ones out on the piss at least. You would hope they would be at there massive homes, which they dont deserve at the moment, assessing their game or their skip full of ****ups. Truth is they couldnt give a toss.

When they earn their drinks they can go out and have a few.

so ******* wot. we haven't got a game tomorrow

So ******* wot? When a professional* footballer doesn't have a game in the morning they should still be up at a given time and training with the dosh they are on come rain or shine.

*professional = Lazy ****** footballer who wears a bristol city top which gets payed more in a week than me and my other half does in a year.

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I guess it shows they only see playing for City as a job and that's it. It's ok to go out and have a few after a bad week at work but how many of us actually have our dream job? If I was doing something I loved and messed it up then I'd be doing my best to improve that. Right now if I have a bad day I can just forget about it because it's only a job. Maybe that's the attitude some players have taken?

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Some of you will remember a local City player called Chris Honour (sp).

We used to seem him on a Saturday night and have a chat with him , nice lad .

Anyway we would never see him on a Saturday if we lost!

Different times nowadays, players had more respect for the fans years ago.

On the players bus coming back from the game yesterday do you honestly believe the players would have been upset and on a downer. No once they are out of the changing room they would be laughing and joking and planning their night out.

Most players don't give a toss about the fans or the club they play for.

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If this is true, then you have to wonder just how important fitness and althleticism are as far as a BCFC player is concerned.

Given the fact that we are not exactly blessed with an abundance of players with amazing technical ability, I would have thought that the management doctrine would be to get the players as fit as they possibly can be to compensate, and to have the speed and stamina to chase, harry, and generally run themselves in to the ground in each and every game, as we literally fight for survival in this league.

Out on the town, late nights and alcohol consumption, do not, as far as I am aware, figure in any true althlete's training plan as they strive to reach their peak and maintain optimum condition.

But then do we really believe the players are actually athletes?

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Some of you will remember a local City player called Chris Honour (sp).

We used to seem him on a Saturday night and have a chat with him , nice lad .

Anyway we would never see him on a Saturday if we lost!

Different times nowadays, players had more respect for the fans years ago.

On the players bus coming back from the game yesterday do you honestly believe the players would have been upset and on a downer. No once they are out of the changing room they would be laughing and joking and planning their night out.

Most players don't give a toss about the fans or the club they play for.

I remember coming back from a defeat at Doncaster Rovers just after Gary Johnson took over. The City coach was parked up at the services and Gary Johnson looked as if he was really ripping in to the players on that coach - none of the players were laughing then.

Likewise, none of the England Rugby Union players and their management - that were partying and on the lash in New Zealand during the World Cup - are laughing now because they've all been sacked. Surprise, surprise, England Rugby now have new management and players and they've now won 2 from 2 in the 6 nations against the odds.

Gary Johnson turned this club around, a great pity that he couldn't improve on our first season back in the Championship or at least reached the play-offs in the second season because he was just a gnats whisker from taking us up with his 'you drink and mess around and you're out culture'.

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*professional = Lazy ****** footballer who wears a bristol city top which gets payed more in a week than me and my other half does in a year.

Your household earns about £8,000 a year? Don't believe you there.

I can see both sides of the argument really. If I or any of you had a bad day at work, we'd probably want or go for a few drinks. And if it was on a friday or saturday and we didn't have work the next day it might turn into more drinks and a night out.

However, they are professional athletes so going out getting smashed mid-season, especially where we are in the league isn't a great idea. If we were in the top half it wouldn't bother me if they were out.

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Likewise, none of the England Rugby Union players and their management - that were partying and on the lash in New Zealand during the World Cup - are laughing now because they've all been sacked. Surprise, surprise, England Rugby now have new management and players and they've now won 2 from 2 in the 6 nations against the odds.

Against the odds? We've narrowly beaten the two worst sides in the competition... And of we play like we have, we'll lose the next three.

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Against the odds? We've narrowly beaten the two worst sides in the competition... And of we play like we have, we'll lose the next three.

Wrong again Jordan.

Scotland and Italy both really fancies their chances against us. England played two tricky away games in very differcult weather conditions and there was an improvement from the World Cup which I think they deserved some credit.

If this type of scenario was Bristol City you would jumping around the room but I think that when it comes to City you are so blinded for the love of the club it clouds you judgement.. Give it a another 20 years supporting the club you may have a different perspective.

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If this is true, then you have to wonder just how important fitness and althleticism are as far as a BCFC player is concerned.

Given the fact that we are not exactly blessed with an abundance of players with amazing technical ability, I would have thought that the management doctrine would be to get the players as fit as they possibly can be to compensate, and to have the speed and stamina to chase, harry, and generally run themselves in to the ground in each and every game, as we literally fight for survival in this league.

Out on the town, late nights and alcohol consumption, do not, as far as I am aware, figure in any true althlete's training plan as they strive to reach their peak and maintain optimum condition.

But then do we really believe the players are actually athletes?

Don't worry, I've heard that our manager is a strict disciplinarian he won't allow this sort of thing.... He's knocked them into shape as our results and performances show...

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I remember coming back from a defeat at Doncaster Rovers just after Gary Johnson took over. The City coach was parked up at the services and Gary Johnson looked as if he was really ripping in to the players on that coach - none of the players were laughing then.

Likewise, none of the England Rugby Union players and their management - that were partying and on the lash in New Zealand during the World Cup - are laughing now because they've all been sacked. Surprise, surprise, England Rugby now have new management and players and they've now won 2 from 2 in the 6 nations against the odds.

Gary Johnson turned this club around, a great pity that he couldn't improve on our first season back in the Championship or at least reached the play-offs in the second season because he was just a gnats whisker from taking us up with his 'you drink and mess around and you're out culture'.

I think you touch on a chain of events that has led us to our current condition. Johnson was indeed brought in to clean out the stables. The players were effectively running the club for their own benefit (much like Chelsea players do now, if on a small scale), living and loving the lifestyle of the big fish in a small pond. Wilson disgracefully failed to address this culture and consequently failed to gain promotion with a squad that was in terms of ability, though not attitude, far better than the one Johnson got promotion with. Wilson was followed by Tinnion, like Millen a nice guy completely out of his depth, wasting time and money and leaving the culture intact.

Steve belatedly recognised the problem and brought in Johnson to deal with it. Much to the chagrin of the ring leaders among the piss artists, not to mention many fans (some of whom have still not got over it) he drove out the bad influences and built a cohesive team full of commitment that punched above its weight to an extraordinary degree. The fans were very much part of the team and for a glorious period there was a great unity.

Arguably though getting to the play off final rather than finishing in a respectable mid table position was a bad thing. It led Johnson to be too loyal to the players who had done it, dishing out 3 year contracts right and left. Those players decided they had arrived and rested on their laurels in the comfort zone of their new improved contracts. They therefore stopped doing the things that had produced their success in the first place.

The problem was compounded by the club getting carried away and splashing the cash on an all to random slew of signings; the whole "living the dream" nonsense that has done for so many other clubs. In that Steve must share the blame in not reigning his manager in when gradual team development, focusing on finding good value players from the lower leagues especially, was the right way to go. I appreciate though that there would have been plenty of fans screaming about a lack of ambition; the same ones who wanted Johnosn out for only finishing in mid table in our second season in the Chanpionship. A manager who got us there now would be hailed as a hero,

The following season the worm really turned with players now clearly having a sense of entitlement ,not helped by the number of guaranteed starters who knew they would play regardless of performances. Clearly pissed off with their attitude, despite playing a large part in engendering it with his loyalty, Johnson instinctively reverted to his previous style. This time however the players had the power and the loss of authority inevitablty led to him blowing up and losing his job.

Though he had to go the worrying aspect for me was that it was at the behest of the players who it seems efectivly told Steve to sack him. Steve duly followed suit, eschewing the opportunity to tell the players they were not in charge, and the players were firmly back in control.

Coppell having come and gone the players got just what they wanted, a "nice" (i.e. weak) manager they could manipulate. Lo and behold back they go to doing the minimum required (i.e. turning up, getting it over with then dashing off in their flash cars) and picking up (the word earning does not apply). a fat reward for failure.

In comes Del and they up the effort for a while, appearance money and possible new contracts being at stake. After a few good results they decided that was job done (remember the bragging about expecting to win every game that immediately preceded the wretched run we are now on?) and downed tools again, What better way to celebrate returning to their comfortable norm than a good night out iust after another heavy defeat you don't give a toss about? And, this being Engish football, alcohol is of course essential.

We do not yet know if Del is willing or able to confront the bunch of wasters but if and when it happens I trust Steve wil back his manager and remind the players they are employees and the club does not exist to give them a cushly life. Time for the hand grenades Del. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile and you will be the next victim.

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I think you touch on a chain of events that has led us to our current condition. Johnson was indeed brought in to clean out the stables. The players were effectively running the club for their own benefit (much like Chelsea players do now, if on a small scale), living and loving the lifestyle of the big fish in a small pond. Wilson disgracefully failed to address this culture and consequently failed to gain promotion with a squad that was in terms of ability, though not attitude, far better than the one Johnson got promotion with. Wilson was followed by Tinnion, like Millen a nice guy completely out of his depth, wasting time and money and leaving the culture intact.

Steve belatedly recognised the problem and brought in Johnson to deal with it. Much to the chagrin of the ring leaders among the piss artists, not to mention many fans (some of whom have still not got over it) he drove out the bad influences and built a cohesive team full of commitment that punched above its weight to an extraordinary degree. The fans were very much part of the team and for a glorious period there was a great unity.

Arguably though getting to the play off final rather than finishing in a respectable mid table position was a bad thing. It led Johnson to be too loyal to the players who had done it, dishing out 3 year contracts right and left. Those players decided they had arrived and rested on their laurels in the comfort zone of their new improved contracts. They therefore stopped doing the things that had produced their success in the first place.

The problem was compounded by the club getting carried away and splashing the cash on an all to random slew of signings; the whole "living the dream" nonsense that has done for so many other clubs. In that Steve must share the blame in not reigning his manager in when gradual team development, focusing on finding good value players from the lower leagues especially, was the right way to go. I appreciate though that there would have been plenty of fans screaming about a lack of ambition; the same ones who wanted Johnosn out for only finishing in mid table in our second season in the Chanpionship. A manager who got us there now would be hailed as a hero,

The following season the worm really turned with players now clearly having a sense of entitlement ,not helped by the number of guaranteed starters who knew they would play regardless of performances. Clearly pissed off with their attitude, despite playing a large part in engendering it with his loyalty, Johnson instinctively reverted to his previous style. This time however the players had the power and the loss of authority inevitablty led to him blowing up and losing his job.

Though he had to go the worrying aspect for me was that it was at the behest of the players who it seems efectivly told Steve to sack him. Steve duly followed suit, eschewing the opportunity to tell the players they were not in charge, and the players were firmly back in control.

Coppell having come and gone the players got just what they wanted, a "nice" (i.e. weak) manager they could manipulate. Lo and behold back they go to doing the minimum required (i.e. turning up, getting it over with then dashing off in their flash cars) and picking up (the word earning does not apply). a fat reward for failure.

In comes Del and they up the effort for a while, appearance money and possible new contracts being at stake. After a few good results they decided that was job done (remember the bragging about expecting to win every game that immediately preceded the wretched run we are now on?) and downed tools again, What better way to celebrate returning to their comfortable norm than a good night out iust after another heavy defeat you don't give a toss about? And, this being Engish football, alcohol is of course essential.

We do not yet know if Del is willing or able to confront the bunch of wasters but if and when it happens I trust Steve wil back his manager and remind the players they are employees and the club does not exist to give them a cushly life. Time for the hand grenades Del. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile and you will be the next victim.

Excellent post, unfortunately we're back to where we were when Gary Johnson took over, at the relegation end of a division again with key players out on the lash and celebrating failure. The players mentioned by the original poster as being out on the lash aren't particularly good Championship players to start with or else they'd still be at the clubs we bought them from. If I was either Del or Doc I'd look into what has been going on because it's their jobs that'll eventually be on the line as well.

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Wrong again Jordan.

Scotland and Italy both really fancies their chances against us. England played two tricky away games in very differcult weather conditions and there was an improvement from the World Cup which I think they deserved some credit.

If this type of scenario was Bristol City you would jumping around the room but I think that when it comes to City you are so blinded for the love of the club it clouds you judgement.. Give it a another 20 years supporting the club you may have a different perspective.

Indeed, we were the genuine under dogs in the game against Scotland. England came under a ferocious assault from the Scottish forwards. The superb tackling kept those Scottish monsters at bay. As for the away game in Italy, Italy beat France there last year and that shows how far Italy have improved because they're no longer the pushovers they once were. As for Bristol City, Steve Lansdown is obviously interested in Rugby Union to be the major shareholder in Bristol Rugby - perhaps he ought to orchestrate action against his errant footballers just as England sacked the players and management that were more interested in drinking during the World Cup. Time to get tough Mr Lansdown because we're so close to being relegated.

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If I have a bad day I go out to a bar, have a few shots and a few beers/ciders whatever.

Doesn't mean I am getting smashed, and I have a laugh and joke too on the night.

Does it mean I don't care about my work? No. It means I can forget about it for one night.

Everyone is saying they should be more professional, they are, they probably aren't getting "smashed" (a few shots are nothing) and they haven't got work the next day.

Give the lads a break, they didn't say "ah we don't care about City" to anyone or anything bad, just a few lads having a few drinks after a bad day at the office.

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Chinapig's post:

I think you touch on a chain of events that has led us to our current condition. Johnson was indeed brought in to clean out the stables. The players were effectively running the club for their own benefit (much like Chelsea players do now, if on a small scale), living and loving the lifestyle of the big fish in a small pond. Wilson disgracefully failed to address this culture and consequently failed to gain promotion with a squad that was in terms of ability, though not attitude, far better than the one Johnson got promotion with. Wilson was followed by Tinnion, like Millen a nice guy completely out of his depth, wasting time and money and leaving the culture intact.

Steve belatedly recognised the problem and brought in Johnson to deal with it. Much to the chagrin of the ring leaders among the piss artists, not to mention many fans (some of whom have still not got over it) he drove out the bad influences and built a cohesive team full of commitment that punched above its weight to an extraordinary degree. The fans were very much part of the team and for a glorious period there was a great unity.

Arguably though getting to the play off final rather than finishing in a respectable mid table position was a bad thing. It led Johnson to be too loyal to the players who had done it, dishing out 3 year contracts right and left. Those players decided they had arrived and rested on their laurels in the comfort zone of their new improved contracts. They therefore stopped doing the things that had produced their success in the first place.

The problem was compounded by the club getting carried away and splashing the cash on an all to random slew of signings; the whole "living the dream" nonsense that has done for so many other clubs. In that Steve must share the blame in not reigning his manager in when gradual team development, focusing on finding good value players from the lower leagues especially, was the right way to go. I appreciate though that there would have been plenty of fans screaming about a lack of ambition; the same ones who wanted Johnosn out for only finishing in mid table in our second season in the Chanpionship. A manager who got us there now would be hailed as a hero,

The following season the worm really turned with players now clearly having a sense of entitlement ,not helped by the number of guaranteed starters who knew they would play regardless of performances. Clearly pissed off with their attitude, despite playing a large part in engendering it with his loyalty, Johnson instinctively reverted to his previous style. This time however the players had the power and the loss of authority inevitablty led to him blowing up and losing his job.

Though he had to go the worrying aspect for me was that it was at the behest of the players who it seems efectivly told Steve to sack him. Steve duly followed suit, eschewing the opportunity to tell the players they were not in charge, and the players were firmly back in control.

Coppell having come and gone the players got just what they wanted, a "nice" (i.e. weak) manager they could manipulate. Lo and behold back they go to doing the minimum required (i.e. turning up, getting it over with then dashing off in their flash cars) and picking up (the word earning does not apply). a fat reward for failure.

In comes Del and they up the effort for a while, appearance money and possible new contracts being at stake. After a few good results they decided that was job done (remember the bragging about expecting to win every game that immediately preceded the wretched run we are now on?) and downed tools again, What better way to celebrate returning to their comfortable norm than a good night out iust after another heavy defeat you don't give a toss about? And, this being Engish football, alcohol is of course essential.

We do not yet know if Del is willing or able to confront the bunch of wasters but if and when it happens I trust Steve wil back his manager and remind the players they are employees and the club does not exist to give them a cushly life. Time for the hand grenades Del. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile and you will be the next victim.

This is probably the best and most informed post that has been on here this year - more of this please and less of the endless debates about 442 451 etc

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I think you touch on a chain of events that has led us to our current condition. Johnson was indeed brought in to clean out the stables. The players were effectively running the club for their own benefit (much like Chelsea players do now, if on a small scale), living and loving the lifestyle of the big fish in a small pond. Wilson disgracefully failed to address this culture and consequently failed to gain promotion with a squad that was in terms of ability, though not attitude, far better than the one Johnson got promotion with. Wilson was followed by Tinnion, like Millen a nice guy completely out of his depth, wasting time and money and leaving the culture intact.

Steve belatedly recognised the problem and brought in Johnson to deal with it. Much to the chagrin of the ring leaders among the piss artists, not to mention many fans (some of whom have still not got over it) he drove out the bad influences and built a cohesive team full of commitment that punched above its weight to an extraordinary degree. The fans were very much part of the team and for a glorious period there was a great unity.

Arguably though getting to the play off final rather than finishing in a respectable mid table position was a bad thing. It led Johnson to be too loyal to the players who had done it, dishing out 3 year contracts right and left. Those players decided they had arrived and rested on their laurels in the comfort zone of their new improved contracts. They therefore stopped doing the things that had produced their success in the first place.

The problem was compounded by the club getting carried away and splashing the cash on an all to random slew of signings; the whole "living the dream" nonsense that has done for so many other clubs. In that Steve must share the blame in not reigning his manager in when gradual team development, focusing on finding good value players from the lower leagues especially, was the right way to go. I appreciate though that there would have been plenty of fans screaming about a lack of ambition; the same ones who wanted Johnosn out for only finishing in mid table in our second season in the Chanpionship. A manager who got us there now would be hailed as a hero,

The following season the worm really turned with players now clearly having a sense of entitlement ,not helped by the number of guaranteed starters who knew they would play regardless of performances. Clearly pissed off with their attitude, despite playing a large part in engendering it with his loyalty, Johnson instinctively reverted to his previous style. This time however the players had the power and the loss of authority inevitablty led to him blowing up and losing his job.

Though he had to go the worrying aspect for me was that it was at the behest of the players who it seems efectivly told Steve to sack him. Steve duly followed suit, eschewing the opportunity to tell the players they were not in charge, and the players were firmly back in control.

Coppell having come and gone the players got just what they wanted, a "nice" (i.e. weak) manager they could manipulate. Lo and behold back they go to doing the minimum required (i.e. turning up, getting it over with then dashing off in their flash cars) and picking up (the word earning does not apply). a fat reward for failure.

In comes Del and they up the effort for a while, appearance money and possible new contracts being at stake. After a few good results they decided that was job done (remember the bragging about expecting to win every game that immediately preceded the wretched run we are now on?) and downed tools again, What better way to celebrate returning to their comfortable norm than a good night out iust after another heavy defeat you don't give a toss about? And, this being Engish football, alcohol is of course essential.

We do not yet know if Del is willing or able to confront the bunch of wasters but if and when it happens I trust Steve wil back his manager and remind the players they are employees and the club does not exist to give them a cushly life. Time for the hand grenades Del. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile and you will be the next victim.

Superb post, one of the best I've seen on it. With regards Johnson's departure, that always crossed my mind- rumours of senior players wanting him out and SL listening. Was thinking about it earlier in fact- the unity for 2 and a half, 3 and a half seasons was second to none. Great spirit around the place, undoubtedly my best times as a City fan. Still, all clubs have peaks and troughs but those were good days and there seemed a real professionalism about the place.

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Doesn't mean they were getting smashed, i think any footballer is entitled to a drink in moderation don't you?

Well a certain mr mcgivern was in big trouble after the Donny game at Pam Pams in Clifton with a number of the first team trying to help him out. Big time charlie attitude !!

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Chinapig's post:

This is probably the best and most informed post that has been on here this year - more of this please and less of the endless debates about 442 451 etc

Agree, excellent post. This is what makes this forum very good at times. Well thought out, well written. With lots of truth. Not enjoying the emotional over reaction based posts at present.

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I can't think how,in any world,consuming alcohol 6 hrs after a 'high-energy performancy'...(if only), can possibly do anything but hamper recovery.

Indeed, alcohol use prevents muscle recovery. Alcohol also causes dehydration and slows down the body's ability to heal and alcohol also inhibits the body's ability to absorb nutrients from food. As 'professional athletes' our football players should know these facts and they should not be out on the lash during the season especially considering the fact that this club is fighting for its survival in the Championship.

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I think you touch on a chain of events that has led us to our current condition. Johnson was indeed brought in to clean out the stables. The players were effectively running the club for their own benefit (much like Chelsea players do now, if on a small scale), living and loving the lifestyle of the big fish in a small pond. Wilson disgracefully failed to address this culture and consequently failed to gain promotion with a squad that was in terms of ability, though not attitude, far better than the one Johnson got promotion with. Wilson was followed by Tinnion, like Millen a nice guy completely out of his depth, wasting time and money and leaving the culture intact.

Steve belatedly recognised the problem and brought in Johnson to deal with it. Much to the chagrin of the ring leaders among the piss artists, not to mention many fans (some of whom have still not got over it) he drove out the bad influences and built a cohesive team full of commitment that punched above its weight to an extraordinary degree. The fans were very much part of the team and for a glorious period there was a great unity.

Arguably though getting to the play off final rather than finishing in a respectable mid table position was a bad thing. It led Johnson to be too loyal to the players who had done it, dishing out 3 year contracts right and left. Those players decided they had arrived and rested on their laurels in the comfort zone of their new improved contracts. They therefore stopped doing the things that had produced their success in the first place.

The problem was compounded by the club getting carried away and splashing the cash on an all to random slew of signings; the whole "living the dream" nonsense that has done for so many other clubs. In that Steve must share the blame in not reigning his manager in when gradual team development, focusing on finding good value players from the lower leagues especially, was the right way to go. I appreciate though that there would have been plenty of fans screaming about a lack of ambition; the same ones who wanted Johnosn out for only finishing in mid table in our second season in the Chanpionship. A manager who got us there now would be hailed as a hero,

The following season the worm really turned with players now clearly having a sense of entitlement ,not helped by the number of guaranteed starters who knew they would play regardless of performances. Clearly pissed off with their attitude, despite playing a large part in engendering it with his loyalty, Johnson instinctively reverted to his previous style. This time however the players had the power and the loss of authority inevitablty led to him blowing up and losing his job.

Though he had to go the worrying aspect for me was that it was at the behest of the players who it seems efectivly told Steve to sack him. Steve duly followed suit, eschewing the opportunity to tell the players they were not in charge, and the players were firmly back in control.

Coppell having come and gone the players got just what they wanted, a "nice" (i.e. weak) manager they could manipulate. Lo and behold back they go to doing the minimum required (i.e. turning up, getting it over with then dashing off in their flash cars) and picking up (the word earning does not apply). a fat reward for failure.

In comes Del and they up the effort for a while, appearance money and possible new contracts being at stake. After a few good results they decided that was job done (remember the bragging about expecting to win every game that immediately preceded the wretched run we are now on?) and downed tools again, What better way to celebrate returning to their comfortable norm than a good night out iust after another heavy defeat you don't give a toss about? And, this being Engish football, alcohol is of course essential.

We do not yet know if Del is willing or able to confront the bunch of wasters but if and when it happens I trust Steve wil back his manager and remind the players they are employees and the club does not exist to give them a cushly life. Time for the hand grenades Del. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile and you will be the next victim.

Best post of the season award has just been won

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