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The Good Life


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I dont disagree with them being allowed a life, what i always dislike about this is that this was probably what theyd been looking forward to all day, taking away their concentration on what theyre supposed to be doing and getting paid for - to perform!!!

I hope theyre on the OJ's n not alcopops!!

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Sums up what I said in another post.

No flucking accountability.

Wheres the senior players to tell them thats NOT what so-called pro-sportspeople do?

He's not there!

Neither is anyone remotely influencial at City. Why?

They will be on the lash elsewhere!

Only Del and Doc (and us) will be worrying about next game.

Its the cesspool culture at AG.

Has been for 30 yrs.

It has to be stopped like a Zombie...sever it at the head!

Everyone does nothing for nothing at AG and its been like that for a very long time.

If I were in Clifton now, I could walk up and offer to buy them a top shelf drink, and provided I looked affluently dressed, would have complimentary tickets for the next home game, and their company for the rest of the night.

Purely because they think there 'might be something in it for them'.

This happens a lot at other clubs,don't get me wrong - but they don't have a track record of doing this for 30 odd years.

They learn by their mistakes,evolve and move out the deadwood and the disruptive.

Here at City,we make them Captain, let them influence the young and the new and sack the manager.

And it looks like this circus is starting again.

Anyone who blames McInnes has absolutely no idea of the depths of the constant me,me,me culture at AG.

Lansdowns biggest folly is to try to be their friends instead of their employer.


Great post! Never knew it had gone on quite that long but certainly recall it towards the end of Tinnion's era, with the nadir being the players arrested and jailed in 06/07. They're well paid, it's unprofessional- one cannot be at their peak performance wise if they're on the piss- the best teams, do they do this? This sort of thing, this lack of professionalism is one of the many reasons why at International level at least, England have stagnated and are now falling behind.

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To those saying so what, Giggs and Scholes apart (not big drinkers AFAIK), how many top outfield players have played at the highest level here, especially UK ones deep into their 30s? I can think of loads from say Italy- e.g. Nesta, Maldini, Baresi, Costacurta to name but a few. Can't think of a great number here, apart from the two listed. Clearly therefore drink can have a debilitating effect on footballers- it ruined Gazza and Best for one!

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To those saying so what, Giggs and Scholes apart (not big drinkers AFAIK), how many top outfield players have played at the highest level here, especially UK ones deep into their 30s? I can think of loads from say Italy- e.g. Nesta, Maldini, Baresi, Costacurta to name but a few. Can't think of a great number here, apart from the two listed. Clearly therefore drink can have a debilitating effect on footballers- it ruined Gazza and Best for one!

Gazza and Best were raging alcoholics. A bit of an overreaction

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Now if they go out and have a few 1-4 not a problem. After that it starts effecting you, no way a professional sportsman should be going out getting pissed during the season. When the season finishes fine.

Its time fans videoed this behaviour and emailed it to the club so fines and bollockings could be imposed. I thought we had moved on from the Coles Doherty peacock era.

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Gazza and Best were raging alcoholics. A bit of an overreaction

yeah both ****ed by their late 20's one dead early through alcohol, the other tried to kill himself twice because of alcohol. I'm sorry, professional athletes, who get paid to be at the peak of physical health should at the very least drink the smallest amount or abstain from drinking, if they can't they should give up their right of being a pro athlete. I'm sorry, if you cannot get through life without alcohol, to be at peak fitness for your chosen profession, then you are one major sad individual.
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yeah both ****ed by their late 20's one dead early through alcohol, the other tried to kill himself twice because of alcohol. I'm sorry, professional athletes, who get paid to be at the peak of physical health should at the very least drink the smallest amount or abstain from drinking, if they can't they should give up their right of being a pro athlete. I'm sorry, if you cannot get through life without alcohol, to be at peak fitness for your chosen profession, then you are one major sad individual.

They've gone out for a few drinks. I don't see the problem. Now if they are doing it every other night then that would be a problem

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McManus turned up as well at 11 ish, seems very matey with fellow scot Pearson, as to the taking pictures post, not gonna start getting my phone out taking pics like the paps when I'm out having a drink with friends! Would be very odd. I just feel it shows the players aren't really worried about the clubs results, as if I expect others agree I would be having a quiet one at home in a bad mood after taking a beating like that!! Each to their own I suppose!!

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McManus turned up as well at 11 ish, seems very matey with fellow scot Pearson, as to the taking pictures post, not gonna start getting my phone out taking pics like the paps when I'm out having a drink with friends! Would be very odd. I just feel it shows the players aren't really worried about the clubs results, as if I expect others agree I would be having a quiet one at home in a bad mood after taking a beating like that!! Each to their own I suppose!!

If they start dancing on the tables you owe it to yourself to whip your phone out and start filming

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It isn't quite pointing my phone at them though is it!? Ryan come here a sec mate I want a pic of you to get you screwed!? Believe what you want but thought the fans would have a right to know the attitude of the players, which is obviously not acceptable. They didnt even look upset in any way, all laughing and joking and chatting to groups of women all night!

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