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Iranian Warships In The Med!?


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Well no different to ours all over the world. If they are international waters there should be no problem. Just sabre rattling like every country does when things don't go their way.

If it was serious, Iran would lose half their navy in half a day

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Well no different to ours all over the world. If they are international waters there should be no problem. Just sabre rattling like every country does when things don't go their way.

Well the difference is that they want to wipe out Israel from the face of the earth.

Also a good article yesterday in the guardian which say they are the main sponsors of terrorism in the world and the London Olympics is top of their hit list

If it was serious, Iran would lose half their navy in half a day

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So do most of the Muslim world. A war ship and a supply ship is just a look at us we are here message. If a Iranian flotilla came through the Suez canal they would be sitting ducks.

It just a political statement.

I'd be more worried about their uranium enrichment

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So do most of the Muslim world. A war ship and a supply ship is just a look at us we are here message. If a Iranian flotilla came through the Suez canal they would be sitting ducks.

It just a political statement.

I'd be more worried about their uranium enrichment

I agree but it's the political statement that worries me.

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I agree but it's the political statement that worries me.

well it has been like that for years. My understanding many middle eastern and Arab countries want Iran out of the way. But they will never publicly support the west doing anything about it.

I fully expect Israel to attack Iran soon, they don't generally listen to the us UK or UN anyway. If it happens all hell will let loose. At some point in time Israel will have to be cut loose. Will it happen? Probably not, most of the powerful men in the us are Jews.

A shit storm is not far around the corner. I hope Iran's sabre rattling can in some way get things sorted to some extent via dialogue. If it doesn't, it has the chance of triggering ww3

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well it has been like that for years. My understanding many middle eastern and Arab countries want Iran out of the way. But they will never publicly support the west doing anything about it.

I fully expect Israel to attack Iran soon, they don't generally listen to the us UK or UN anyway. If it happens all hell will let loose. At some point in time Israel will have to be cut loose. Will it happen? Probably not, most of the powerful men in the us are Jews.

A shit storm is not far around the corner. I hope Iran's sabre rattling can in some way get things sorted to some extent via dialogue. If it doesn't, it has the chance of triggering ww3

Should we back a pre emptive strike on Iran ?

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Is this another "Leeds in the home end?" type thread?

Iran are playing a dangerous game, regardless of their true intentions on nuclear.

Unless they have a drastic rethink military action is inevitable - the risks are too great....

The US and Russia both had a lot to lose, so the cold war was just that; cold.

The Iranian's have access to enough Allah brainwashed lunatics who think they have nothing to lose and everything to gain...

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Should we back a pre emptive strike on Iran ?

no. Can you imagine the outcome of that? 1 from Russia and China, more to do with money and oil supply here I would imagine, but for everyday people of the UK the threat from so inclined Muslims and Iranians would be devestating.

While the government thinks it can continually cut military resourcing and over commit us all over the world, while making front line troops, air traffic controllers, naval personnel and RAF personnel, then it would be plain stupid.

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Probably not, most of the powerful men in the us are Jews.

Barack Hussien Obama .. Jewish?

In fact, none of the members of the US cabinet are Jewish - and neither are the leaders of any either party in the Senate or any of the chiefs of staff of their Armed Forces. (And nor are any of the CEOs of America's 10 largest corporations for that matter)

I'm not ignoring the vociferousness of the pro-Israeli lobby over their, but the view that "the US is controlled by Jews" is the sort of myth that the Iranian administration peddle.

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Please refer to my thread in the "NigelFarage" post for whats happening:

For totally unbiased and ACURATE news try Russia Today/Tonight.


Brilliant and tells it like it actually is.

Including the inevitable build up to yet more war in the middle east which for some reason the BBC fail to mention.

Um..a re-cap for the non-enlightened.

1) Oil found in Med under an area known as 'Block 4' in the Greek controlled area of Cyprus.

2) Turkey lays claim.

3) Greece quicly allow USA oil companies in.

4) Greece sign MUTUAL DEFENCE PACT with Israel (not on BBC!!)

5) Turkey withold all Satellite info gained from Nato sats on Turkish soil to Israel.

6) Israel,Turkey,Greece,USA and Russia all have Naval assests rushed to Med. Iranian Navy arrive today,part of 18th fleet(brand new destroyer with good weaponry and a VTO fighter - again - not on BBC!)

7)Turkey send Satellite info on Israeli forces build up to Tehran.

8)Iran v USA tensions continue. US 3rd Carrier group headed by USS Enterprise leave for gulf followed by French Carrier Charles DeGaulle

9)Iran blame Israel for Nuclear scientists murders.

10)Israel accuse Iran of "being-close" to light-yield nuke

11)Israel announce intention of pre-emptive strike in April on Iran unless inspections announced.

12) USA state Irans nuclear facilities will be 'too-reinforced to be damaged by conventional(!) means by April.

13)Iran braggs about using 'home produced nuclear fuel' in its reactors.

14)Syria is under increasing political destabilisation from West.

15) Iran confirms joint Syrian - Iranian navy Exercises to be held.

16) Pakistan tells west it will not allow is ground bases or AIRSPACE to be used in any attack on Iran.

So a mighty big shitstorm is building up - 80% of which is not reported on our "national" broadcaster - which is virtually Brusells controlled.

RT.com have a look.

Next election,vote No to LIB/LAB/CON vote no to Europe.

Vote yes to UKIP and get us out of this new quasi-*unacceptable word* alliance growing.....Brusells.

Any group of unelected faceless beurocrats that can remove 2 ELECTED heads of government - Greece and Italy within 24 hours and replace them WITH EU CHOSEN UNELECTED PEOPLE is too be feared as much as the Third Reich.

War is coming as the West have no Oil left.

It's just not on the BBC.

What a load of twaddle. I wont bother to refute most of this, but you only need to get to point one to know there isn't a "Greek controlled part of Cyprus". There is the independent Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Cyprus.

As for Russia Today, controlled by the Russian Government as an arm of the "Russian Information Agency", being unbiased - horseshit! Putin is known for his fair and balanced approach, isn't he?!

The fact is RT falls well short of the standards that any Western European broadcaster would be held to maintain.

Their editor-in-chief says the network "takes a pro-Russian position"and has been unrepentant about RT's pro-Russian coverage of the Russian-Georgian War. The Accuracy In Media watchdog calls RT a "propaganda network funded by the Moscow regime of Vladimir Putin".

To this aim they'll happily push any conspiracy theories and interview any crackpot fringe "expert" that they think will make the US look bad.

The reason the BBC (or C4 or ITN or Sky) haven't reported that story in the way you present it SX225 is because it largely isn't true.

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Found this on a military foum;

Iranian naval ships dock at Syria’s Tartus port

Two Iranian Navy’s ships have docked in the Syrian port of Tartus to provide maritime training to Syria’s naval forces under an agreement signed between Tehran and Damascus a year ago.

The Iranian fleet, consisting of a destroyer and a supply ship, arrived at Tartus port, situated 220 kilometers (136 miles) northwest of the Syrian capital Damascus, on Friday a day after they received permission from the Egyptian armed forces to sail along the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea on their way to the Syrian coast, Mehr News Agency reported on Saturday.

Iran's Navy has increased its presence in international waters since last year, deploying vessels in the Indian Ocean and sending two ships to the Mediterranean Sea for the first time in February 2011 via the Suez Canal.

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Hahahha RT.

Love watching it, it's hysterical. A few months ago it was reporting that Syrian violence was all lies, but that fails to beat its coverage of russias conflict with Georgia.

When the conflict started it was showing pictures of burning tanks, claiming they were Georgian. The reality was different though, the Georgians didn't field that type of tank, and they were infact Russian.

RT is about as honest as Fox news is balanced (another cracking watch if you want a chuckle)

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Barack Hussien Obama .. Jewish?

In fact, none of the members of the US cabinet are Jewish - and neither are the leaders of any either party in the Senate or any of the chiefs of staff of their Armed Forces. (And nor are any of the CEOs of America's 10 largest corporations for that matter)

I'm not ignoring the vociferousness of the pro-Israeli lobby over their, but the view that "the US is controlled by Jews" is the sort of myth that the Iranian administration peddle.

he he, you think Obama and much of the cabinate are the real power brokers in america? Figure heads. You need to dig a little deeper.

Ariel Sharon has even intimated it in the past

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he he, you think Obama and much of the cabinate are the real power brokers in america? Figure heads. You need to dig a little deeper.

Ariel Sharon has even intimated it in the past

So please tell, who are these Jewish powerbrokers?

Have they all read The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion? :facepalm:

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So please tell, who are these Jewish powerbrokers?

Have they all read The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion? :facepalm:

Today, though barely two percent of the nation's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single newspaper, the New York Times ... The role and influence of Jews in American politics is equally marked.

Jews are only two percent of the nation's population yet comprise eleven percent of what this study defines as the nation's elite. However, Jews constitute more than 25 percent of the elite journalists and publishers, more than 17 percent of the leaders of important voluntary and public interest organizations, and more than 15 percent of the top ranking civil servants.

Tis came from independent investigation.

i have no names

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Today, though barely two percent of the nation's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single newspaper, the New York Times ... The role and influence of Jews in American politics is equally marked.

Jews are only two percent of the nation's population yet comprise eleven percent of what this study defines as the nation's elite. However, Jews constitute more than 25 percent of the elite journalists and publishers, more than 17 percent of the leaders of important voluntary and public interest organizations, and more than 15 percent of the top ranking civil servants.

Tis came from independent investigation.

i have no names

Not sure that first fact is true, but even so I would say non-Jewish Rupert Murdoch, through his role as owner of the Fox network, is a bit more influential than various film executives.

People talk about the military-industrial complex being the 'power behind the throne' in American politics, but as I wrote earlier none of the military Heads of Staff and only one CEO of the US's top 10 corporations are Jewish. And the CIA has even been accused of being "anti-Semitic" in its recruitment and promotion policy.

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HaHaHa..but you bit though didn't you!

Seriously though RR - joking aside this time (RT.com) - some of the above has happened,and whilst not a precursor to WW3, it does indicate a very unhealthy willingness by Israeli Zionists to take the gloves off in earnest this time.

Its traditional enemies,Eygpt and Lybia are totally disorganised and incapable of resisting Israeli forces and Syria is seriously being destablilized.

Israel is seriously powerful in a non-nuclear way.

Don't forget as well (and this is true RR!) - that the US have been leasing and heavily securing a small section of Eygpt near the Israeli border for many many years - used for the production of - and this is true RR not some RT bs....Abrahms battle tanks.

Both the A-1 and A-2 have been made there and now the production of the A-3 has started.

Its a situation like the leasing of Bahrain for the 5th fleet - same principle.

So Israel also will have access to a shitload of Abrahms Battletanks not 200kms away.

And that RR,if find really scary.

The Zionists have the upper hand in the kanasus at the mo and in Washington too - they are very dangerous people.

Do I support the Zionists - never!

No better than Islamic fanatics, but I DO fully support Israel/Jewish right to a peacefull existence.

Unfortunately for Israel the Zionists are calling the shots for the moment and they have been waiting for this for a very,very long time.

I hope cooler International heads can reign them in and introduce some moderates again into Israeli Parliament.

And thats not really on the BBC RR but its in the press in the good ol USA!

Whats your take mate?

Glad you support peaceful co-existence, SX.

I think the warships thing is yet more sabre-rattling by Ahmadinejad. That man could strut sitting down!

The deliberate policy of confrontation and studied defiance is part of a drive within the Tehran regime to bond people together by creating an "beleagured us against aggressive them" attitude.

Without being able to distract his people with foreign rows, Ahmedinejad would be in serious trouble. It's tough for Western journalists to report from Iran because there are so many restrictions but political unrest is almost at Syria level and he's fighting two very serious armed insugencies in the country - one in Baluchistan, the other with its Kurdish minority.

As for the Abrams tank - why would the US produce them in Egypt? Wikipedia says they are made in Lima, Ohio. And even if they were made in Egypt, why would that give Israel "access to them"? The border area is controled by Hamas. Not the safest area to develop a new top-secret battle tank....

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Why does it have to bother us what the Iranians are doing. I never hear Ireland kicking up a fuss about something that's happening far away. Perhaps if we concentrated on making alternative fuel our goal we wouldn't need to bother about the middle east at all. There are many many alternatives to oil, concentrate what's left of our budget on making it on a bigger scale. Don't leave it to the oil companies to make it happen, you'll be waiting forever.

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Why does it have to bother us what the Iranians are doing. I never hear Ireland kicking up a fuss about something that's happening far away. Perhaps if we concentrated on making alternative fuel our goal we wouldn't need to bother about the middle east at all. There are many many alternatives to oil, concentrate what's left of our budget on making it on a bigger scale. Don't leave it to the oil companies to make it happen, you'll be waiting forever.

I will bet my last penny the oil companies have tied up all the rights for technology that allows alternative energy work properly. I.e not a car that requires petrol to charge a battery cell, or a car that you plug in for 24 hours and get 50 mile range.
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