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Give Us Our Ball Back!


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Best bit of last night was the half time 'game' with david lloyd. Thiat leicester kid got some stick, was pretty awkward at best

I wouldn't of laughed my head off at the kid if he wasn't being so damned cocky. He must of thought he was Cristiano Ronaldo or something. Ah well it was pure entertainment.

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(I put this on another post about atmosphere before reading this post, so I'll put it here as well)

If the Ballboy survives, it would be good to give him a little mention on Saturday....something like 'we've got the best behaved Ballboys in the land'???

He was great, when the three jobsworths in high-vis were getting stroppy one of them gestured towards the Ballboy probably saying to his 2 mates..'But he threw it back to them'.....The Ballboy just sat on his little stool, shrugged and put his arms out as if to say....'It wasn't me'.

Great moment....then came 'Sacked in the morning' Brilliant! That was probably when James had a look over his shoulder and chuckled.

Also in the game when we were hanging on for dear lives, James went to get the ball by him, they were having a bit of a 'tactic' conversation on how they could best waste a bit of time, and I'm sure the lad was saying and gesturing to James to slow down and take your time. The Ref gave James a shout to hurry it along and James pointed at the Ballboy and blamed him (but was laughing). Brilliant! Partners in crime them two!

I hope he survives!

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