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If The Club Want Us To Survive.......

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Maybe it's just me, but every time we get a decent crowd, the players always manage to balls it up somehow and the last 15minutes of the games with thousands of fans streaming out the ground can't be good for the players morale.

I say that, but when I think of the packed houses we've had in the past i.e Crystal Palace Play offs, Hartlepool place offs, Rotherham must win game for promotion, we've had packed houses and gone on to win, however my overall feeling is it generally goes wrong when we have a big crowd.

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Filling AG for what are the most crucial games we have had for 5 years or so is a great idea in principle and would make atmos more intimidating.............however..........It would probably make our team most nervous!

Also you are forgetting how fickle BCFC fans are...........don't you think WE (BCFC support) should all be turning up anyway ?

Regardless of cost or how we are playing because we recognize that THE TEAM NEED US TO BE THERE

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I don't know if anyone else has had a similar experience but I cannot find anyone who wants my season ticket for free weeks when I cannot make it so even selling them for £15 may not yield much.

nope theres normally 3 or so ppl who have mine as I can't make most midweek games due to work commitments

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Its all about league position.

IF city were up there looming around promotion or somewhere in the top 10 and had a decent team, People would turn up....

We've dropped so far down without any real off field problems, A decent level of financial backing and new managers...

Only the general hardcore is left and I expect that will carry on until there's a huge turn around at the club, Chasing promotion to the PL again.

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A packed house would be all very well and good - but there is something to be said for the die hard 12k odd who all want it so badly and would probably produce a more passionate, hostile atmosphere than 16/17/18k, a large proportion of whom are just there for a cheap day out and couldnt really care less as they will not carry the effects of relegation or survival.

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I don't know if anyone else has had a similar experience but I cannot find anyone who wants my season ticket for free weeks when I cannot make it so even selling them for £15 may not yield much.

I had a similar experience. I have a spare ticket for Derby and 2 City fans turned it down (for free!) before one said yes, or rather 80% yes! So I don't think a £15 price will stir up that much interest, especially as the weather is nice lately, people will just find other things to do.

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A packed house would be all very well and good - but there is something to be said for the die hard 12k odd who all want it so badly and would probably produce a more passionate, hostile atmosphere than 16/17/18k, a large proportion of whom are just there for a cheap day out and couldnt really care less as they will not carry the effects of relegation or survival.

The only way Bristol City are going to bring in 18k+ crowds is by challenging for promotion to the PL.

For instance 25-30k would be a huge turn out if we were doing well in the PL, Let alone a basement champ side.

12k is what you would expect if not less at any club in the amount of mess city are in!

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Long time reader, first time poster....

It's not all about League position. I am a POTD City fan, and have been going down the gate for over 15 years. I have two young children and work long hours in the week and find a season ticket a big commitment of time. I have only been too 4 home games this season because i don't like paying £27 for a ticket (plus nearly £10 fuel from Frome).

£15 a ticket and i would be there most home games, win, lose or draw.

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If the people in the boardroom really want us to survive in the championship then, why don't they ensure that every last home game is packed to the rafters, and the gate is a hostile fortress of noise.

Drop the ticket prices to £15, make it affordable, make it full, make it loud.

If you look at our attendances for the majority of this season, POTD has been virtually zero, in fact since new year I'd say that even season ticket holders are staying away.

We need all the support we can get and at £30 POTD, we sadly won't get it, if the club and powers that be really want US there, then make it happen, if not then please stop spouting shite about how important we are and creating an atmosphere really helps etc..........

Chairman, Directors of the board, do your bit and we shall do ours.

Excellent idea - the marginal cost of stewards, etc for larger crowds would be offset by increased catering sales, etc. If very few who attend at the moment are POTD, then the club can't really lose anything by dropping prices. Pack the gate, make some noise (positive noise, hopefully!)

MAkes perfect sense

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Surely our pay on the day is the average prices for this league?

If we stay up....and if we want to compete....they can't beat dropped

It's a bit of simple economics: demand for POTD is probably quite elastic at the moment (google it!) so say we get a standard POTD of 3k @ £30 = £90k; but if we drop prices to £15 and get 7k POTD then it's 7k @ £15 = £105k, so the club makes more money

Even if it loses money, if this helps us stay up, then it's worth it in the long run

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Don't they have special student prices?

The club dropped the student prices for the start of this season, as I left uni last year I just missed it, but most students cant really go any more as to go from £170 a season for a ST (which is what I paid for my last one) to something around £320 was it? Is a massive price increase and when you only get £1,300 per every 3 or 4 months the money is needed elsewhere

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Excellent idea - the marginal cost of stewards, etc for larger crowds would be offset by increased catering sales, etc. If very few who attend at the moment are POTD, then the club can't really lose anything by dropping prices. Pack the gate, make some noise (positive noise, hopefully!)

MAkes perfect sense

don't forget the extra polining which I think curently stands at 250k a game, you have to bring extra in, extra stewards not every eats at the ground and there needs to be intrest,

alot of the recent offers like bring a friend for 10 quid or quid for a kid haven't done jack, even when they opened up the eastend for it, it still didn't add that much to the gate,

Its all great people demanding the club do somthing but when they do people still don't bother with it,

The club have had a hardcore support of 10 - 11k for years now thats not grown, the only reason gate went as high as they did was because people thought we would be challenging for promotion,

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I agree with this wholeheartedly!!! I am still going to see two home games and an away game at Birmingham, although it's with the Birmingham fans cos I'm with one of my best mates who supports Birmingham!! I would normally go to about 8 home games and a couple of away games cos I live in the Midlands(Born in Bristol), I'm still too young to leave home, my Dad works later in the Summer and it costs quite a lot. If it wasnt for the price I would probably be allowed to go a bit more!! 12,500 is a rubbish attendance and the atmosphere ent great!!

My first game at Ashton Gate was the PNE game where Bristol scored 4 and Evander Sno scored! ANYONE ELSE WATCHED THAT GAME?????!!!!????? I had supported Bristol City for a few years and watched Bristol at the Ricoh before that but never at Ashton Gate!!!

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Liverpool fan coming in peace - I live just round the corner from AG and i've been a regular lurker on here for some time as City are very much my second team now. I come down a couple of times a season but i'd be down most home games if the tickets were cheaper.

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I agree with this wholeheartedly!!! I am still going to see two home games and an away game at Birmingham, although it's with the Birmingham fans cos I'm with one of my best mates who supports Birmingham!! I would normally go to about 8 home games and a couple of away games cos I live in the Midlands(Born in Bristol), I'm still too young to leave home, my Dad works later in the Summer and it costs quite a lot. If it wasnt for the price I would probably be allowed to go a bit more!! 12,500 is a rubbish attendance and the atmosphere ent great!!

My first game at Ashton Gate was the PNE game where Bristol scored 4 and Evander Sno scored! ANYONE ELSE WATCHED THAT GAME?????!!!!????? I had supported Bristol City for a few years and watched Bristol at the Ricoh before that but never at Ashton Gate!!!

Haven't supported City for a long time then? What got you the bug? I was also at that game.

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The club will say and rightly so, that they have to protect season ticket holders and make sure they are getting the best deal overall.

Personnally, I'd have no problem with it - but some season ticket holders may?

Maybe they could take the opportunity to factor in a discount into next seasons ST's for the current ST holders who would be being 'devalued' now? Ok not everyone is going to renew but it would be a way forward and give something to all supporters.

For next season I'd rather the pricing went the' pile it high and flog 'em cheap' Easyjet-stylee, than the BA prawns and stuff.

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Haven't supported City for a long time then? What got you the bug? I was also at that game.

I havent supported them for long cos I'm still under 18yrs old!!! I half supported them before but then a game at the Ricoh when Bristol won 3-0 inspired me and as I was born in Bristol I decided to support them at the age of about 9 or 10 I think?!?!?! What do you mean by the bug bit??? I loved that game, I was in the Atyeo stand for that game but normally I am in the Dolman now!

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Filling AG for what are the most crucial games we have had for 5 years or so is a great idea in principle and would make atmos more intimidating.............however..........It would probably make our team most nervous!

Also you are forgetting how fickle BCFC fans are...........don't you think WE (BCFC support) should all be turning up anyway ?

Regardless of cost or how we are playing because we recognize that THE TEAM NEED US TO BE THERE

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I have made my views quite clear on pricing of games over the last few months, not just with City but for all clubs - I would love to see this happen and would come along, not only because it would be more affordable but I would feel the price was actually realistic.

I would rather see things change over the long term though and I agree that Season Ticket buyers should always have a good deal and they have to be careful when offering these deals.

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Florist are pushing the game against us £10 a ticket - http://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10308~2690362,00.html

why cant we do the same for all our home fixtures - those people who would go but cant because the price tag is putting them off then this is the ideal oppurtunity to drag them in at least give them the chance and who knows it may make a difference - look at leicseter !!

We have few chances left and we have to make all the right moves now, its no good when we are back in L1 saying mmm we should have done this or that, im sure season ticket holders dont give a monkeys if there paid prices have been undercut (i for one dont care) - staying up is the only thing that counts !

on another thread i mentioned about multiple tickets, 6 for £50 etc - not sure who makes the decision on this type of thing but if its marketing or commercial departments then they need to act NOW - " get em in the gate " £10, £5, quid a kid whatever - two massive games coming up, cheap tickets, belly full of cider and a good atmosphere with all your mates or spending it with the misses an outlaws - hard choice i know ?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing - lets give us every possible chance of staying up - " get em in the gate "

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How many of those saying "I would come if it was cheaper" took advantage of the £10 offer for the Palace game? The attendance for that was shite! it was always likely to be, so the club DID try something and the responce from people was not a great deal more than ZERO!!

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Just a thought... Would a better solution all round not be... rather than a one off offer for people to come to a game because it is cheap - how about an offer along the same lines, but that would also possibly create a bit of a habit with people attending and do a "watch our last 3 Games for £30 total" (obviously too late to include Saturdays game now)

The only problem I see with this is that the club maywell be hoping for a bigger crowd for the Wham game, without needing to discount it, but surely seats would be better off going to those willing to commit to come int to the last 3 games than those who just fancy watching Wham play!

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